中3NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Let’s Read3 本文和訳

Let's read

東京書籍 中学3年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Let’s Read3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Let’s Read1, 2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>中3NEW HORIZON Let’s Read1 本文和訳

>中3NEW HORIZON Let’s Read2 本文和訳

  1. Let’s Read3 本文と日本語訳
  2. Let’s Read3 重要事項の解説
    1. A Graduation gift from Steve Jobs.
    2. Today I will tell you three stories from my life.
    3. Story 1 is about “connecting the dots.”
    4. After high school, I attended college, but I never graduated.
    5. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so I decided to drop out.
    6. It was scary at the time, but now I know it was one of my best decisions.
    7. I loved the artistic posters I saw at college, so I decided to learn calligraphy.
    8. Ten years later, I put calligraphy into the Mac.
    9. The dots of my life were connected, from my college interest to Apple computers.
    10. So here’s my advice to you.
    11. Trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
    12. Trust yourself.
    13. It makes all the difference.
    14. Story 2 is about love and loss.
    15. Early in my life, I found something I loved to do.
    16. When I was only 20 years old, my friend Woz and I started Apple.
    17. We made computers in my parents’ garage and worked hard.
    18. In 10 years, Apple grew into a big company with 4000 employees.
    19. I was 30 years old and successful.
    20. Then I was fired from my own company.
    21. The focus of my life was gone.
    22. I didn’t know what to do.
    23. I thought about running away.
    24. But I still loved the thing I did.
    25. Getting fired did not change that.
    26. Though I didn’t see it then, getting fired was the best thing for me.
    27. Being successful was a heavy burden, but being a beginner again was light.
    28. It was one of the most creative times of my life.
    29. I started a company named Pixar.
    30. It became one of the most successful animation studios in the world.
    31. This happened because I was fired from Apple.
    32. Your work will be a large part of your life.
    33. You’ll be satisfied with only when you do great work.
    34. If you haven’t found the thing you love yet, keep looking for it.
    35. You’ll know when you find it.
    36. And it’ll get better and better as the years go on.
    37. I look in the mirror every morning and ask myself,
    38. “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do the things I am planning to do today?”
    39. When the answer is often “No,” I know I need to change something.
    40. About a year ago, my doctor told me that I have cancer.
    41. No one wants to die.
    42. Time is limited, so here’s my advice to you.
    43. Don’t live someone else’s.
    44. Have courage and follow your heart.
    45. It already knows what you want.
    46. When I was young, I liked a magazine that ended with the words.
    47. “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”
    48. I have always wished that for myself.
    49. As you graduate and begin a new life, I wish the same for you.
  3. Let’s Read3 まとめ

Let’s Read3 本文と日本語訳

A Graduation gift from Steve Jobs.


Today I will tell you three stories from my life.


Story 1 is about “connecting the dots.”


After high school, I attended college, but I never graduated.


I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so I decided to drop out.


It was scary at the time, but now I know it was one of my best decisions.


I loved the artistic posters I saw at college, so I decided to learn calligraphy.


Ten years later, I put calligraphy into the Mac.


It was the first computer with beautiful letters.


The dots of my life were connected, from my college interest to Apple computers.


So here’s my advice to you.


Trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.


Trust yourself.


It makes all the difference.


Story 2 is about love and loss.


I was lucky.


Early in my life, I found something I loved to do.


When I was only 20 years old, my friend Woz and I started Apple.


We made computers in my parents’ garage and worked hard.


In 10 years, Apple grew into a big company with 4000 employees.


I was 30 years old and successful.


Then I was fired from my own company.


The focus of my life was gone.


I didn’t know what to do.


I thought about running away.


But I still loved the thing I did.


Getting fired did not change that.


Though I didn’t see it then, getting fired was the best thing for me.


Being successful was a heavy burden, but being a beginner again was light.


It was one of the most creative times of my life.


I started a company named Pixar.


It became one of the most successful animation studios in the world.


This happened because I was fired from Apple.


So here’s my advice to you.


Your work will be a large part of your life.


You’ll be satisfied with only when you do great work.


If you haven’t found the thing you love yet, keep looking for it.


You’ll know when you find it.


And it’ll get better and better as the years go on.


Story 3 is about death.


I look in the mirror every morning and ask myself,


“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do the things I am planning to do today?”


When the answer is often “No,” I know I need to change something.


About a year ago, my doctor told me that I have cancer.


No one wants to die.


Time is limited, so here’s my advice to you.


Don’t live someone else’s.


Have courage and follow your heart.


It already knows what you want.


When I was young, I liked a magazine that ended with the words.


“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”


I have always wished that for myself.


As you graduate and begin a new life, I wish the same for you.


Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.


Let’s Read3 重要事項の解説

A Graduation gift from Steve Jobs.


“graduation gift”「卒業祝い」となります。

Today I will tell you three stories from my life.

“tell 人 もの”「人にものを言う,伝える」となって,“tell もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。

他には“teach”, “show”, “give”などが同じ使い方をできるので必ず書き換えられるようにしておきましょう。


Story 1 is about “connecting the dots.”



After high school, I attended college, but I never graduated.


“college”「大学」で,“attend college”「大学に行く」という意味になります。

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so I decided to drop out.


