高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 本文和訳


啓林館 高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Lesson3-1, 3-2, 3-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part1 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part2 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part3 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2025/01/20 10:52:03時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)
  1. LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 本文と日本語訳
  2. LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 重要事項の解説
    1. Are you for or against school uniforms?
    2. High school students in Japan, the United states, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, and China answered this question in a study.
    3. Here are some reasons in favor of school uniforms.
    4. First, uniforms can prevent bullying about fashion.
    5. Second, uniforms can increase students’ sense of belonging to their school.
    6. Third, uniforms can show the wearer’s social status as a student.
    7. Fourth, uniforms can put students into the mindset of studying.
    8. Finally some students say uniforms are good because they do not need to pick out clothes for school every day.
    9. Some students insist that they cannot show their individuality or feel free when they wear a uniform.
    10. Others worry that their freedom may be limited by a uniform.
    11. Others say it is not easy to adjust a uniform to the weather.
    12. What is your opinion?
    13. Pros and Cons of School Uniforms
    14. ・we can easily switch between school and private lives.
    15. ・we can behave like responsible high school students.
    16. ・people can see which school the student attends.
    17. ・we can give a good impression to others.
    18. ・we can establish our identity as a student.
    19. ・teachers can distinguish between students and others outside of school.
    20. ・we can be free from having to choose our clothes every morning.
    21. ・we can prevent discrimination based on clothing.
    22. ・we can’t adjust our body temperature in a uniform.
    23. ・we should be able to wear our favorite clothes.
    24. ・they somehow seem old-fashioned.
    25. ・they are uncomfortable to wear.
    26. ・they are too expensive.
    27. ・it is difficult to move easily in a uniform.
    28. ・they limit individuality and personal preference.
  3. LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 まとめ

LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 本文と日本語訳

Q1. Why are some students for school uniforms? Give one reason.


Q2. Why are some students against school uniforms? Give one reason.


Are you for or against school uniforms?


High school students in Japan, the United states, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, and China answered this question in a study.


Here are some reasons in favor of school uniforms.


First, uniforms can prevent bullying about fashion.


Second, uniforms can increase students’ sense of belonging to their school.


Third, uniforms can show the wearer’s social status as a student.


Fourth, uniforms can put students into the mindset of studying.


Finally some students say uniforms are good because they do not need to pick out clothes for school every day.


What are the reasons against school uniforms?


Some students insist that they cannot show their individuality or feel free when they wear a uniform.


Others worry that their freedom may be limited by a uniform.


Others say it is not easy to adjust a uniform to the weather.


What is your opinion?


Pros and Cons of School Uniforms 「制服の良い点と悪い点」

Pros I’m for school uniforms because…



・we can easily switch between school and private lives.


・we can behave like responsible high school students.


the U.S.

・people can see which school the student attends.


the U.K.

・we can prevent bullying about clothes.


・we can give a good impression to others.



・we can establish our identity as a student.


・teachers can distinguish between students and others outside of school.


South Korea

・we can be free from having to choose our clothes every morning.



・we can prevent discrimination based on clothing.


Cons I’m against school uniforms because…



・we can’t adjust our body temperature in a uniform.


the U.S.

・we should be able to wear our favorite clothes.


・they somehow seem old-fashioned.


the U.K.

・they are uncomfortable to wear.



・they are too expensive.


South Korea

・it is difficult to move easily in a uniform.



・they limit individuality and personal preference.


LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 重要事項の解説

Are you for or against school uniforms?



“school uniform”「制服」ですね。

High school students in Japan, the United states, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, and China answered this question in a study.

“the United states”「アメリカ」“the United Kingdom”「イギリス」“South Korea”「韓国」ですね。


Here are some reasons in favor of school uniforms.

“Here is/are~.”「ここに~がある,これが~だ」といった意味になります。


“in favor of~”「~に賛成して,~の方を好んで」という重要表現ですね。

First, uniforms can prevent bullying about fashion.




Second, uniforms can increase students’ sense of belonging to their school.


“increase”「を高める,増やす」“belong to~”「に所属する」という動詞で,“belonging”「動名詞」になっています。


直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。

“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。


Third, uniforms can show the wearer’s social status as a student.





Fourth, uniforms can put students into the mindset of studying.


“put A into B”「AをBに入れる,AをBの状態にする」といった意味になります。



Finally some students say uniforms are good because they do not need to pick out clothes for school every day.



“they”“some students”を指しています。

“need to 動詞の原形”「~する必要がある」という重要表現で,“pick out”「を選ぶ」という意味になります。


Some students insist that they cannot show their individuality or feel free when they wear a uniform.


“they”“some students”を指しています。



Others worry that their freedom may be limited by a uniform.





Others say it is not easy to adjust a uniform to the weather.


そして,“that”以下の文は「it to構文」になっています。

“adjust A to B”「AをBに合わせる」という意味になります。

What is your opinion?


Pros and Cons of School Uniforms



・we can easily switch between school and private lives.


between A and B「AとBの間で」という前置詞で,「2つのものの間」を示します。




knife→knives(ナイフ), leaf→leaves(葉)などがあります。

・we can behave like responsible high school students.



・people can see which school the student attends.



・we can give a good impression to others.

“give もの to 人”「人にものを与える」となって,“give 人 もの”でも同じ意味になります。

他には“teach”, “tell”, “show”などが同じ使い方をできるので必ず書き換えられるようにしておきましょう。


・we can establish our identity as a student.



・teachers can distinguish between students and others outside of school.



・we can be free from having to choose our clothes every morning.

“be free from~”「~から解放される」といった意味です。

having to”“have to(~しなければならない)”「動名詞」にした形で,“choose”「を選ぶ」という動詞になります。

・we can prevent discrimination based on clothing.

“discrimination”「差別」という名詞で,“based on~”「~に基づく」という形容詞です。修飾したい名詞の後ろにいてあげます。


・we can’t adjust our body temperature in a uniform.


・we should be able to wear our favorite clothes.

“should”「~すべきだ,~のはずだ」という助動詞で,“be able to 動詞の原形”「~することができる」という助動詞“can”と同じ意味の表現になります。


・they somehow seem old-fashioned.

“they”school uniformsを指しています。



・they are uncomfortable to wear.

“they”school uniformsを指しています。


・they are too expensive.

“they”school uniformsを指しています。


・it is difficult to move easily in a uniform.

この文は「it to構文」になっています。

“move”「動く」という動詞で,“in 衣服”「~を着て」といった状態を表します。

・they limit individuality and personal preference.

“they”school uniformsを指しています。


LANDMARK Lesson3 Part4 まとめ

以上がLANDMARK Lesson3 Part4の日本語訳となります。

「動名詞」「it to構文」をしっかり確認しておきましょう!

>高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part1 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part2 本文和訳

>高1LANDMARK Lesson3 Part3 本文和訳




