高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『A Symbol of Friendship』 和訳

Element Lesson1

三省堂 高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『A Symbol of Friendship』 の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Speed Reading 『Catching Wild Animals』の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『Catching Wild Animals』 本文和訳

ELEMENT 『A Symbol of Friendship』 本文と日本語訳

A Symbol of Friendship

In 1912, Japan gave a gift of 3,000 cherry trees to the people of the United States.


They were planted in Washington, D.C.


They usually live only for 60 years, but some of the original trees are still living today.


Did you know that three years after the gift was made, the US sent 60 dogwood trees or hanamizuki to Japan as a return gift?


They were the first dogwood trees in Japan.


Only one of them remains at a high school in Tokyo.


In 2012, the US Department of State created the Friendship Blossoms-Dogwood Tree Initiative.


Three thousand American dogwood trees were sent from American people to Japanese people to remember the occasion.


Now there are dogwood trees at 84 sites in 30 prefectures all over Japan, from Okinawa in the south to Iwate in the north, including the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Parks.


Five hundred sixty-one of the trees were planted at 16 sites in the Tohoku region to show the US’s continued support of the region after the Great East Japan Earthquake.


Many people hope that these dogwood trees in Japan will, like the cherry trees in the US, serve as a symbol of the strong relationship and friendship between the two countries.


Answer T (true) or F (false).

People hope that dogwood trees will serve as a symbol of friendship between the US and Japan.


― True

Three thousand cherry trees were sent to the United States from Japan as a gift.


― True

You cannot see the original cherry trees in Washington, D.C. now.


― False

In 1912, American people sent dogwood trees to Japanese people.


― False

There are dogwood trees in various places in Japan.


― True

ELEMENT 『A Symbol of Friendship』 重要事項の解説

In 1912, Japan gave a gift of 3,000 cherry trees to the people of the United States.

“give a gift”「贈り物をする」という表現です。

“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。

“cherry tree”「桜の木」ですね。

They were planted in Washington, D.C.

“They”“3,000 cherry trees”を指していますね。


They usually live only for 60 years, but some of the original trees are still living today.

“They”“3,000 cherry trees”を指していますね。


“for 数字”「~間」という重要表現ですね。

“some of~”「~のうちのいくつか」という意味で、“original”「初代の、最初の」という形容詞になります。


Did you know that three years after the gift was made, the US sent 60 dogwood trees or hanamizuki to Japan as a return gift?


“数字 after~”「~して…後に」という意味になります。

“gift”「贈り物」という名詞で、“make a gift”「贈り物をする」となります。ここでは「受動態」になっています。

“sent”“send(を送る)”の過去形で、“send 人 もの”「人にものを送る」となって,“send もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。

“dogwood trees”「ハナミズキ」という名詞で、この“or”「つまり、すなわち」といった、直前の単語を言い換える接続詞です。

“as”「~として」という前置詞、“return gift”「返礼品」という名詞ですね。

They were the first dogwood trees in Japan.

“They”“60 dogwood trees”を指していますね。


Only one of them remains at a high school in Tokyo.

“one of 名詞の複数形”「~のうちの1つ」という重要表現で、“them”“60 dogwood trees”を指していますね。


In 2012, the US Department of State created the Friendship Blossoms-Dogwood Tree Initiative.

“the US Department of State”「アメリカ国務省」です。


“Friendship Blossoms-Dogwood Tree Initiative”「友好の木イニシアチブ」というプロジェクトの名前です。

Three thousand American dogwood trees were sent from American people to Japanese people to remember the occasion.




Now there are dogwood trees at 84 sites in 30 prefectures all over Japan, from Okinawa in the south to Iwate in the north, including the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Parks.


“site”「場所、遺跡」“prefecture”「都道府県」という名詞で、“all over~”「~の至るところ」といった意味になります。

“south”「南」“north”「北」“Peace Park”「平和公園」という名詞で、“including”「~を含む」という前置詞です。

“from A to B”「AからBまで」という表現ですね。

Five hundred sixty-one of the trees were planted at 16 sites in the Tohoku region to show the US’s continued support of the region after the Great East Japan Earthquake.



“region”「地方、地域」という名詞、“show”「を示す、見せる」という動詞で、“to show”「不定詞の副詞的用法」ですね。


直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。

“continued”「継続的な」という形容詞、“support”「支援、援助」といった名詞、“after”「~の後で」という前置詞、“the Great East Japan Earthquake”は「東日本大震災」です。

Many people hope that these dogwood trees in Japan will, like the cherry trees in the US, serve as a symbol of the strong relationship and friendship between the two countries.




“serve as~”「~としての役割を果たす」という意味で、“symbol”「象徴」“relationship”「関係(性)」“friendship”「友好、友情」という名詞、“strong”「強い」という形容詞になります。

between A and B「AとBの間で」という前置詞で,「2つのものの間」を示します。


ELEMENT 『A Symbol of Friendship』 まとめ

以上がELEMENT Speed Reading 『A Symbol of Friendship』の日本語訳となります。

>高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『Catching Wild Animals』 本文和訳




Element Lesson1高1 ELEMENT
