三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson8-1, 8-3, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳
- ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 本文と日本語訳
- ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 重要事項の解説
- François Pienaar, who was the captain of the Springboks, and the other players supported Mandela’s idea and were trying to grasp what he meant by “One Team, One Country.”
- This might have taken longer if they hadn’t paid a visit to a prison on an island called Robben Island.
- The team members came to understand Mandela’s feelings better when they took a trip to the island where he had been in captivity.
- Robben Island was still being used as a prison.
- The players saw the cell where Mandela had been imprisoned for such a long time.
- They entered the cell, one or two at a time, because it did not have the capacity to hold any more than that.
- Seeing that tiny room, they truly realized what white people had done to black people in the past.
- After seeing Mandela’s cell, the Springbok players were welcomed by the prisoners there, who were all black people.
- Fifteen years before, the prisoners there had been listening on the radio to the Springboks game against a British team, cheering for the British team.
- Although the guards yelled at them to stop their cheering, they cheered on for the foreign team.
- But now, these prisoners looked delighted and even honored to meet the team members.
- Pienaar stepped forward and told them that the team was now representing the whole country including them.
- Hearing this, the prisoners began singing a song together for the players.
- The prisoners were trying to put the past behind them and look to the future where they could become friends with their old enemies.
- However, there was still a long way to go until all black South Africans could forget what had happened in the past and start supporting the team.
- ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 まとめ
ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 本文と日本語訳
François Pienaar, who was the captain of the Springboks, and the other players supported Mandela’s idea and were trying to grasp what he meant by “One Team, One Country.”
This might have taken longer if they hadn’t paid a visit to a prison on an island called Robben Island.
The team members came to understand Mandela’s feelings better when they took a trip to the island where he had been in captivity.
Robben Island was still being used as a prison.
The players saw the cell where Mandela had been imprisoned for such a long time.
They entered the cell, one or two at a time, because it did not have the capacity to hold any more than that.
Seeing that tiny room, they truly realized what white people had done to black people in the past.
After seeing Mandela’s cell, the Springbok players were welcomed by the prisoners there, who were all black people.
Fifteen years before, the prisoners there had been listening on the radio to the Springboks game against a British team, cheering for the British team.
Although the guards yelled at them to stop their cheering, they cheered on for the foreign team.
But now, these prisoners looked delighted and even honored to meet the team members.
Pienaar stepped forward and told them that the team was now representing the whole country including them.
Hearing this, the prisoners began singing a song together for the players.
The prisoners were trying to put the past behind them and look to the future where they could become friends with their old enemies.
However, there was still a long way to go until all black South Africans could forget what had happened in the past and start supporting the team.
ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 重要事項の解説
François Pienaar, who was the captain of the Springboks, and the other players supported Mandela’s idea and were trying to grasp what he meant by “One Team, One Country.”
“who”は「主格の関係代名詞」ですが、カンマが付いているので「非制限用法」で、“who was the captain of the Springboks“が先行詞“François Pienaar“を修飾しています。
“captain”は「キャプテン、船長」という名詞、“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
“try to 動詞の原形”は「~しようとする」という意味で,これから挑戦するという未来の内容か,挑戦してみたけどダメだったというようなニュアンスで使われることが多いです。難しいといった意味合いが含まれるということですね。
“what”は「関係代名詞」で,“what”1語で“the thing(s) that~(~ということ・もの)”という意味を持ちます。今回は「目的格の関係代名詞」ですね。
“he meant by “One Team, One Country” “が先行詞“what(the thing)”を修飾しています。
This might have taken longer if they hadn’t paid a visit to a prison on an island called Robben Island.
“might”は助動詞“may(~かもしれない)”の過去形で、“take longer”は「時間がかかる」という意味です。
“they”は“François Pienaar and the other players”を指していて、“pay a visit to~”は「~を訪問する」となります。
“prison”は「刑務所」、“island”は「島」という名詞、“called”は「過去分詞」で、“called Robben Island“が“an island“を修飾していますね。
The team members came to understand Mandela’s feelings better when they took a trip to the island where he had been in captivity.
“come to 動詞の原形”は「~するようになる」という表現で、“understand”は「を理解する」という動詞、“feeling”は「感情、気持ち」という名詞、“better”は副詞“well(よく、上手に)”の「比較級」ですね。
“they”は“The team members”を指していて、“take a trip to~”は「~に旅行する、足を運ぶ」という意味です。
“where”は「関係副詞」で、“where he had been in captivity”が先行詞“the island”を修飾しています。
“be in captivity”は「捕らわれの身である」という表現で、“had been”は「過去完了」の「大過去」の用法ですね。
Robben Island was still being used as a prison.
The players saw the cell where Mandela had been imprisoned for such a long time.
