開隆堂 中学3年生 Sunshine(サンシャイン) Program5 Part2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Program5-Scenes, 5-1, 5-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>中3Sunshine Program5 Scenes 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program5 Part1 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program5 Part3 本文和訳
- Program5 Part2 本文と日本語訳
- Program5 Part2 重要事項の解説
- How did chocolate become popular?
- Cacao beans were shipped to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century.
- After that, Europeans began to drink their chocolate with sugar.
- The world’s first solid chocolate was made in 1847.
- However, it was still bitter.
- Then a Swiss man and his friend added milk to improve its taste.
- This is called “milk chocolate” today.
- Chocolate is enjoyed throughout the world now.
- Look at this figure.
- Let’s find the countries which consume a lot of chocolate.
- Program5 Part2 まとめ
Program5 Part2 本文と日本語訳
How did chocolate become popular?
Cacao beans were shipped to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century.
After that, Europeans began to drink their chocolate with sugar.
The world’s first solid chocolate was made in 1847.
However, it was still bitter.
Then a Swiss man and his friend added milk to improve its taste.
This is called “milk chocolate” today.
Chocolate is enjoyed throughout the world now.
Look at this figure.
Let’s find the countries which consume a lot of chocolate.

Program5 Part2 重要事項の解説
How did chocolate become popular?
Cacao beans were shipped to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century.
“cacao beans”は「カカオ豆」です。
After that, Europeans began to drink their chocolate with sugar.
“to drink”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっていますね。
The world’s first solid chocolate was made in 1847.
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
However, it was still bitter.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
Then a Swiss man and his friend added milk to improve its taste.
“to improve”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていますよ。
This is called “milk chocolate” today.
Chocolate is enjoyed throughout the world now.
Look at this figure.
Let’s find the countries which consume a lot of chocolate.
“Let’s 動詞の原形”は「~しましょう」ですね。
同じ意味で“Shall we~?”や“Why don’t we~?”もあるのでセットで覚えましょう!
また,「主格の関係代名詞」も使われていて,“which consume a lot of chocolate”が先行詞“the countries”を修飾していますね。
Program5 Part2 まとめ
以上がProgram5 Part2の日本語訳となります。
>中3Sunshine Program5 Scenes 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program5 Part1 本文和訳
>中3Sunshine Program5 Part3 本文和訳