光村図書 中学3年生 Here We Go! Let’s Read2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
>中3Here We Go! Let’s Read1 本文和訳
>中3Here We Go! Let’s Read3 本文和訳①
>中3Here We Go! Let’s Read3 本文和訳➁
- Let’s Read2 本文と日本語訳
- 重要語句
- Let’s Read2 重要事項の解説
- Robots Make Dreams Come True
- When you hear the word “robot,” what kind of robot do you imagine?
- Some people think of anime characters, some people think of the human-like robots that talk to people, and some people think of robots that work in factories.
- In the modern world, people are supported by robots that have a variety of shapes, sizes, and roles.
- This is a robot that helps you learn English conversation.
- By talking to it again and again, you can improve your English-speaking skills.
- It can help people carry heavy things.
- It can search areas that are too dangerous for humans.
- Robonaut 2 is a Human-like robot that helps astronauts on the ISS (International Space Station).
- This has been a dream for many people with severe physical disabilities.
- Now we have a robot that can help.
- It’s a staff robot at a cafe in Japan that opened in autumn of 2018.
- He is a 25-year-old man who has serious disease.
- Now OriHime lets him work at a cafe.
- He watches a live video that is sent from the robot’s eyes and he talks through a microphone.
- This way, he can serve customers who come to the cafe.
- On the first day of his job at the cafe, it was difficult for Mr. Nagahiro to start conversations with customers.
- He didn’t have much experience at places like cafes.
- He asked her to give him some advice.
- The other OriHime user said, “You should de friendlier. When I serve customers, I always try to make friends with them.”
- Thanks to this experience, he now wants to try more challenges in the future.
- The person who invented OriHime is Yoshifuji Kentaro.
- When he talked to them, they usually said, “I wish I could connect myself with society.”
- It helps him work at a cafe.
- At first, it was difficult for him to start conversations with customers.
- Let’s Read2 まとめ
Let’s Read2 本文と日本語訳
Robots Make Dreams Come True「ロボットが夢を実現させる」
When you hear the word “robot,” what kind of robot do you imagine?
Some people think of anime characters, some people think of the human-like robots that talk to people, and some people think of robots that work in factories.
In the modern world, people are supported by robots that have a variety of shapes, sizes, and roles.
Scientists are continuing to invent more and more useful robots.
Now, let’s look at some examples.
How do robots make people’s dreams come true?
Talking Robot「話すロボット」
This is a robot that helps you learn English conversation.
By talking to it again and again, you can improve your English-speaking skills.
Robot Suit「ロボットスーツ」
This is HAL, a robot suit.
It can help people carry heavy things.
It’s useful in places such as hospitals and factories.
Rescue Robot「救助ロボット」
This is a rescue robot.
It can search areas that are too dangerous for humans.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, it was used at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Space Robot「宇宙ロボット」
NASA is developing robots, too.
These robots can explore space and work with astronauts.
Robonaut 2 is a Human-like robot that helps astronauts on the ISS (International Space Station).
It was sent there in 2011.
Another example is Insight.
It is a machine with a robot arm.
It reached Mars in 2018.
Avatar Robot OriHime-D「アバターロボット オリヒメ-D」
“I want to work like other people.”
This has been a dream for many people with severe physical disabilities.
Now we have a robot that can help.
Its name is OriHime.
It’s a staff robot at a cafe in Japan that opened in autumn of 2018.
One of the first OriHime users was Mr. Nagahiro Masato.
He is a 25-year-old man who has serious disease.
He didn’t have any job before because he cannot move his body.
Now OriHime lets him work at a cafe.
Mr. Nagahiro controls the robot with small movements of his fingers.
He watches a live video that is sent from the robot’s eyes and he talks through a microphone.
This way, he can serve customers who come to the cafe.
On the first day of his job at the cafe, it was difficult for Mr. Nagahiro to start conversations with customers.
He didn’t have much experience at places like cafes.
He wanted to improve his customer service skills, so he talked to another OriHime user.
He asked her to give him some advice.
The other OriHime user said, “You should de friendlier. When I serve customers, I always try to make friends with them.”
This was the first advice for Mr. Nagahiro at his first job.
“Working is tough, but it’s fun,” Mr. Nagahiro Says.
Thanks to this experience, he now wants to try more challenges in the future.
The person who invented OriHime is Yoshifuji Kentaro.
He has met a lot of people with disabilities.
When he talked to them, they usually said, “I wish I could connect myself with society.”
Mr. Yoshifuji heard their wishes and decided to create this new robot.
Finally, OriHime is making their dreams come true.
After You Read
OriHime is a robot that can help people with severe disabilities.
Mr. Nagahiro can’t move his body, but he can control OriHime with small movements of his fingers.
It helps him work at a cafe.
At first, it was difficult for him to start conversations with customers.
