啓林館 高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson7-2, 7-3, 7-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part2 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part4 本文和訳
- LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 本文と日本語訳
- LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 重要事項の解説
- Today we can find a variety of information on the Internet.
- For example, you can get the news from many countries or information about your favorite movie star.
- You can also upload information like photos to the Internet.
- We live in an age when anyone can broadcast the information they have.
- Bana Alabed, who lived in Aleppo, Syria, was no exception.
- She sent a certain message in English to the world on her smartphone on September 24th.
- The message was, “I need peace.”
- In Aleppo, a civil war has continued since 2012.
- The civil war deprived Bana of everything.
- She liked studying, but her school was destroyed.
- She loved her friends, but the war pulled them away from her.
- Almost every day, she heard bombing and felt terrible fear.
- When she sent the message on the Internet, she thought, “I don’t know if anyone will listen or care, but I hope that someone will do something to stop the war.”
- LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 まとめ
LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 本文と日本語訳
Q1. What was the message sent from Bana on September 24th, 2016?
Q2. What did Bana hope when she sent the message?
Today we can find a variety of information on the Internet.
For example, you can get the news from many countries or information about your favorite movie star.
You can also upload information like photos to the Internet.
We live in an age when anyone can broadcast the information they have.
Bana Alabed, who lived in Aleppo, Syria, was no exception.
In 2016, this girl was seven years old.
She sent a certain message in English to the world on her smartphone on September 24th.
The message was, “I need peace.”
In Aleppo, a civil war has continued since 2012.
The civil war deprived Bana of everything.
She liked studying, but her school was destroyed.
She loved her friends, but the war pulled them away from her.
Almost every day, she heard bombing and felt terrible fear.
When she sent the message on the Internet, she thought, “I don’t know if anyone will listen or care, but I hope that someone will do something to stop the war.”

LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 重要事項の解説
Today we can find a variety of information on the Internet.
“a variety of~”は「様々な~」という重要表現になります。
For example, you can get the news from many countries or information about your favorite movie star.
“for example”は「例えば」という重要表現ですね。
You can also upload information like photos to the Internet.
“upload A to B”は「AをBにアップロードする」という意味で,“like”は「~のような」という前置詞,“photo”は「写真」という名詞になります。
We live in an age when anyone can broadcast the information they have.
“when”は「関係副詞」で,“when anyone can broadcast the information they have”が先行詞“age”を修飾しています。
また,「目的格の関係代名詞」である“which/that”も省略されていて,“they have”が先行詞“the information”を修飾しています。
“they”は“anyone”を指しています。“anyone”は単数名詞ですが,代名詞で示す場合は”he or she”か”they”を使ってあげます。
Bana Alabed, who lived in Aleppo, Syria, was no exception.
“who”は「主格の関係代名詞」で,“, who lived in Aleppo”が先行詞“Bana Alabed”を修飾しています。
“be no exception”は「例外ではない」という重要表現です。
She sent a certain message in English to the world on her smartphone on September 24th.
“sent”は“send(を送る)”の過去形です。“send 物 to 人”で「人に物を送る」で,“send 人 物”に書き換え可能ですね。
“in 言語”は「~語で」という表現です。
The message was, “I need peace.”
In Aleppo, a civil war has continued since 2012.
“civil”は「民間の」という形容詞で,“war”は「戦争」という名詞です。“civil war”で「内戦」になります。
The civil war deprived Bana of everything.
“deprive”は「を奪う」という動詞で,“deprive A of B”で「AからBを奪う」となります。
She liked studying, but her school was destroyed.
She loved her friends, but the war pulled them away from her.
“pull A away from B”で「BからAを引き離す」という意味になります。
Almost every day, she heard bombing and felt terrible fear.
When she sent the message on the Internet, she thought, “I don’t know if anyone will listen or care, but I hope that someone will do something to stop the war.”
“to stop”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっています。
LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 まとめ
以上がLANDMARK Lesson7 Part1の日本語訳となります。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part2 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part4 本文和訳