高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳

Element Lesson8

三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Lesson8-2, 8-3, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳

>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳

>高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳

  1. ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文と日本語訳
  2. ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 重要事項の解説
    1. Playing the Enemy
    2. The final game of the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa was one of the most exciting international games for most people in the world.
    3. However, it meant more than that to South Africans.
    4. All the people of the country, of many different races, were watching the game with much hope for the future.
    5. People who were once enemies were cheering together for their national team.
    6. In South Africa, black people had long been discriminated against under a system called apartheid.
    7. Their education, employment, and residences were strictly separated from white people.
    8. They could not receive good education, find work, or live in certain areas that were only for white people.
    9. Eventually, people who did not like this policy grew in number both domestically and overseas.
    10. Nelson Mandela was leading a group of such people when he was arrested by the police and put in prison.
    11. He was in captivity in a small cell for 27 years until he was finally freed in 1990.
    12. In 1994, general elections were held, in which all citizens of all races were allowed to vote for the first time in the history of South Africa, and Mandela was elected president of South Africa.
    13. In that same year, apartheid was abolished, and a new national flag was designed as a symbol of the new South Africa.
    14. However, black people could not forget about the hardship they had been suffering for many years.
    15. At the same time, white people were afraid that black people would strike back at them.
    16. They were far from becoming friends.
    17. In fact, they were only a step away from war.
    18. To solve this conflict, Mandela thought he could use sports to unify the nation and make them feel closer to one another.
    19. He chose rugby.
    20. In South Africa, rugby was a “white people’s sport.”
    21. Black people hated the Springboks, South Atrica’s national team, so much that they did not cheer for their team but cheered for foreign teams instead.
    22. Mandela thought, “If people of different colors played a sport together, or cheered for the same team together, they could become more intimate.”
  3. ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 まとめ

ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 本文と日本語訳

Playing the Enemy


The final game of the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa was one of the most exciting international games for most people in the world.


However, it meant more than that to South Africans.


All the people of the country, of many different races, were watching the game with much hope for the future.


People who were once enemies were cheering together for their national team.


In South Africa, black people had long been discriminated against under a system called apartheid.


Their education, employment, and residences were strictly separated from white people.


They could not receive good education, find work, or live in certain areas that were only for white people.


Eventually, people who did not like this policy grew in number both domestically and overseas.


Nelson Mandela was leading a group of such people when he was arrested by the police and put in prison.


He was in captivity in a small cell for 27 years until he was finally freed in 1990.


In 1994, general elections were held, in which all citizens of all races were allowed to vote for the first time in the history of South Africa, and Mandela was elected president of South Africa.


In that same year, apartheid was abolished, and a new national flag was designed as a symbol of the new South Africa.


However, black people could not forget about the hardship they had been suffering for many years.


At the same time, white people were afraid that black people would strike back at them.


They were far from becoming friends.


In fact, they were only a step away from war.


    To solve this conflict, Mandela thought he could use sports to unify the nation and make them feel closer to one another.


    He chose rugby.


    In South Africa, rugby was a “white people’s sport.”


    Black people hated the Springboks, South Atrica’s national team, so much that they did not cheer for their team but cheered for foreign teams instead.


    Mandela thought, “If people of different colors played a sport together, or cheered for the same team together, they could become more intimate.”


    ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 重要事項の解説

    Playing the Enemy



    The final game of the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa was one of the most exciting international games for most people in the world.

    “final”「最後の」という形容詞、“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。

    “South Africa”「南アフリカ共和国」ですね。訳はすべて「南アフリカ」としています。

    “one of 名詞の複数形”「~の中の1つ」という表現で、ここでは“exciting”「最上級」になっていますね。


    However, it meant more than that to South Africans.


    同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。

    “文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。

    “it”The final game of the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africaを指していて、“meant”“mean(を意味する)”の過去形になります。

    “more than~”「~以上のもの、~どころではない」といった意味で、“that”The final game of the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africaを指していますね。


    All the people of the country, of many different races, were watching the game with much hope for the future.

    “all the 名詞”は,“all of the 名詞”“of”が省略された形です。“all”の品詞としては「代名詞」にあたります。だから冠詞“the”の前にあるんですね。

    ただ,訳すときはふつうに前から「すべての名詞」と訳してOKです。つまりは“all 名詞”という形と意味は同じになります。

    “of”は後ろから前に訳しましたね。“of many different races”の前には“All the people”が省略されていますよ。


    “All the people of the country”“(All the people) of many different races”「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!



    “much”「たくさんの」という、不可算名詞の前に置ける形容詞で、“hope”「期待・希望」という名詞、“hope for~”「~に対する期待・希望」といった意味です。 

    People who were once enemies were cheering together for their national team.

    “who”「主格の関係代名詞」で、“who were once enemies”が先行詞“People”を修飾しています。

    “once”「かつて」“together”「一緒に」という副詞で、“cheer for~”「~を応援する」という意味です。ここでは「過去進行形」になっていますね。

    “their”“People”を指していて、“national”「国の、国民の」といった形容詞で、“national team”「代表チーム」です。

    In South Africa, black people had long been discriminated against under a system called apartheid.

    “long”「長い間」という副詞で、“discriminate”「差別する」という動詞、“discriminate against~”「~を差別する」という表現になります。



    “called”「過去分詞」で、“called apartheid”“a system”を修飾していますね。

    Their education, employment, and residences were strictly separated from white people.

