啓林館 高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson7-1, 7-2, 7-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part2 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part4 本文和訳
- LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 本文と日本語訳
- LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 重要事項の解説
- Because of the great influence of her messages, the Syrian government regarded her as a dangerous person.
- To protect her, Bana’s family was evacuated to the neighboring country, Turkey, in 2016.
- Even after leaving Syria, she did not stop sending messages for peace.
- She was not only active on the Internet, but she also sent letters to the leaders of some countries.
- She wrote in the letters that everyone in the world should live in peace.
- Unfortunately, because of the complexity of the situation, messages for peace alone could not end the war.
- So, did Bana’s words mean nothing?
- Were the messages of encouragement to her meaningless?
- Bana had this to say: “As I hid in the basement for hours and hours, mom and I would read the messages.
- Reading them, we felt people cared about us, and we weren’t alone.
- When I was taking photos and videos on the street, people said, ‘Thank you, Bana.’
- People liked me telling the whole world not to forget Aleppo because they all thought they had been forgotten by the world.”
- Mr. president, I hope you are ok.
- Could you please help the people of Ghouta in Syria?
- Many children were killed and the bombing doesn’t stop.
- I am asking you to stop this killing.
- Please, do it for the children, you know they have no crime.
- Will you help, Mr. president?
- I really want you do everything you can.
- LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 まとめ
LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 本文と日本語訳
Q1. Why did Bana’s family move to Turkey in 2016?
Q2. How did Bana and her mother feel when they were reading the messages from people?
Because of the great influence of her messages, the Syrian government regarded her as a dangerous person.
To protect her, Bana’s family was evacuated to the neighboring country, Turkey, in 2016.
Even after leaving Syria, she did not stop sending messages for peace.
She was not only active on the Internet, but she also sent letters to the leaders of some countries.
She wrote in the letters that everyone in the world should live in peace.
Unfortunately, because of the complexity of the situation, messages for peace alone could not end the war.
So, did Bana’s words mean nothing?
Were the messages of encouragement to her meaningless?
Bana had this to say: “As I hid in the basement for hours and hours, mom and I would read the messages.
Reading them, we felt people cared about us, and we weren’t alone.
When I was taking photos and videos on the street, people said, ‘Thank you, Bana.’
People liked me telling the whole world not to forget Aleppo because they all thought they had been forgotten by the world.”
To president Macron
Mr. president, I hope you are ok.
Could you please help the people of Ghouta in Syria?
Many children were killed and the bombing doesn’t stop.
I am asking you to stop this killing.
Please, do it for the children, you know they have no crime.
Will you help, Mr. president?
I really want you do everything you can.
Thank you.
From: Bana.

LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 重要事項の解説
Because of the great influence of her messages, the Syrian government regarded her as a dangerous person.
“because of~”は「~のため,~が理由で」という重要表現です。
“regard A as B”は「AをBとして見なす」という重要表現ですね。
To protect her, Bana’s family was evacuated to the neighboring country, Turkey, in 2016.
“protect”は「を守る」という動詞で,“To protect”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。
“the neighboring country”と“Turkey”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
Even after leaving Syria, she did not stop sending messages for peace.
“stop 動名詞”は「~することをやめる」という重要表現です。“stop to 動詞の原形”にすると,「~するために立ち止まる」という全く違うニュアンスになってしまいます。
She was not only active on the Internet, but she also sent letters to the leaders of some countries.
“not only A but also B”は「AだけでなくBもまた」という重要表現です。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
She wrote in the letters that everyone in the world should live in peace.
Unfortunately, because of the complexity of the situation, messages for peace alone could not end the war.
So, did Bana’s words mean nothing?
Were the messages of encouragement to her meaningless?
Bana had this to say: “As I hid in the basement for hours and hours, mom and I would read the messages.
“have this to say”は「このように言う」という表現になります。
“as”は「~のとき」という前置詞で,“hid”は“hide(隠れる)”の過去形,“basement”は「地下」という名詞,“for hours and hours”は「何時間も」という意味です。
Reading them, we felt people cared about us, and we weren’t alone.
“When we read them,”の“When we”が省略されていますね。
“them”は“the messages”を指しています。
“care about~”は「~を心配する,気に掛ける」という動詞で,“alone”は「1人の」という形容詞になります。
When I was taking photos and videos on the street, people said, ‘Thank you, Bana.’
“take a photo”は「写真を撮る」という意味で,ここでは「過去進行形」になっています。
People liked me telling the whole world not to forget Aleppo because they all thought they had been forgotten by the world.”
“tell 物 to 人”で「人に物を教える,伝える」という重要表現で,ここでは「動名詞」になっています。
“not to forget”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」の否定形になります。
Mr. president, I hope you are ok.
Could you please help the people of Ghouta in Syria?
“could(would) you~?”は「~していただけませんか?」という表現です。
Many children were killed and the bombing doesn’t stop.
I am asking you to stop this killing.
“ask 人 to 動詞の原形”は「人に~するよう頼む」という重要表現で,ここでは「現在進行形」になっています。
Please, do it for the children, you know they have no crime.
“do”は「代動詞」で,“do it”は“stop this killing”を指しています。
また,“know”の後ろには「接続詞that」が省略されていて,“they”は“the children”を指していますね。
Will you help, Mr. president?
“will(can) you~?”は「~してくれませんか?」という重要表現です。
丁寧に言うときは,先ほど説明した“could(would) you~?”「~していただけませんか?」を使います。
I really want you do everything you can.
ここでは“to”が抜けていますが,“want 人 to 動詞の原形”で「人に~してほしい」という重要表現です。
“you can”が先行詞”everything”を修飾していますね。
LANDMARK Lesson7 Part3 まとめ
以上がLANDMARK Lesson7 Part3の日本語訳となります。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part1 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part2 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson7 Part4 本文和訳