Mr. Nagahiro now understands that working is tough but fun.
The person who invented OriHime is Yoshifuji Kentaro.

continue 「を続ける」
more and more「ますます多くの」
such as~「~のような」
decide to 動詞の原形「~すると決める」
Let’s Read2 重要事項の解説
Robots Make Dreams Come True
“make 人・もの 動詞の原形”で「人・ものに(を)~させる」という意味になります。“come true”は「実現する」という表現です。
When you hear the word “robot,” what kind of robot do you imagine?
“what kind of~?”は「どんな~の種類」という疑問表現ですね。
Some people think of anime characters, some people think of the human-like robots that talk to people, and some people think of robots that work in factories.
“think of~”は「~だと思う・考える」という意味です。“human-like”は「人間のような」となります。
In the modern world, people are supported by robots that have a variety of shapes, sizes, and roles.
“robots that~”の部分は「主格の関係代名詞」も使われています。“a variety of~”は「様々な~」という重要表現です。“shape”は「形」,“size”は「大きさ」,“role”は「役割」です。
This is a robot that helps you learn English conversation.
また,“help 人・もの 動詞の原形”で「人・ものが~するのを助ける・手伝う」という重要表現です。
By talking to it again and again, you can improve your English-speaking skills.
“again and again“は「何度も」という表現です。“improve”は「を向上させる」という動詞です。
It can help people carry heavy things.
この文でも“help 人・もの 動詞の原形”「人・ものが~するのを助ける・手伝う」が使われています。
It can search areas that are too dangerous for humans.
Robonaut 2 is a Human-like robot that helps astronauts on the ISS (International Space Station).
This has been a dream for many people with severe physical disabilities.
Now we have a robot that can help.
It’s a staff robot at a cafe in Japan that opened in autumn of 2018.
この文でも「主格の関係代名詞」が使われています。関係代名詞”that”が修飾しているのは“a cafe in Japan”になります。先行詞に名詞1語ではなく,名詞のかたまりが来ることもあるので気をつけましょう。
He is a 25-year-old man who has serious disease.
「~歳だ」という場合は“数字 years old”と表現しますが,「~歳の名詞」としたいときは“数字-year-old 名詞”のように,ハイフンで繋いであげます。このとき“year”は単数形になります。今回の文でいうと「25歳の男性」ということですね。
Now OriHime lets him work at a cafe.
“let 人・もの 動詞の原形”で「人・ものに~させてあげる,~するのを許す」という重要表現です。訳し方はいろいろあるので,文に応じて柔軟に変えてあげましょう。
He watches a live video that is sent from the robot’s eyes and he talks through a microphone.
This way, he can serve customers who come to the cafe.
“this way”は「このように」という意味です。“serve”は「(食事など)を出す,仕える」といった動詞です。“serve customers”で「接客する」くらいで訳してあげましょう。
On the first day of his job at the cafe, it was difficult for Mr. Nagahiro to start conversations with customers.
“A of B”で「BのA」という風に後ろから前に訳します。前置詞“of”はしっかり理解しておきましょう。
後半の文は「it to 構文」になっていますね。“conversation”は「会話」という名詞です。
He didn’t have much experience at places like cafes.
He asked her to give him some advice.
“ask 人 to 動詞の原形”で「人に~するよう頼む」という重要表現ですね。
The other OriHime user said, “You should de friendlier. When I serve customers, I always try to make friends with them.”
“make friends with~”は「~と仲良くする,友達になる」という表現です。
“try to 動詞の原形”は「~しようとする」という意味で,挑戦してみたけどダメだったというようなニュアンスで使われることが多いです。難しいといった意味合いが含まれるということですね。ただ,今回はこういったニュアンスはあまりないと思います。
一方で“try 動名詞”は,「(試しに)~してみる」という表現になります。つまりその行為自体はできたという意味合いになります。
Thanks to this experience, he now wants to try more challenges in the future.
“thanks to~”で「~のおかげで」という重要表現です。
この文の“more”は“many, much”の「比較級」として使われています。「より多くの」といった意味ですね。“challenge”は「挑戦,課題」といった名詞です。
The person who invented OriHime is Yoshifuji Kentaro.
When he talked to them, they usually said, “I wish I could connect myself with society.”
“connect A with B”で「AをBと繋げる」という意味です。“society”は「社会」なので,直訳すると「私自身を社会に繋げる」となりますが,簡単に言えば「社会の一員になる」といったニュアンスですね。
It helps him work at a cafe.
この文でも“help 人・もの 動詞の原形”「人・ものが~するのを助ける・手伝う」が使われています。
At first, it was difficult for him to start conversations with customers.
“at first”は「最初に」という表現です。後半は「it to 構文」になっていますね。
Let’s Read2 まとめ
以上がLet’s Read2の日本語訳となります。