三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson8-1, 8-2, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳
- ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 重要事項の解説
- The atmosphere gradually changed as the team achieved one victory after another.
- Black people who did not even know the rules of rugby before the World Cup became interested in playing it with white people.
- The better the Springboks played, the more black people began playing rugby.
- At last, the whole nation was following the games and supporting the Springboks.
- More and more people began to wave their new national flag, which meant the real end of apartheid.
- The team finally met the All Blacks from New Zealand in the final.
- Five minutes before the game, Nelson Mandela stepped out onto the field to shake hands with the players.
- He was wearing the green Springbok cap and uniform.
- When the people saw him, they went completely still.
- Then a chant began, low at first, but rising quickly in volume and intensity.
- The crowd of white people, as one nation, began chanting, “Nel-son! Nel-son!” over and over again.
- It was a magic moment.
- ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 まとめ
ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 本文と日本語訳
The atmosphere gradually changed as the team achieved one victory after another.
Black people who did not even know the rules of rugby before the World Cup became interested in playing it with white people.
The better the Springboks played, the more black people began playing rugby.
At last, the whole nation was following the games and supporting the Springboks.
More and more people began to wave their new national flag, which meant the real end of apartheid.
The team finally met the All Blacks from New Zealand in the final.
Five minutes before the game, Nelson Mandela stepped out onto the field to shake hands with the players.
He was wearing the green Springbok cap and uniform.
When the people saw him, they went completely still.
Then a chant began, low at first, but rising quickly in volume and intensity.
The crowd of white people, as one nation, began chanting, “Nel-son! Nel-son!” over and over again.
It was a magic moment.
ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 重要事項の解説
The atmosphere gradually changed as the team achieved one victory after another.
“achieve”は「を勝ち取る、獲得する」という動詞、“victory”は「勝利」という名詞で、“one after another”は「次々と」という表現になります。
Black people who did not even know the rules of rugby before the World Cup became interested in playing it with white people.
“who”は「主格の関係代名詞」で、“who did not even know the rules of rugby before the World Cup“が先行詞“Black people“を修飾しています。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“became”は“become(~になる)”の過去形で、“become interested in~”で「~に興味を持つ」ですね。
The better the Springboks played, the more black people began playing rugby.
“The 比較級~, the 比較級…”は「~すればするほど、ますます…」という重要表現です。
At last, the whole nation was following the games and supporting the Springboks.
“at last”は「最終的に、ついに」という副詞表現で、“whole”は「全体の」という形容詞、“nation”は「国、国家」という名詞になります。
More and more people began to wave their new national flag, which meant the real end of apartheid.
“more and more”は「ますます」という重要表現で、“wave”は「を振る」という動詞です。
“to wave”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっていますね。
“which”は「主格の関係代名詞」ですが、カンマが付いているので「非制限用法」で、“which meant the real end of apartheid“が直前の文全体を修飾しています。
The team finally met the All Blacks from New Zealand in the final.
“All Blacks”はニュージーランドのラグビーチームで、試合前に行う「ハカ」が有名ですね。
前置詞“from”は「~出身の」という意味で、“in the final”は「決勝戦で」という表現です。
Five minutes before the game, Nelson Mandela stepped out onto the field to shake hands with the players.
“数字 before~”で「~の…前に」となります。
“step out”は「足を踏み入れる、踏み出す」といった表現で、“onto”は「~の上に」という前置詞です。
“field”は「フィールド、野原、分野」といった名詞で、“shake hands with~”は「~と握手する」という重要表現ですね。
He was wearing the green Springbok cap and uniform.
When the people saw him, they went completely still.
ここでは「接続詞when」が使われていて、“they”は“the people”を指していますね。
“completely still”は「静まり返った、完全に静止した」といった表現になります。
Then a chant began, low at first, but rising quickly in volume and intensity.
“low”は「低く、小さく」といった副詞で、“at first”は「最初は」という表現です。
“rise”は「上がる」という動詞で、“rise in~”で「~が上がる」という意味になります。ここでは「動名詞」になっていて、“began”に繋がっていますね。
The crowd of white people, as one nation, began chanting, “Nel-son! Nel-son!” over and over again.
“as”は「~として」という前置詞で、“as one nation”はそのまま「1つの国として」と訳しました。
“over and over again”は「何度も何度も」という重要表現です。
It was a magic moment.
ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 まとめ
以上がELEMENT Lesson8 Section3の日本語訳となります。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