中2Here We Go! Let’s Read1 本文和訳

Let's Read

光村図書 中学2年生 Here We Go! Let’s Read1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。



>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read2 本文和訳

>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read3 本文和訳

令和4年度版 Here We Go! ENGLISH COURSE2 光村図書 805 文部科学省検定済教科書

Let’s Read1 本文と日本語訳

Sukh’s White Horse 『スーホの白い馬』

Once upon a time, a poor boy lived in Mongolia.


His name was Sukh.


One day, Sukh found a baby white horse.


He took great care of the horse.


The white horse grew up.


One year, in spring, the ruler was having a horse race.


He said, “The winner of the race will marry my daughter.


Sukh wanted to take part in the race with his white horse.


He got on his horse and went to the town.


On the day of the race, a lot of people came together.


The race began. The horses ran fast.


And in the lead … was the white horse.


“The white horse came in first! Who is the winner?” the ruler cried.


But the winner was just a poor boy.


When the ruler saw Sukh, he said, “Here is some silver. Leave that white horse here and go home!”


But Sukh said, “I won’t sell my horse!”


“What! Stupid boy! Men, beat him up!”


The men beat and kicked Sukh.


The ruler took the white horse away from him.


The ruler was happy.


He wanted to show the white horse to many people.


One day, he had a party.


He tried to ride on the horse.


Then it happened.


The white horse leaped up and the ruler fell off him.


The white horse ran away.


The ruler said, “Quick. Catch him. If you can’t catch him, shoot him!”


His men shot arrows at the white horse, but the white horse kept on running.


That night, when Sukh was in bed, there came a sound from outside.


He leaped up and ran out.


He found his white horse there.


The horse was injured.


“White horse, my dear white horse, please don’t die.”


Sukh tried to help his horse, but the horse was too tired.


The next day, he died.


Sukh could not sleep for many nights.


Then, when finally he slept one night, he dreamed of the white horse.


The horse said to Sukh, “Don’t be sad. Please make a musical instrument out of my bones and hair.


If you make it, I can always be with you.”


Sukh made the musical instrument, the horsehead rebec.


After that, Sukh always took the horsehead rebec with him.


When he played it, he felt that his white horse was with him.


That sound moved the hearts of all the people of Mongolia.


After You Read

1 One day「ある日」

Sukh found a baby white horse


2 On the day of the race「レースの日」

Sukh took part in the horse race.


-> The ruler took the horse away from Sukh.


3 On the day of the ruler’s party「王様のパーティの日」

The white horse ran away from the ruler.


-> The ruler’s men shot arrows at the white horse, but the white horse kept on running.


-> Sukh found the white horse, but the next day, the horse died.


-> He made the horsehead rebec.



・once upon a time 「昔々」 ・poor 「貧しい」

・one day 「ある日」 ・ruler 「支配者,王様」

・cry 「泣く,叫ぶ」 ・happen 「~が起こる」

・ran out 「run out(逃げる)の過去形」 ・injured 「けがをした」

・dear 「親愛なる,大切な」 ・die 「死ぬ」

・too 「~すぎる」 ・finally 「ついに,とうとう」

Let’s Read1 重要事項の解説

He took great care of the horse.

“take care of~”「~の世話をする」という重要表現です。“care”の前に“great”を入れると,「大切に世話をする」とすることができます。

The white horse grew up.

“grew up”“grow up”の過去形で,「成長する」という意味になります。

One year, in spring, the ruler was having a horse race.

“one year”“one day”と同じように「ある年」と訳します。文によっては「1年」と訳すこともありますよ。


He said, “The winner of the race will marry my daughter.

前置詞”of”“A of B”の形で「BのA」と訳します。“daughter”「娘」ですね。

“marry”“marry 人”「人と結婚する」という意味になります。“get married to 人”でもOKです(微妙なニュアンスの違いはありますが)

似た表現で“be married to 人”もありますが,これは「人と結婚している」という状態を表します。

Sukh wanted to take part in the race with his white horse.

“want to 動詞の原形”「~したい」という「不定詞の名詞的用法」ですね。

“take part in~”「~に参加する」という重要表現です!“join”とも書き換え可能です。

He got on his horse and went to the town.

“get on~”「~に乗る」ですね。この「乗る」というフレーズは,状況によって英語で使い分けが必要なので整理しておきます。

“get on~”「乗ろうとする動作」を表します。一方で“ride on~”「乗っている状態」を表します。


ちなみに「降りる」“get off~”となりますよ。

And in the lead … was the white horse.

“in the lead”「先頭に立って」といった意味合いです。


本来は“The white horse was in the lead.”となります。

When the ruler saw Sukh, he said, “Here is some silver. Leave that white horse here and go home!”


“Here is~”「ここに~がある」という表現です。“silver”「銀,銀貨」という不可算名詞です。


“What! Stupid boy! Men, beat him up!”


“beat 人 up”「人を殴りつける」となります。“men”“man”の複数形で,ここでは「家来」くらいに訳しておけばOKです。

The ruler took the white horse away from him.

“take A away from B”「BからAを奪い去る」という意味になります。

He wanted to show the white horse to many people.

“want to 動詞の原形”「~したい」という「不定詞の名詞的用法」ですね。

“show もの to 人”「人にものを見せる」です。“show 人 もの”の語順でもOKですよ!

He tried to ride on the horse.

“try to 動詞の原形”「~しようとする」という意味で,挑戦してみたけどダメだったというようなニュアンスで使われることが多いです。難しいといった意味合いが含まれるということですね。

一方で“try 動名詞”は,「(試しに)~してみる」という表現になります。つまりその行為自体はできたという意味合いになります。

The white horse leaped up and the ruler fell off him.

“leap up”「跳ね上がる,飛び上がる」といった意味です。

“fell off”“fall off”の過去形で,「落ちる,転げ落ちる」といった意味合いです。

The ruler said, “Quick. Catch him. If you can’t catch him, shoot him!”



His men shot arrows at the white horse, but the white horse kept on running.


“keep on -ing”「~し続ける」という重要表現です。

That night, when Sukh was in bed, there came a sound from outside.

“be in bed”「寝ている」という状態を表します。“go to bed”「寝る」という動作を表しますよ。

後半の文は,ここでも倒置が使われています。本来は“A sound from outside came there.”になりますね。

The horse said to Sukh, “Don’t be sad. Please make a musical instrument out of my bones and hair.


“musical instrument”「楽器」です。

“make A out of B”「BからAを作る」という意味になります。予想外の材料から何かが作られるというニュアンスになります。

When he played it, he felt that his white horse was with him.


That sound moved the hearts of all the people of Mongolia.


Let’s Read1 まとめ

以上がLet’s Read1の日本語訳となります。



>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read2 本文和訳

>中2Here We Go! Let’s Read3 本文和訳




Let's Read中2Here We Go! 日本語訳