    “Their”“black people”を指していますね。


    “strictly”「厳しく」という副詞で、“separated from~”「~から離れる、切り離す」という意味になります。ここでは「受動態」になっていますね。

    They could not receive good education, find work, or live in certain areas that were only for white people.

    “They”“black people”を指していますね。


    また、“that”「主格の関係代名詞」で、“that were only for white people”が先行詞“certain areas”を修飾しています。

    “only for~”「~のためだけの、~専用の」といった表現になります。

    Eventually, people who did not like this policy grew in number both domestically and overseas.


    “who”「主格の関係代名詞」で、“who did not like this policy”が先行詞“people”を修飾していますね。


    “grow in number”「数を増やす」という表現になります。

    “both A and B”「AとBの両方」という重要表現で、“domestically”「国内で」“overseas”「海外で」という副詞です。

    Nelson Mandela was leading a group of such people when he was arrested by the police and put in prison.




    “arrest”「を逮捕する」という動詞、“put A in B”「AをBに入れる」という表現で、ここではどちらも「受動態」になっていますね。“and”の後ろには“was”が省略されていますよ。


    He was in captivity in a small cell for 27 years until he was finally freed in 1990.

    “be in captivity”「捕らわれの身である」という表現で、“cell”「独房、監獄、細胞」といった名詞です。

    “for 数字”「~間」という重要表現ですね。



    In 1994, general elections were held, in which all citizens of all races were allowed to vote for the first time in the history of South Africa, and Mandela was elected president of South Africa.

    “general”「全体の、一般的な」という形容詞で、“election”「選挙」という名詞です。“general election”「総選挙」ですね。


    “which”「目的格の関係代名詞」ですが、カンマが付いているので「非制限用法」“in which all citizens of all races were allowed to vote for the first time in the history of South Africa”が先行詞“general elections”を修飾しています。




    “allow”「を許可する」という動詞で、“allow 名詞 to 動詞の原形”「名詞が~するのを許可する」という重要表現になります。ここでは「受動態」になっています。

    “vote”「投票する」という動詞で、“for the first time”「初めて」“in the history of~”「~の歴史上で」という表現です。

    “elect”「を選ぶ」という動詞で、“elect A B”「AをBに選ぶ」という重要表現になりますね。


    In that same year, apartheid was abolished, and a new national flag was designed as a symbol of the new South Africa.

    “in that same year”「同年」という意味です。


    “flag”「旗」という名詞で、“national flag”「国旗」です。



    However, black people could not forget about the hardship they had been suffering for many years.

    “forget”「を忘れる」という動詞で、“forget about~”「~のことを忘れる」という意味です。違いとしては、“forget”が完全に忘れる、“forget about~”は内容を忘れるといったニュアンスです。


    また、“the hardship”の後ろには「目的格の関係代名詞that/which」が省略されていて、“they had been suffering for many years”が先行詞the hardshipを修飾しています。

    “suffer”「に苦しむ、を経験する」という動詞で、“for many years”「何年もの間」という表現です。


    At the same time, white people were afraid that black people would strike back at them.

    “at the same time”「同時に」という表現ですね。

    “be afraid that~”「~ということを恐れる」という意味で、“would”は助動詞“will(~だろう)”の過去形です。

    “strike back at~”「~に仕返しをする」という表現で、“them”“white people”を指していますね。

    They were far from becoming friends.


    “be far from~”「決して~できない、~からかけ離れている」といった表現で、“become”「~になる」という動詞です。


    In fact, they were only a step away from war.

    “in fact”「実際は」という重要表現です。


    “be only a step”「あとわずか1歩のところだ」といった意味で、“away from~”「~から離れて」といった表現、“war”「戦争」という名詞です。


    To solve this conflict, Mandela thought he could use sports to unify the nation and make them feel closer to one another.

    “solve”「を解決する」という動詞、“conflict”「衝突、対立」といった名詞で、“To solve”「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっています。


    “unify”「を1つにする、統一する」“feel”「感じる」という動詞で、“make 人・もの 動詞の原形”「人・ものに~させる」という使役の意味になります。


    “nation”「国民、国家」という名詞、“close”「親しい、近い」といった形容詞で、“close to~”「~と親しい、~に近い」という表現になります。ここでは「比較級」になっています。

    “one another”「お互い」という重要表現です。

    He chose rugby.


    In South Africa, rugby was a “white people’s sport.”


    直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。

    Black people hated the Springboks, South Atrica’s national team, so much that they did not cheer for their team but cheered for foreign teams instead.


    “the Springbok”“South Atrica’s national team”「同格語」になります。

    “so much that~”「とても…なので~」という意味で、“they”“Black people”を指していますね。

    また、ここでは“not A but B”の形が使われていて、「AではなくB」という意味になります。


    Mandela thought, “If people of different colors played a sport together, or cheered for the same team together, they could become more intimate.”


    “different colors”「異なる肌の色」でOKです。“same”「同じ」という形容詞ですね。

    “they”“people of different colors”を指していて、“intimate”「親しい、親密な」という形容詞になります。ここでは「比較級」になっています。

    ELEMENT Lesson8 Section1 まとめ

    以上がELEMENT Lesson8 Section1の日本語訳となります。

    >高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳

    >高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳

    >高1ELEMENT Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳




    Element Lesson8高1 ELEMENT
