三省堂 中学3年生 NEW CROWN(ニュークラウン) Lesson6 Part3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson6 Part1 本文和訳
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson6 Part2 本文和訳
- Lesson6 Part3 本文と日本語訳
- Lesson6 Part3 重要事項の解説
- How to Create New Ideas
- My dream is to invent a time machine.
- It is something I have been thinking of for a long time.
- You might think I am a dreamer, but all new things start as dreams.
- I have learned from past dreamers how to create something new for the future.
- Today nobody thinks about flying.
- It is not new or especially exciting.
- It was not always so.
- For centuries the dream of traveling by air interested inventors, like Leonardo da Vinci.
- He thought, “I wish I could fly like a bird.” He and others studied birds.
- Gradually they learned some of the secrets of flight.
- The earliest aircraft were ridiculous.
- One inventor tied an umbrella and wings to a chair.
- Another made a duck-like machine.
- People made fun of them.
- However, the inventors used their imaginations in quite unexpected ways.
- They led to the invention of the modern airplane.
- You need a mind full of ideas in order to create something new.
- This is the first thing I have learned.
- The Wright Brothers made the first successful flight in 1903.
- Before this flight, they made a lot of experiments.
- They tested their ideas over and over again.
- Sometimes, their gliders broke into pieces.
- Other times, the brothers found out that the wings did not work.
- However, they never gave up.
- As soon as they noticed a problem, they looked for a solution.
- The brothers knew that they had to learn from the failure.
- They were not afraid of it. They welcomed it.
- The stories taught me two important things.
- First, we should not hesitate to come up with new and original ideas.
- Using our imagination is the key to starting off.
- Second, I realized that we should learn from failure.
- It is better to do something and fail than to do nothing and learn nothing.
- This is the message I will leave with you:
- have the courage to imagine and the courage to act in your personal and public lives.
- Lesson6 Part3 まとめ
Lesson6 Part3 本文と日本語訳
How to Create New Ideas
My dream is to invent a time machine.
If I had one, I would visit great inventors across the ages.
It is something I have been thinking of for a long time.
You might think I am a dreamer, but all new things start as dreams.
I have learned from past dreamers how to create something new for the future.
Today nobody thinks about flying.
It is not new or especially exciting.
It was not always so.
For centuries the dream of traveling by air interested inventors, like Leonardo da Vinci.
He thought, “I wish I could fly like a bird.” He and others studied birds.
They watched feathers in the wind.
Gradually they learned some of the secrets of flight.
The earliest aircraft were ridiculous.
One inventor tied an umbrella and wings to a chair.
Another made a duck-like machine.
People made fun of them.
However, the inventors used their imaginations in quite unexpected ways.
They led to the invention of the modern airplane.
You need a mind full of ideas in order to create something new.
This is the first thing I have learned.
The Wright Brothers made the first successful flight in 1903.
Before this flight, they made a lot of experiments.
They tested their ideas over and over again.
Sometimes, their gliders broke into pieces.
Other times, the brothers found out that the wings did not work.
However, they never gave up.
As soon as they noticed a problem, they looked for a solution.
The brothers knew that they had to learn from the failure.
They were not afraid of it. They welcomed it.
The stories taught me two important things.
First, we should not hesitate to come up with new and original ideas.
Using our imagination is the key to starting off.
Second, I realized that we should learn from failure.
It is better to do something and fail than to do nothing and learn nothing.
This is the message I will leave with you:
have the courage to imagine and the courage to act in your personal and public lives.
Thank you for listening.
Wakaba Junior High School
Kato Riku

Lesson6 Part3 重要事項の解説
How to Create New Ideas
ここでは「疑問詞+不定詞」が使われていますね。“how to 動詞の原形”は「~のしかた,~する方法,どのように~すべきか」のどれかで訳してあげましょう。
My dream is to invent a time machine.
“to invent”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっていますね。
It is something I have been thinking of for a long time.
“It”は“to invent a time machine”を指していますね。“something”は「何か」と漠然としたものを指す代名詞です。
“I have been thinking of”が先行詞“something”を修飾しています。
また,“have been thinking of”は「現在完了進行形」にもなっていますね。“think of~”で「~について考える」という意味になります。
“for a long time”は「長い間」という重要表現です。
You might think I am a dreamer, but all new things start as dreams.
I have learned from past dreamers how to create something new for the future.
