開隆堂 中学3年生 Sunshine(サンシャイン) Program6 Scenesの本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Program6-1, 6-2, 6-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>中3Sunshine Program6 Part1 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program6 Part2 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program6 Part3 本文和訳
- Program6 Scenes 本文と日本語訳
- Program6 Scenes 重要事項の解説
- I’ve finally arrived. It was a long flight.
- Welcome to Washington, D.C.
- I want to see a lot of things here.
- Here is a plan which my father made for you.
- There are many trees along the river.
- They are the cherry trees that Japan gave to Washington, D.C. in 1912.
- There are many museums around here.
- The museum I like the best is near here.
- Then, let’s go!
- Program6 Scenes まとめ
Program6 Scenes 本文と日本語訳
I’ve finally arrived. It was a long flight.
Welcome to Washington, D.C.
I want to see a lot of things here.
Here is a plan which my father made for you.
There are many trees along the river.
They are the cherry trees that Japan gave to Washington, D.C. in 1912.
We enjoy the cherry blossoms here in spring.
There are many museums around here.
The museum I like the best is near here.
I want to go there!
Then, let’s go!

Program6 Scenes 重要事項の解説
I’ve finally arrived. It was a long flight.
Welcome to Washington, D.C.
“welcome”は「を歓迎する」という動詞で,“welcome to~”で「~へようこそ」という意味になります。
I want to see a lot of things here.
“want to 動詞の原形”で「~したい」という重要表現です!「不定詞の名詞的用法」と一緒に確認しておきましょう。
Here is a plan which my father made for you.
“Here is~.”は「これが~だ,ここに~がある」といった表現になります。“plan”は「計画」という名詞ですね。
また,この文は「目的格の関係代名詞」が使われていて,“which my father made”が先行詞“a plan”を修飾していますね。
There are many trees along the river.
They are the cherry trees that Japan gave to Washington, D.C. in 1912.
“They”は“many trees”を指していますね。
また,この文でも「目的格の関係代名詞」が使われていて,“that Japan gave”が先行詞“the cherry trees”を修飾していますね。
There are many museums around here.
The museum I like the best is near here.
この文でも「目的格の関係代名詞」が使われていて,“I like the best”が先行詞“The museum”を修飾していますね。
Then, let’s go!
“Let’s 動詞の原形”は「~しましょう」ですね。
同じ意味で“Shall we~?”や“Why don’t we~?”もあるのでセットで覚えましょう!

Program6 Scenes まとめ
以上がProgram6 Scenesの日本語訳となります。
>中3Sunshine Program6 Part1 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program6 Part2 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program6 Part3 本文和訳