高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part4 本文和訳


啓林館 高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part4の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Lesson2-1, 2-2, 2-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part1 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part2 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part3 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2024/09/19 07:31:39時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

LANDMARK Lesson2 Part4 本文と日本語訳

Q1. With the spread of curry, what happened in Japan?


Q2. What curry-based foods were the most successful?


With the spread of curry, a lot of new curry-based foods appeared in Japan.


For example, a Japanese restaurant invented curry-udon around 1904.


A Japanese bakery started to sell curry-filled bread called “curry-pan” in 1927.


Later, curry-flavored snacks also appeared.


You have probably eaten some of them.


Among them, curry roux and curry in a pouch were the most successful.


Japanese companies exported these foods to countries such as China, South Korea, and the US.


Now astronauts eat curry in a pouch in the International Space Station (ISS).


Curry was born in India.


Later, people in the UK and Japan started to eat curry.


Now people all over the world eat it.


That’s all for my speech. Thank you.


I suppose you are very hungry now.


Let’s go to the cafeteria and have some curry!


LANDMARK Lesson2 Part4 重要事項の解説

With the spread of curry, a lot of new curry-based foods appeared in Japan.



“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。


For example, a Japanese restaurant invented curry-udon around 1904.

“for example”「例えば」という重要表現です。


A Japanese bakery started to sell curry-filled bread called “curry-pan” in 1927.

“bakery”「パン屋」“curry-filled bread”「カレーパン」という名詞ですね。

“sell”「を売る」という動詞で,“to sell”「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。

“called”「過去分詞」で,“called “curry-pan” in 1927″が直前にある“soldiers”を修飾していますね。

Later, curry-flavored snacks also appeared.




You have probably eaten some of them.


“probably”「多分」という副詞で,“some of~”「~のいくつか」といった意味になります。

“them”“curry-flavored snacks”を指していますね。

Among them, curry roux and curry in a pouch were the most successful.


「2つの間」を表現するときは“between A and B”を使いますよ。


“the most”が付いているので,ここでは「最上級」になっています。

Japanese companies exported these foods to countries such as China, South Korea, and the US.

“company”「会社」“South Korea”「韓国」“the US”「アメリカ」という名詞ですね。


“such as~”「~のような,~など」という重要表現になります。

Now astronauts eat curry in a pouch in the International Space Station (ISS).

“astronaut”「宇宙飛行士」“the International Space Station”「国際宇宙ステーション」という名詞です。

Curry was born in India.

“be born”「生まれる」という重要表現になります。

Later, people in the UK and Japan started to eat curry.

イギリスは正式名称が“the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(グレート・ブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)”で,省略して“the U.K.”“the United Kingdom”と言われます。


“to eat”「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。

Now people all over the world eat it.

“all over”「~中」という意味で,“all over the world”「世界中」ですね。


That’s all for my speech. Thank you.

“That’s all for~”「これで~を終わる」という表現になります。

I suppose you are very hungry now.



Let’s go to the cafeteria and have some curry!

“Let’s 動詞の原形”「~しましょう」ですね。

同じ意味で“Shall we~?”“Why don’t we~?”もあるのでセットで覚えましょう!


LANDMARK Lesson2 Part4 まとめ

以上がLANDMARK Lesson2 Part4の日本語訳となります。


>高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part1 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part2 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson2 Part3 本文和訳




