啓林館 高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson4-1, 4-3, 4-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part1 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part3 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part4 本文和訳
- LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2 本文と日本語訳
- LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2 重要事項の解説
- Let’s look at the land features of Yakushima.
- It is a round island, about 500 km2 (square kilometers) in size, and covered with green forest.
- If you compare Yakushima with Tokyo or Osaka, you can understand its size.
- The island has over 40 mountains that are more than 1,000 m (meters) high.
- That is why Yakushima is called “the Alps of the Sea.”
- The climate of Yakushima warm and humid throughout the year.
- The average temperature is 20°C (degrees Celsius) in the coastal areas and 15°C in the central areas.
- However, in winter temperature in the mountaintop areas can fall below zero, and these areas become covered with snow.
- Yakushima has a lot of rain and it is said that “it rains 35 days a month”!
- The annual rainfall is about 4,500 mm (millimeters) in the low-lying areas.
- In the mountain areas, it is about 8,000 to 10,000 mm.
- That is why the humidity is high ― about 73 to 75% on average.
- This climate has created a unique ecosystem on Yakushima.
- LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2 まとめ
LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2 本文と日本語訳
Q1. What are the land features of Yakushima?
Q2. What is the climate like on Yakushima?
Let’s look at the land features of Yakushima.
It is a round island, about 500 km2 (square kilometers) in size, and covered with green forest.
「屋久島は大きさは約500 km2の円形の島で,緑の森に覆われています。」
If you compare Yakushima with Tokyo or Osaka, you can understand its size.
The island has over 40 mountains that are more than 1,000 m (meters) high.
That is why Yakushima is called “the Alps of the Sea.”
The climate of Yakushima warm and humid throughout the year.
The average temperature is 20°C (degrees Celsius) in the coastal areas and 15°C in the central areas.
However, in winter temperature in the mountaintop areas can fall below zero, and these areas become covered with snow.
Yakushima has a lot of rain and it is said that “it rains 35 days a month”!
The annual rainfall is about 4,500 mm (millimeters) in the low-lying areas.
In the mountain areas, it is about 8,000 to 10,000 mm.
That is why the humidity is high ― about 73 to 75% on average.
This climate has created a unique ecosystem on Yakushima.
LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2 重要事項の解説
Let’s look at the land features of Yakushima.
“Let’s 動詞の原形”は「~しましょう」ですね。
同じ意味で“Shall we~?”や“Why don’t we~?”もあるのでセットで覚えましょう!
It is a round island, about 500 km2 (square kilometers) in size, and covered with green forest.
“round”は「丸い」という形容詞で,“island”は「島」,“square kilometer”は「平方キロメートル」,“forest”は「森」という名詞になります。
“in size”は「大きさで」といった表現で,“cover”は「を覆う」という動詞です。
“be covered with~”という「受動態」の表現は「~に覆われている」という意味で,非常によく出てくるので必ず覚えましょう!
If you compare Yakushima with Tokyo or Osaka, you can understand its size.
“compare A with B”は「AをBと比較する」という重要表現です。
The island has over 40 mountains that are more than 1,000 m (meters) high.
“over”と“more than~”は「~より多くの」という意味です。
“that”は「主格の関係代名詞」で,“that are more than 1,000 m (meters) high”が先行詞“over 40 mountains”を修飾しています。
“meter”は「メートル」で“meter high”で「(高さが)~メートル」という意味になります。
That is why Yakushima is called “the Alps of the Sea.”
“That is why~”は「そういうわけで」といった重要表現です。
正確には“That is the reason why~”というように,“the reason”という先行詞が省略されていて,“why”は「関係副詞」になります。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
The climate of Yakushima warm and humid throughout the year.
The average temperature is 20°C (degrees Celsius) in the coastal areas and 15°C in the central areas.
“degree”は「度,程度」という名詞で,“degrees Celsius”は「セ氏温度」といういわゆる日常で使う温度や気温の単位のことです。
However, in winter temperature in the mountaintop areas can fall below zero, and these areas become covered with snow.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
“mountaintop”は「山頂部」という名詞です。“below”は「~の下に」という前置詞で,“below zero”で「氷点下」となります。
“fall”は「落ちる」という動詞,“become covered with~”は“be covered with~”と同じ意味です。
Yakushima has a lot of rain and it is said that “it rains 35 days a month”!
「年に〇回」など,特定の期間に〇回という表現をする場合は,“回数 a 期間”の形で表します。
「年/月/週/日 に 1/2/3回」=”once/twice/three times a year/month/week/day“
3回目以降は”数字 times”と表現します。
The annual rainfall is about 4,500 mm (millimeters) in the low-lying areas.
“low-lying area”は「低地」という意味になります。
In the mountain areas, it is about 8,000 to 10,000 mm.
“it”は“The annual rainfall”を指しています。
“A to B”は「AからBへ」といった意味になりますね。
That is why the humidity is high ― about 73 to 75% on average.
“on average”は「平均して」という表現になります。
This climate has created a unique ecosystem on Yakushima.
LANDMARK Lesson4 Part2 まとめ
以上がLANDMARK Lesson4 Part2の日本語訳となります。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part1 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part3 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson4 Part4 本文和訳