東京書籍 中学2年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Let’s Read1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
- Let’s Read1 本文と日本語訳
- Let’s Read1 重要事項の解説
- When we need to see the time, we look at clocks or watches.
- Today we can check the time very easily.
- However, it was not so easy long ago.
- Time keeping has a very interesting history.
- Ancient people used nature to read the time.
- About 6,000 years ago, Egyptians used the sun.
- They put sticks in the ground, and the shadows told them the time.
- These were some of the first clocks in the world.
- About 3,500 years ago, Egyptians started to measure time without it.
- They put water in pots. The pots had tiny holes in them.
- The water decreased little by little.
- The lines in the pots told them the time.
- They burned candles, for example.
- The candles gave them light, and people saw the time by the lines on them.
- About 700 years ago, people started to make mechanical clocks.
- At first, they used weights to power these clocks.
- The clocks told the hour with bells.
- However, the weights were big and heavy, so these clocks were difficult to move.
- About 500 years ago, people improved their clocks.
- They used springs to power the clocks.
- The springs were small and light.
- So people could move the clocks easily.
- Eventually, people began to carry watches.
- Today, we have clocks and watches everywhere.
- This is the result of many great inventions and many people’s efforts.
- Even now, clocks and watches are improving.
- We cannot really see time, but ancient people tried to recognize it.
- They used different ideas and technologies to measure it.
- When we look at our clocks and watches, we can easily see the time.
- Now it is time to recognize the wisdom of those ancient people.
- Let’s Read1 まとめ
Let’s Read1 本文と日本語訳
History of Clocks 「時計の歴史」
Do you have a clock?
Why did people make clocks?
When we need to see the time, we look at clocks or watches.
Today we can check the time very easily.
However, it was not so easy long ago.
Time keeping has a very interesting history.
Ancient people used nature to read the time.
About 6,000 years ago, Egyptians used the sun.
They put sticks in the ground, and the shadows told them the time.
These were some of the first clocks in the world.
At night, people could not use the sun.
About 3,500 years ago, Egyptians started to measure time without it.
They put water in pots. The pots had tiny holes in them.
The water decreased little by little.
The lines in the pots told them the time.
About 1,500 years ago, other people used fire.
They burned candles, for example.
The candles gave them light, and people saw the time by the lines on them.
About 700 years ago, people started to make mechanical clocks.
At first, they used weights to power these clocks.
The clocks told the hour with bells.
However, the weights were big and heavy, so these clocks were difficult to move.
About 500 years ago, people improved their clocks.
They used springs to power the clocks.
The springs were small and light.
So people could move the clocks easily.
Eventually, people began to carry watches.
Today, we have clocks and watches everywhere.
This is the result of many great inventions and many people’s efforts.
Even now, clocks and watches are improving.
We cannot really see time, but ancient people tried to recognize it.
They used different ideas and technologies to measure it.
When we look at our clocks and watches, we can easily see the time.
Now it is time to recognize the wisdom of those ancient people.

Let’s Read1 重要事項の解説
When we need to see the time, we look at clocks or watches.
“need”は「を必要とする」という動詞で,“need to 動詞の原形”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になります。
Today we can check the time very easily.
However, it was not so easy long ago.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
“long ago”は「ずっと前に」という意味になります。
Time keeping has a very interesting history.
“time keeping”は「時間の計測,時間の管理」という意味になります。
Ancient people used nature to read the time.
“to read”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になります。
About 6,000 years ago, Egyptians used the sun.
They put sticks in the ground, and the shadows told them the time.
“tell 人 もの”で「人にものを伝える,教える」となって,“tell もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
他には“show”, “tell”, “give”などが同じ使い方をできるので必ず書き換えられるようにしておきましょう。
These were some of the first clocks in the world.
“some of~”は「~のいくつか,一部」という意味で,“first”は「最初の」という形容詞です。
About 3,500 years ago, Egyptians started to measure time without it.
“to measure”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっていますね。
“it”は“the sun”を指しています。
They put water in pots. The pots had tiny holes in them.
“put A in B”は「AをBに入れる」という表現です。“pot”は「壺,かめ」という名詞ですね。
“them”は“The pots”を指しています。
The water decreased little by little.
“little by little”は「少しずつ」という表現になります。
The lines in the pots told them the time.
“tell 人 もの”で「人にものを伝える,教える」となって,“tell もの to 人”でも同じ意味になりましたね。
They burned candles, for example.
“They”は“other people”を指しています。
“for example”は「例えば」という重要表現です。
The candles gave them light, and people saw the time by the lines on them.
“give 人 もの”で「人にものをあげる」となって,“give もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
“them”は“other people”を指しています。“light”は「光」という名詞ですね。
最後の“them”は“The candles”を指しています。
About 700 years ago, people started to make mechanical clocks.
“to make”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっていますね。
At first, they used weights to power these clocks.
“at first”は「まず,最初に」という重要表現です。
そして“to power”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていますね。
The clocks told the hour with bells.
However, the weights were big and heavy, so these clocks were difficult to move.
“to move”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていて,“difficult”を修飾しています。
About 500 years ago, people improved their clocks.
They used springs to power the clocks.
“spring”は「バネ」という名詞で,“to power”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていますね。
The springs were small and light.
So people could move the clocks easily.
Eventually, people began to carry watches.
“to carry”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっていますね。
Today, we have clocks and watches everywhere.
“we have~”は「~がある」と訳します。“we”を訳す必要はありません。
This is the result of many great inventions and many people’s efforts.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
Even now, clocks and watches are improving.
“even”は「~さえ」という強調を表す副詞です。今回は“Even now”で「いまだに」としました。
We cannot really see time, but ancient people tried to recognize it.
“try to 動詞の原形”は「~しようとする」という意味で,挑戦してみたけどダメだったというようなニュアンスで使われることが多いです。難しいといった意味合いが含まれるということですね。
一方で“try 動名詞”は,「(試しに)~してみる」という表現になります。つまりその行為自体はできたという意味合いになります。
They used different ideas and technologies to measure it.
When we look at our clocks and watches, we can easily see the time.
Now it is time to recognize the wisdom of those ancient people.
“it is time to 動詞の原形”は「~すべき時間だ」という意味です。“to recognize”は「不定詞の形容詞的用法」になっていますね。

Let’s Read1 まとめ
以上がLet’s Read1の日本語訳となります。