三省堂 中学2年生 NEW CROWN(ニュークラウン) Lesson5 Part4の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson5-1, 5-2, 5-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>中2NEW CROWN Lesson5 Part1 本文和訳
>中2NEW CROWN Lesson5 Part2 本文和訳
>中2NEW CROWN Lesson5 Part3 本文和訳
- Lesson5 Part4 本文と日本語訳
- Lesson5 Part4 重要事項の解説
- From, To, Subject, Dear, All the best
- Thank you for offering us some choices of activities at the welcome party.
- I will write a summary in this e-mail.
- I will attach a file to give you further details.
- Eight of my students like the kimono activity the best.
- They think kimonos are the most beautiful thing in Japanese culture.
- They want to wear them, take pictures, and learn about the history of kimonos.
- Karate is as popular as wearing a kimono.
- Another eight students chose this activity.
- Half of them are members of a karate dojo in Auckland.
- They think karate practice in Japan is harder than in New Zealand, so they want to practice karate with Japanese students.
- A couple of my students chose shodo.
- These students are interested in languages.
- They think Japanese writing is the most beautiful.
- They want to use shodo brushes and write their names and some words in Japanese.
- In short, for our class, these three activities are more interesting than other activities.
- I hope this information helps when you organize the welcome party.
- This will be a great opportunity for us.
- We look forward to seeing you soon.
- Lesson5 Part4 まとめ
Lesson5 Part4 本文と日本語訳
From: Auckland High School
To: Wakaba Junior High School
Subject: Japanese Cultural Activities at the Party
Dear students and teachers at Wakaba Junior High School.
Thank you for offering us some choices of activities at the welcome party.
Everybody in my class answered your question.
I will write a summary in this e-mail.
I will attach a file to give you further details.
Eight of my students like the kimono activity the best.
They know kimonos from Japanese movies and manga.
They think kimonos are the most beautiful thing in Japanese culture.
They want to wear them, take pictures, and learn about the history of kimonos.
Karate is as popular as wearing a kimono.
Another eight students chose this activity.
Half of them are members of a karate dojo in Auckland.
They think karate practice in Japan is harder than in New Zealand, so they want to practice karate with Japanese students.
A couple of my students chose shodo.
These students are interested in languages.
They think Japanese writing is the most beautiful.
They want to use shodo brushes and write their names and some words in Japanese.
In short, for our class, these three activities are more interesting than other activities.
I hope this information helps when you organize the welcome party.
This will be a great opportunity for us.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
All the best,

Lesson5 Part4 重要事項の解説
From, To, Subject, Dear, All the best
“Dear”は手紙の頭語で,“All the best”が手紙の結語です。日本語でいう「拝啓」と「敬具」,「前略」と「草々」にあたります。
結語は他にも“Best Regards”や“Sincerely”,“Take care”などがあります。特に日本語に訳す必要はないです。
Thank you for offering us some choices of activities at the welcome party.
“thank you for~”は「~してくれてありがとう」という重要表現です。“for”は前置詞なので,後ろには名詞が入ります。
“welcome party”は「歓迎会」です。
I will write a summary in this e-mail.
I will attach a file to give you further details.
“to give”は「不定詞の形容詞的用法」になっていて,直前の“a file”を修飾しています(不定詞の副詞的用法でもOKだと思います。)
Eight of my students like the kimono activity the best.
この文では,“like ~ the best”という「比較の応用表現」が使われていますね。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
They think kimonos are the most beautiful thing in Japanese culture.
They want to wear them, take pictures, and learn about the history of kimonos.
“want to 動詞の原形”で「~したい」という重要表現です!「不定詞の名詞的用法」と一緒に確認しておきましょう。
この文では“wear”, “take”, “learn(学ぶ)”が“want to”に繋がっていますね。
3つ以上の単語を“and”で繋げたいときは,最後の単語の前に”and”を置いて,それ以外はカンマ(,)で繋ぎます。例えばA, B, C, Dの4つを並べるときは,
“A, B, C and D”としてあげます。
Karate is as popular as wearing a kimono.
Another eight students chose this activity.
Half of them are members of a karate dojo in Auckland.
“half”は「半分(の)」という意味で,“half of~”で「~の半分」になります。
“member of~”は「~の一員」という意味ですね。
They think karate practice in Japan is harder than in New Zealand, so they want to practice karate with Japanese students.
A couple of my students chose shodo.
“a couple of~”は「2,3の~,少しの」といった意味になります。
These students are interested in languages.
“be interested in~”は「~に興味がある」という重要表現です。必ず覚えておきましょう!
They think Japanese writing is the most beautiful.
“Japanese writing”は「日本語で書かれるもの」くらいで訳せばOKです。
They want to use shodo brushes and write their names and some words in Japanese.
“brush”は「筆,ブラシ」という名詞で,“shodo brush”で「(書道で使う)筆」のことですね。
“in 言語”は「~語で」という意味になります。
In short, for our class, these three activities are more interesting than other activities.
“in short”は「要するに,手短に言えば」という重要表現です。
I hope this information helps when you organize the welcome party.
This will be a great opportunity for us.
“This”は“the welcome party”のことですね。
We look forward to seeing you soon.
“look forward to~”は「~を楽しみに待つ」という重要表現です。

Lesson5 Part4 まとめ
以上がLesson5 Part4の日本語訳となります。
>中2NEW CROWN Lesson5 Part1 本文和訳
>中2NEW CROWN Lesson5 Part2 本文和訳
>中2NEW CROWN Lesson5 Part3 本文和訳