啓林館 高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson1-1, 1-3,1-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part1 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part3 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part4 本文和訳
- LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2 本文と日本語訳
- LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2 重要事項の解説
- First, you should have a clear image of your goal.
- Then you will have a better chance to achieve it.
- Do you know Hanyu Yuzuru, a figure skater?
- When he was a little kid, he said he wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
- Like Yuzuru, successful athletes tend to have a vivid image of the goal that they want to achieve.
- Second, declare your goal.
- By doing so, you cannot give it up easily, and you may also get help from others.
- Here is one good example.
- A high school girl declared her goal to make a box lunch for herself every day for five months.
- She needed to get up at five in the morning to make one.
- She almost gave up, but her family and friends supported her.
- Eventually, she achieved her goal.
- LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2 まとめ
LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2 本文と日本語訳
Q1. What did Yuzuru achieve when he was 19 years old?
Q2. What time did the girl need to get up to achieve her goal?
First, you should have a clear image of your goal.
Then you will have a better chance to achieve it.
Do you know Hanyu Yuzuru, a figure skater?
When he was a little kid, he said he wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
He achieved this goal when he was 19 years old.
Like Yuzuru, successful athletes tend to have a vivid image of the goal that they want to achieve.
Second, declare your goal.
By doing so, you cannot give it up easily, and you may also get help from others.
Here is one good example.
A high school girl declared her goal to make a box lunch for herself every day for five months.
She needed to get up at five in the morning to make one.
She almost gave up, but her family and friends supported her.
Eventually, she achieved her goal.
LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2 重要事項の解説
First, you should have a clear image of your goal.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
Then you will have a better chance to achieve it.
“achieve”は「を達成する,獲得する」という動詞で,“to achieve”は“a better chance”を修飾する「不定詞の形容詞的用法」ですね。
“it”は“your goal”を指しています。
Do you know Hanyu Yuzuru, a figure skater?
“Hanyu Yuzuru”と“a figure skater”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
When he was a little kid, he said he wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
“little kid”は「小さな子ども」という意味ですが,ここでは「幼い時」と訳しました。
“win”は「勝つ,を勝ち取る」という動詞で,“gold medal”は「金メダル」ですね。
Like Yuzuru, successful athletes tend to have a vivid image of the goal that they want to achieve.
“tend to 動詞の原形”は「~しがちである,~する傾向がある」という重要表現ですね。
“that”は「目的格の関係代名詞」で,先行詞”a vivid image of the goal”を”that they want to achieve”が修飾していますね。
Second, declare your goal.
By doing so, you cannot give it up easily, and you may also get help from others.
“so”は「そう」という意味で,“doing so”は「目標を宣言すること」を指しています。
“give up”は「を諦める」で,代名詞が目的語のときは“give 代名詞 up”の形にします。
Here is one good example.
“here is(are)~”は「~がある」という意味です。
A high school girl declared her goal to make a box lunch for herself every day for five months.
“box lunch”は「お弁当」という名詞で,“to make”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」ですね。
“for oneself”は「自力で」という表現になります。
“for 数字”は「~間」という意味です。
She needed to get up at five in the morning to make one.
“need to 動詞の原形”は「~する必要がある」という重要表現です。
“to make”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」ですね。
“one”は代名詞で,今回は“box lunch”を指しています。
She almost gave up, but her family and friends supported her.
Eventually, she achieved her goal.
LANDMARK Lesson1 Part2 まとめ
以上がLANDMARK Lesson1 Part2の日本語訳となります。
>高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part1 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part3 本文和訳
>高1LANDMARK Lesson1 Part4 本文和訳