中2Here We Go! Let’s Read3 本文和訳

Let's Read

光村図書 中学2年生 Here We Go! Let’s Read3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。



>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read1 本文和訳

>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read2 本文和訳

令和4年度版 Here We Go! ENGLISH COURSE2 光村図書 805 文部科学省検定済教科書

Let’s Read3 本文と日本語訳

Emojis – From Japan to the World

絵文字 – 日本から世界へ

Do you like to use emojis?


Emojis were invented in Japan in 1999.


They were inspired by Japanese manga and pictograms, and they were made for Japanese cellphones.


Now, emojis are popular all over the world.


Everyone knows the word “emoji.”


In fact, a famous dictionary in the U.K. chose an emoji, (Face of Tears of Joy), as its “Word of the Year” in 2015.


About 90% of the world’s online population use emojis.


We like emojis because they show our feelings.


In conversation, we can use facial expression and tone of voice.


But showing our feelings in text is sometimes difficult.


That’s why emojis are convenient for everyone.


They are used by lots of people in the world in various situations.


There are over 1,800 different emojis, for example, faces, animals, foods, and weather.


By the way, how do people in other countries use emojis?


Is it the same way as Japanese people do it? The answer is no.


There are some differences. What kind of differences are there?


Firstly, some emojis have different meanings in other countries.


For example, the “folded hands” means “thank you’ in Japan, but in some other countries, it means clapping, blessed, or praying.


Another example is the face of “tears of joy”.


It has a positive meaning in Japan, but in the United States, it has both positive and negative meanings.


You have to be careful of these differences because they may cause problems.


For example, you should not use waving hand emoji with friends in China.


It sometimes means “I don’t want to be your friend” in their country.


Secondly, speakers of different languages have their favorite emojis and use them very often.


For example, Arabic speakers love flowers, plants, and sun emojis.


French speakers love heart emojis.


The table below shows the favorite emojis of each language speaker.


They reflect differences of language and culture.


Emojis were born in Japan, but now they are used by people around the world in different ways.


There are a lot of languages and cultures in the world, and we sometimes misunderstand each other.


We should be careful when we choose our emojis, too!



・invent 「を発明する」 ・population 「人口」

・conversation 「会話」 ・facial expression 「表情」

・various 「様々な」 ・situation 「状況」

・firstly 「まず,第一に」 ・meaning 「意味」

・folded 「fold(を折る)の過去形」 ・mean 「を意味する」

・clap 「拍手する」 ・blessed 「恵まれた」

・pray 「祈る」 ・secondly 「次に,第二に」

・reflect 「を反映する」 ・misunderstand 「を誤解する」

・each other 「お互い」 

Let’s Read3 重要事項の解説

Do you like to use emojis?




They were inspired by Japanese manga and pictograms, and they were made for Japanese cellphones.


In fact, a famous dictionary in the U.K. chose an emoji, (Face of Tears of Joy), as its “Word of the Year” in 2015.

“in fact”「実際は」という重要表現です。必ず覚えましょう!

イギリスは正式名称が“the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(グレート・ブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)”で,省略して“the U.K.”“the United Kingdom”と言われます。ただ,最も一般的なのは“Britain”です。


But showing our feelings in text is sometimes difficult.



That’s why emojis are convenient for everyone.

“That’s why~.”「それが~の理由だ,そういうわけで~」という重要表現です。


There are over 1,800 different emojis, for example, faces, animals, foods, and weather.


“for example”「例えば」という重要表現です。必ず覚えましょう!

By the way, how do people in other countries use emojis?

“by the way”「ところで」という重要表現です。会話でよく使われるのでしっかり覚えておきましょう。

Is it the same way as Japanese people do it?

“the same way as~”~と同じようにとなります。この”as”は接続詞になるので後ろには文が続きます。

“do it”はそれぞれ直前に出てきた動詞と名詞を表していますね。つまり“use emojis”のことです。

There are some differences. What kind of differences are there?


“What kind of 名詞”「どんな種類の名詞」という重要表現です。“kind”は形容詞で「優しい,親切な」,名詞で「種類」という意味があります。

It has a positive meaning in Japan, but in the United States, it has both positive and negative meanings.

“both A and B”「AとBの両方」という重要表現です。似た表現で“between A and B”もありますが,これは「AとBの間」という意味です。

You have to be careful of these differences because they may cause problems.

“have to 動詞の原形”「~しなければならない」という意味でしたね。助動詞の“must”と書き換え可能です。

“be careful of~”「~に気をつける」といった意味合いです。


The table below shows the favorite emojis of each language speaker.




“Each student wants to play soccer.(どの生徒もサッカーをしたがっている)”

次に“each of+複数名詞”のパターンです。意味はこちらも「それぞれの名詞」で単数扱いになりますが,”each+単数名詞”よりももっと具体的な範囲を指定できます。

“Each of my students wants to play soccer.(私の生徒はそれぞれサッカーをしたがっている)”

直訳しているので日本語訳が少し変ですが,“each of+複数名詞”の場合は「私の生徒」のように名詞をより具体的に説明することができます。


Emojis were born in Japan

“be born”「生まれる」という意味になります。使われることが多い表現なので覚えておきましょう。

Let’s Read3 まとめ

以上がLet’s Read3の日本語訳となります。



>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read1 本文和訳

>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read2 本文和訳


Let's Read中2Here We Go! 日本語訳