“have no idea”「が分からない」“decide to 動詞の原形”「~することに決める」という重要表現です。

“so”「だから」という接続詞で,“drop out”「落ちる,退学する」という意味になります。

It was scary at the time, but now I know it was one of my best decisions.

“It”“to drop out(退学すること)”を指しています。“scary”「恐ろしい」という形容詞です。


“one of 名詞の複数形”「~の1つ」という表現で,“decision”「決断」という名詞です。


I loved the artistic posters I saw at college, so I decided to learn calligraphy.


“I saw at college”が先行詞“the artistic posters”を修飾しています。関係代名詞”that/which”は省略されていますね。



Ten years later, I put calligraphy into the Mac.


“put A into B”「AをBに入れる」といった意味で,今回は「導入する」としました。

The dots of my life were connected, from my college interest to Apple computers.


“interset”「興味,関心」という名詞で,“from A to B”「AからBまで」という重要表現です。

So here’s my advice to you.



Trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.




Trust yourself.



この文は“You trust you.”となるので,後ろの“you”“yourself”となります。

It makes all the difference.


“make a difference”「違いを生む」という意味で,“make all the difference”で「大きな違いを生む」となります。

Story 2 is about love and loss.


Early in my life, I found something I loved to do.




“I loved to do”が先行詞“something”を修飾しています。関係代名詞”that/which”は省略されていますね。

“to do”「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。

When I was only 20 years old, my friend Woz and I started Apple.




We made computers in my parents’ garage and worked hard.


直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。


In 10 years, Apple grew into a big company with 4000 employees.

“in 数字”「~後に」という表現です。今回は「10年後に」となりますね。

“grow into~”「成長して~になる」という表現になります。


I was 30 years old and successful.


Then I was fired from my own company.




The focus of my life was gone.




I didn’t know what to do.


I thought about running away.

“think about~”「~について考える」という意味です。

“run away”「逃げ出す」という意味で,ここでは「動名詞」になっていますね。

But I still loved the thing I did.



“I did”が先行詞“the thing”を修飾しています。関係代名詞”that/which”は省略されていますね。

Getting fired did not change that.

“get fired”「解雇される」という意味です。ここでは「動名詞」になっていますね。


Though I didn’t see it then, getting fired was the best thing for me.



“getting fired”「動名詞」になっています。

Being successful was a heavy burden, but being a beginner again was light.

“Being successful”“being a beginner”「動名詞」になっています。



It was one of the most creative times of my life.

“it”“being a beginner again”を指していますね。

“one of 最上級 名詞の複数形”「最も~のうちの1つ」という「比較の応用表現」です。


I started a company named Pixar.



It became one of the most successful animation studios in the world.


“one of 最上級 名詞の複数形”「最も~のうちの1つ」という「比較の応用表現」です。

This happened because I was fired from Apple.



Your work will be a large part of your life.


“a part of~”「~の一部」という意味になります。

You’ll be satisfied with only when you do great work.


“be satisfied with~”「~に満足する」という重要表現です。必ず覚えておきましょう!


If you haven’t found the thing you love yet, keep looking for it.



“you love”が先行詞“the thing”を修飾しています。関係代名詞”that/which”は省略されていますね。

“keep 動詞のing形”「~し続ける」という意味です。“look for~”「を探す」ですね。

“it”“the thing you love”を指しています。

You’ll know when you find it.


“it”“the thing you love”を指しています。

And it’ll get better and better as the years go on.

“it”“the thing you love”を指しています。

“get 形容詞”「~になる」という意味で,“比較級 and 比較級”「ますます~」という重要表現です。今回は「より良いものになる」くらいでOKでしょう。

“as”「~につれて」という接続詞です。“go on”「進む,経過する」といった意味になります。

I look in the mirror every morning and ask myself,



この文は“I ask me.”となるので,後ろの“me”“myself”となります。


“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do the things I am planning to do today?”



“I am planning to do”が先行詞“the things”を修飾しています。関係代名詞”that/which”は省略されていますね。


“to do”「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。

When the answer is often “No,” I know I need to change something.



“need”「を必要とする」という動詞で,“to change”「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。


About a year ago, my doctor told me that I have cancer.


“tell 人 もの”「人にものを言う」ですが,「もの」に「接続詞that」を入れて文を繋げることもできます。


No one wants to die.

“no one”「誰も~ない」という否定的な表現になります。三人称単数扱いです。


Time is limited, so here’s my advice to you.



Don’t live someone else’s.





Have courage and follow your heart.




It already knows what you want.

“It”“your heart”を指しています。



When I was young, I liked a magazine that ended with the words.



“ended with the words”が先行詞“a magazine”を修飾しています。


“end with~”「~で終わる」という意味になります。

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”



I have always wished that for myself.


“wish”「を願う」という動詞で,“that”“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”を指しています。

最後も“for me”ではなく再帰代名詞を使って“for myself”になっていますね。

As you graduate and begin a new life, I wish the same for you.



Let’s Read3 まとめ

以上がLet’s Read3の日本語訳となります。


>中3NEW HORIZON Let’s Read1 本文和訳

>中3NEW HORIZON Let’s Read2 本文和訳




Let's read中3NEW HORIZON 日本語訳
