三省堂 中学3年生 NEW CROWN(ニュークラウン) Lesson4 Part3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson4 Part1 本文和訳
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson4 Part2 本文和訳
- Lesson4 Part3 本文と日本語訳
- Lesson4 Part3 重要事項の解説
- People around the world now know and love Japanese anime.
- Some characters are familiar to people who do not usually read manga or watch anime.
- One of the reasons for this success is the adjustments that were made for viewers overseas.
- Three of them involve titles, characters, and content.
- Manga and anime titles are, of course, originally in Japanese.
- Some, like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, are translated literally into English.
- However, this does not work with all titles.
- It describes just the main character, but in English, the title was changed to something that relates to the whole story.
- This made it more attractive to viewers in foreign countries.
- Characters’ names are often changed in manga and anime that are mainly for children.
- It is hard for children to remember unfamiliar names.
- With familiar names, children can focus on the story.
- The name Ash uses three letters from S-a-t-o-s-h-i.
- Japanese customs are sometimes adjusted for non-Japanese viewers.
- The adjustments can be small or large.
- Consider this example of a small adjustment.
- In Western versions, they eat cookies.
- Instead they add short explanations.
- This way, foreign readers can understand Japanese customs and behavior.
- A large adjustment might be a change in the setting.
- Consider Kyojin no Hoshi, an anime from the 1970s.
- In it, the main character Hyuma trains very hard and becomes a professional baseball player.
- In the Indian version, its main character plays cricket, a popular team sport in India.
- In short, perhaps anime became more popular because of these adjustments.
- The language and customs were adapted a little to fit each culture.
- The original is probably different.
- Lesson4 Part3 まとめ
Lesson4 Part3 本文と日本語訳
Manga, Anime, and the World
People around the world now know and love Japanese anime.
Some characters are familiar to people who do not usually read manga or watch anime.
One of the reasons for this success is the adjustments that were made for viewers overseas.
Three of them involve titles, characters, and content.
Titles 「タイトル」
Manga and anime titles are, of course, originally in Japanese.
Some, like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, are translated literally into English.
However, this does not work with all titles.
For example, Knights of the Zodiac is originally Seinto Seiya in Japanese.
It describes just the main character, but in English, the title was changed to something that relates to the whole story.
This made it more attractive to viewers in foreign countries.
Characters 「キャラクター」
Characters’ names are often changed in manga and anime that are mainly for children.
It is hard for children to remember unfamiliar names.
With familiar names, children can focus on the story.
For example, the character Satoshi in Pokémon becomes Ash in English.
The name Ash uses three letters from S-a-t-o-s-h-i.
Content 「内容」
Japanese customs are sometimes adjusted for non-Japanese viewers.
The adjustments can be small or large.
Consider this example of a small adjustment.
In anime in Japan, characters eat onigiri.
In Western versions, they eat cookies.
In manga, they don’t change the pictures.
Instead they add short explanations.
This way, foreign readers can understand Japanese customs and behavior.
A large adjustment might be a change in the setting.
Consider Kyojin no Hoshi, an anime from the 1970s.
In it, the main character Hyuma trains very hard and becomes a professional baseball player.
In the Indian version, its main character plays cricket, a popular team sport in India.
In short, perhaps anime became more popular because of these adjustments.
The language and customs were adapted a little to fit each culture.
Think about your favorite manga or anime.
The original is probably different.
Lesson4 Part3 重要事項の解説
People around the world now know and love Japanese anime.
“around the world“は「世界中」という表現です。
同じ意味で“all over the world”もあるので,あわせて覚えておきましょう。
Some characters are familiar to people who do not usually read manga or watch anime.
One of the reasons for this success is the adjustments that were made for viewers overseas.
“one of 名詞の複数形”は「~のうちの1つ」という意味で、“reason”は「理由」、“success”は「成功」という名詞です。
また、“reason for~”で「~の理由」という意味になります。
“that were made for viewers overseas”が先行詞“the adjustments”を修飾しています。
“were made”は「受動態」になっていて、“viewer”は「視聴者」という名詞、“overseas”は「海外の」という形容詞になります。
Three of them involve titles, characters, and content.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“them”は“the adjustments”を指していますね。
例えばA, B, C, Dの4つを並べるときは,“A, B, C and D”としてあげます。“and”の前にカンマを入れてもOKです。
Manga and anime titles are, of course, originally in Japanese.
“of course”は「もちろん」という意味で,今回は“are”の後ろに挿入されていますが,訳すときは好きな位置に持ってきてOKです。
Some, like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, are translated literally into English.
“translate A into B”で「AをBに翻訳する,変える」という意味で,今回は「受動態」になっていますね。
However, this does not work with all titles.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
It describes just the main character, but in English, the title was changed to something that relates to the whole story.
“was changed”は「受動態」になっていて,“that”は「主格の関係代名詞」で“something”を修飾しています。
“relate to~”は「~と関係がある」,“whole”は「全体の」という形容詞です。
This made it more attractive to viewers in foreign countries.
“make 人・もの 名詞/形容詞”で「人・ものを~にさせる」という重要表現です。
Characters’ names are often changed in manga and anime that are mainly for children.
“are often changed”は「受動態」になっていて,“that”は「主格の関係代名詞」で“manga and anime”を修飾しています。
詞に‘sを付けると「~の」という所有を表します。直前の名詞が複数形のときは” Characters‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
It is hard for children to remember unfamiliar names.
ここでは「it to構文」が使われていますね。
With familiar names, children can focus on the story.
“focus”は「に焦点を合わせる」という動詞で,“focus on”で「に集中する,重きを置く」という意味になります。
The name Ash uses three letters from S-a-t-o-s-h-i.
“The name”と“Ash”は「同格語」なのでイコールで結べますね。
Japanese customs are sometimes adjusted for non-Japanese viewers.
“are sometimes adjusted”は「受動態」になっていますね。
The adjustments can be small or large.
Consider this example of a small adjustment.
In Western versions, they eat cookies.
Instead they add short explanations.
This way, foreign readers can understand Japanese customs and behavior.
“this way”は「このように」という表現です。
A large adjustment might be a change in the setting.
Consider Kyojin no Hoshi, an anime from the 1970s.
また,千と百の位をアポストロフィにして書く表現もあります。例えば「1990年代」なら” ’90s “となります。
In it, the main character Hyuma trains very hard and becomes a professional baseball player.
In the Indian version, its main character plays cricket, a popular team sport in India.
“a popular team sport in India”は直前の“cricket”と「同格」の関係になっていますね。
In short, perhaps anime became more popular because of these adjustments.
“in short”は「要するに,手短に言うと」という重要表現です。
“perhaps”は「多分,おそらく」という副詞で,“because of~”は「~のおかげで」という重要表現になります。
The language and customs were adapted a little to fit each culture.
“were adapted“は「受動態」になっていますね。
“a little”は「少し」という重要表現ですね。
“to fit”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」で,“fit”は「~に合う」という動詞です。
The original is probably different.
Lesson4 Part3 まとめ
以上がLesson4 Part3の日本語訳となります。
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson4 Part1 本文和訳
>中3NEW CROWN Lesson4 Part2 本文和訳