“where Mandela had been imprisoned for such a long time”が先行詞“the cell”を修飾していますね。
“had been imprisoned”は「受動態」と「過去完了の継続用法」がセットになっていて、“imprison”は「を投獄する、刑務所に入れる」という動詞です。
“for such a long time”で「非常に長い間」という表現ですね。
They entered the cell, one or two at a time, because it did not have the capacity to hold any more than that.
“They”は“The players”を指していて、“enter”は「に入る」という動詞ですね。
“at a time”は「同時に」という表現で、後ろには「接続詞because」も使われています。
“it”は“the cell”を指していて、“capacity”は「収容能力、定員」といった名詞になります。
“hold”は「を入れる、掴む、開催する」という動詞で、ここでは“to”が付いて「不定詞の形容詞的用法」として“the capacity”を修飾しています。
“any more than~”で「~以上」といった意味で、“that”は“one or two”を指しています。
Seeing that tiny room, they truly realized what white people had done to black people in the past.
もともとは“When they saw that tiny room,~”という文だったのが、接続詞“when”と主語“they”が省略されて、“saw”が“Seeing“に変わっていますね。
“they”は“The players”を指していて、“truly”は「真に、本当に」という副詞、“realize”は「に気づく、を理解する」という動詞になります。
“what”は「関係代名詞」で,“what”1語で“the thing(s) that~(~ということ・もの)”という意味を持ちます。今回は「目的格の関係代名詞」ですね。
“white people had done”が先行詞“what(the thing)”を修飾しています。
“in the past”は「過去に」という表現になります。
After seeing Mandela’s cell, the Springbok players were welcomed by the prisoners there, who were all black people.
“prisoner”は「囚人」という名詞で、“there”は“Robben Island”を指しています。
この“who”も「主格の関係代名詞」ですが、カンマが付いているので「非制限用法」で、“who were all black people“が先行詞“the prisoners“を修飾しています。
Fifteen years before, the prisoners there had been listening on the radio to the Springboks game against a British team, cheering for the British team.
“had been listening”は「過去完了進行形」になっていて、“listen on the radio to~”は「ラジオで~の放送を聞く」となります。
“cheer”は「応援する」という動詞、“cheer for~”は「を応援する」という意味で、ここでは「付帯状況」の「分詞構文」になっています。
Although the guards yelled at them to stop their cheering, they cheered on for the foreign team.
“although”は「~だが」という接続詞、“guard”は「看守、警察官」といった名詞、“yell”は「怒鳴る」という動詞で、“yell at~”で「を怒鳴る」となります。
“them”と“they”は“the prisoners there”を指していて、“to stop”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっています。
“cheer on”は「声援を送る、応援する」という意味で、“for”は「~のため」という前置詞、“foreign”は「外国の」という形容詞になります。
But now, these prisoners looked delighted and even honored to meet the team members.
“look 形容詞”は「~に見える、~そうだ」という重要表現で、“delighted”は「喜んだ」、“honored”は「光栄に思った、誇りに思った」という形容詞、“even”は「~さえ」といった強調を示す副詞です。
“to meet”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていて、“delighted and even honored”という感情になった原因を表していますね。
Pienaar stepped forward and told them that the team was now representing the whole country including them.
“step”は「前へ進む、踏む」という動詞で、“step forward”で「前に出る」という意味です。
“them”は“these prisoners”を指していて、後ろには「接続詞that」がありますね。
Hearing this, the prisoners began singing a song together for the players.
もともとは“When the prisoners heard this,~”という文だったのが、接続詞“when”と主語が省略されて、“heard“が“Hearing“に変わっていますね。
The prisoners were trying to put the past behind them and look to the future where they could become friends with their old enemies.
“try to 動詞の原形”は「~しようとする」という意味でしたね。ここでは「過去進行形」になっています。
“put the past behind 人”は「(人の)過去を忘れる」という表現になります。“them”と“they”は”The prisoners”を指していますね。
“look to~”は「~に目を向ける」という表現です。
“where”は「関係副詞」で、“where they could become friends with their old enemies”が先行詞“the future”を修飾しています。
“become friends with~”は「~と親しくなる、友達になる」といった表現で、“enemy”は「敵」という名詞です。
However, there was still a long way to go until all black South Africans could forget what had happened in the past and start supporting the team.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
“there is a long way to go”で「長い道のりがある」という意味で、“until”は「~するまで」という接続詞です。
“forget”は「を忘れる」という動詞、“what”は「関係代名詞」で,“what”1語で“the thing(s) that~(~ということ・もの)”という意味を持ちます。今回は「主格の関係代名詞」ですね。
“had happened in the past”が先行詞“what(the thing)”を修飾しています。
ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 まとめ
以上がELEMENT Lesson8 Section2の日本語訳となります。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