東京書籍 中学3年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Unit6 Read & Think1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Unit6-1, 6-2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit6 Scene1 本文和訳
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit6 Scene2 本文和訳
- Unit6 Read & Think1 本文と日本語訳
- Unit6 Read & Think1 重要事項の解説
- What is the main point Kaito is trying to tell us?
- Imagine your life without school.
- If you didn’t study, you couldn’t read or write.
- If you were illiterate, you couldn’t get information through books or websites.
- In some parts of the world, there are children living like this.
- Children like these in Afghanistan receive school backpacks from Japan.
- It makes them happy.
- It also encourages their parents to send their sons and daughters to school.
- Most of the backpacks come with pens and notebooks.
- So students will be ready for school.
- In areas with no school buildings, children can use the backpacks as desks in the open air.
- In these ways, school backpacks from Japan have been changing children’s lives.
- Other goods and services travel from one country to another all around the globe.
- These exchanges connect and help us all.
- Our borders are only lines on a map.
- Like most countries, Japan depends on foreign trade for its survival.
- Many things that we see every day come from overseas, such as food and clothes.
- For example, one-third of the chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and Thailand.
- If we didn’t import chicken from these countries, fried chicken would be quite expensive in Japan.
- We depend on foreign countries even more for beef and pork.
- Also, about 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and coats, for example, are imported from China and other Asian countries.
- Actually, many products that are sold by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
- Electronic devices are no exception.
- We’re surrounded by imported products in our daily lives.
- Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more interdependent.
- It’s necessary for us to continue helping each other ― beyond our borders.
- Unit6 Read & Think1 まとめ
Unit6 Read & Think1 本文と日本語訳
What is the main point Kaito is trying to tell us?
Imagine your life without school.
If you didn’t study, you couldn’t read or write.
If you were illiterate, you couldn’t get information through books or websites.
In some parts of the world, there are children living like this.
Children like these in Afghanistan receive school backpacks from Japan.
It makes them happy.
It also encourages their parents to send their sons and daughters to school.
Most of the backpacks come with pens and notebooks.
So students will be ready for school.
In areas with no school buildings, children can use the backpacks as desks in the open air.
In these ways, school backpacks from Japan have been changing children’s lives.
School backpacks from Japan travel to Afghanistan.
They help the school children there.
Other goods and services travel from one country to another all around the globe.
These exchanges connect and help us all.
Our borders are only lines on a map.
Like most countries, Japan depends on foreign trade for its survival.
Many things that we see every day come from overseas, such as food and clothes.
For example, one-third of the chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and Thailand.
If we didn’t import chicken from these countries, fried chicken would be quite expensive in Japan.
We depend on foreign countries even more for beef and pork.
Also, about 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and coats, for example, are imported from China and other Asian countries.
Actually, many products that are sold by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
Electronic devices are no exception.
We’re surrounded by imported products in our daily lives.
Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more interdependent.
It’s necessary for us to continue helping each other ― beyond our borders.

Unit6 Read & Think1 重要事項の解説
What is the main point Kaito is trying to tell us?
“try to 動詞の原形”は「~しようとする」という意味で,挑戦してみたけどダメだったというようなニュアンスで使われることが多いです。難しいといった意味合いが含まれるということですね。
一方で“try 動名詞”は,「(試しに)~してみる」という表現になります。つまりその行為自体はできたという意味合いになります。
Imagine your life without school.
If you didn’t study, you couldn’t read or write.
If you were illiterate, you couldn’t get information through books or websites.
In some parts of the world, there are children living like this.
“like this”は「このように」という表現になります。
Children like these in Afghanistan receive school backpacks from Japan.
“school backpack”は「ランドセル」ですね。
It makes them happy.
“make A B”で「AをB(の状態)にする,させる」という重要表現です。Aには名詞,Bには名詞か形容詞が入ります。
It also encourages their parents to send their sons and daughters to school.
“encourage”は「を励ます,勇気づける」という動詞で,“encourage 名詞 to 動詞の原形”で「名詞が~するのを励ます,促す」という意味になります。
“send 人 もの”で「人にものを送る」となって,“send もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
他には“teach”, “tell”,“give”, “show”などが同じ使い方をできるので必ず書き換えられるようにしておきましょう。
Most of the backpacks come with pens and notebooks.
“most”は「ほとんどの」という形容詞で,“most of~”は「~のほとんど」という意味になります。
So students will be ready for school.
“be ready for~”は「~の用意ができている」という意味になります。
In areas with no school buildings, children can use the backpacks as desks in the open air.
“as”は「~として」という前置詞で,“open air”は「野外」という意味になりますよ。
In these ways, school backpacks from Japan have been changing children’s lives.
“in these ways”は“in this way”の複数形で,「これらのように」といった具合で訳せばOKです。
knife→knives(ナイフ), leaf→leaves(葉)などがあります。
Other goods and services travel from one country to another all around the globe.
“from A to B”は「AからBまで」となり,“one”は「ある」,“another”は「他の,別の」という意味になります。
“all around the globe”は“globe”が「地球」なので「世界中」という意味ですね。
These exchanges connect and help us all.
Our borders are only lines on a map.
Like most countries, Japan depends on foreign trade for its survival.
“depend on~”は「~に頼る,依存する」という重要表現です。
Many things that we see every day come from overseas, such as food and clothes.
また,ここでは「目的格の関係代名詞」も使われています。“that we see every day”が先行詞“things”を修飾していますよ。
“such as~”は「~のような,例えば」という重要表現で,“clothes”は「服」という名詞です。
For example, one-third of the chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and Thailand.
“for example”は「例えば」という重要表現ですね。
例えば「3分の2」は“two thirds”となります。
また,ここでは「目的格の関係代名詞」も使われています。“hat we eat”が先行詞“the chicken”を修飾していますよ。
If we didn’t import chicken from these countries, fried chicken would be quite expensive in Japan.
We depend on foreign countries even more for beef and pork.
“even more”は「さらにいっそう」という意味になります。
Also, about 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and coats, for example, are imported from China and other Asian countries.
Actually, many products that are sold by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
“product”は「製品」という名詞で,さらに「主格の関係代名詞」も使われています。“that are sold by Japanese companies”が先行詞“products”を修飾していますよ。
Electronic devices are no exception.
“exception”は「例外」という名詞で,“be no exception”は「例外ではない」となりますよ。
We’re surrounded by imported products in our daily lives.
“daily life”で「日常」となります。
Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more interdependent.
“more and more”は「ますます」という意味で,“interdependent”は「相互依存の,持ちつもたれつ」という形容詞です。
It’s necessary for us to continue helping each other ― beyond our borders.
この文は「it to構文」になっていますね。“necessary”は「必要な,必須の」という形容詞です。
“each other”は「お互い」という重要表現で,“beyond”は「を越えて」という前置詞になります。

Unit6 Read & Think1 まとめ
以上がUnit6 Read & Think1の日本語訳となります。
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit6 Scene1 本文和訳
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit6 Scene2 本文和訳