“something”などの“-thing”の形で終わる名詞を修飾するときは,形容詞を後ろに置いて修飾してあげます。“new something”としないように要注意です!
Today nobody thinks about flying.
It is not new or especially exciting.
It was not always so.
“not always”の組み合わせは,「いつも~というわけではない」という部分否定の意味になります。
“so”は直前の“not new or especially exciting”を指していて,「それ(飛ぶこと)はいつも新しくないとか特にワクワクさせるものではないと思われていたわけではない。」という意味になります。
For centuries the dream of traveling by air interested inventors, like Leonardo da Vinci.
“century”は「世紀」という名詞で,“for centuries”で「数世紀の間」となります。
“traveling”は「動名詞」になっていて,“air”は「飛行機」なので“by air”は「飛行機で」という交通手段を表します。
He thought, “I wish I could fly like a bird.” He and others studied birds.
この文では「I wish+仮定法過去」が使われていますね。
Gradually they learned some of the secrets of flight.
“they”は“He and others”を指していますね。
“some of~”は「~のいくつか」という意味で,“secret”が「秘密」,“flight”は「飛行」という名詞になります。
The earliest aircraft were ridiculous.
One inventor tied an umbrella and wings to a chair.
Another made a duck-like machine.
People made fun of them.
“make fun of~”は「をからかう」という意味になります。
However, the inventors used their imaginations in quite unexpected ways.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
“in ~ way”は「~の方法で」となります。
They led to the invention of the modern airplane.
“They”は“the inventors”を指していますね。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
You need a mind full of ideas in order to create something new.
“full of~”は「~でいっぱいな」という形容詞で,このように形容詞を含む2語以上のかたまりで名詞を修飾するときは,修飾したい名詞の後ろに置きます。
“in order to 動詞の原形”は「~するために」という「不定詞の副詞的用法」と同じ意味になります。
This is the first thing I have learned.
“I have learned”が先行詞“thing”を修飾しています。
The Wright Brothers made the first successful flight in 1903.
Before this flight, they made a lot of experiments.
They tested their ideas over and over again.
“over and over again”は「何度も何度も」という表現です。
Sometimes, their gliders broke into pieces.
“break into pieces”は「粉々になる」という表現になります。
Other times, the brothers found out that the wings did not work.
“found”は“find”の過去形で,“find out”で「~と分かる」という意味になります。後ろには「接続詞that」を置くことが多いです。
However, they never gave up.
“give up”は「諦める」という重要表現です。
“never”は「決して~ない」という強い否定を表す副詞で,“never give up” の形でよく使われますね。
As soon as they noticed a problem, they looked for a solution.
“as soon as”は「~するとすぐに」という接続詞になります。
“notice”は「に気づく」という動詞で,“look for~”は「~を探す」という重要表現です。
The brothers knew that they had to learn from the failure.
“had to 動詞の原形”は「~しなければならなかった」という,“have to”の過去形です。
They were not afraid of it. They welcomed it.
“be afraid of~”は「~を恐れる」という重要表現です。
The stories taught me two important things.
“teach 人 もの”で「人にものを教える」となって,“teach もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
他には“tell”, “tell”, “give”などが同じ使い方をできるので必ず書き換えられるようにしておきましょう。
First, we should not hesitate to come up with new and original ideas.
“hesitate to 動詞の原形”で「~するのをためらう」という意味になります。
“come up with~”は「を思い付く」という表現です。
Using our imagination is the key to starting off.
“using”と“starting off”は「動名詞」になっていますね。
“key”は「鍵」という名詞で,“start off”は「動き出す,着手する」といった意味です。
Second, I realized that we should learn from failure.
It is better to do something and fail than to do nothing and learn nothing.
この文では「it to構文」が使われていますね。“fail”は「失敗する」という動詞です。
This is the message I will leave with you:
“I will leave”が先行詞“the message”を修飾しています。
have the courage to imagine and the courage to act in your personal and public lives.
そして“to imagine”と“to act”はどちらも「不定詞の形容詞的用法」になっていて,直前の“courage”を修飾しています。
knife→knives(ナイフ), leaf→leaves(葉)などがあります。
Lesson6 Part3 まとめ
以上がLesson6 Part3の日本語訳となります。
ここでは「I wish+仮定法過去」や「関係代名詞」が使われていますね。用法と訳し方をしっかり理解していきましょう!
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson6 Part1 本文和訳
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson6 Part2 本文和訳