桐原書店 高1Heartening Lesson8 Section1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson8-2, 8-3, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1Heartening Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳
- Heartening Lesson8 Section1 本文と日本語訳
- Heartening Lesson8 Section1 重要事項の解説
- As night falls on the final day of the year, strange beings appear in the Oga Peninsula on the Sea of Japan.
- The scary masked visitors have horns and long hair and wear straw coats.
- They even carry knives.
- They go from house to house.
- “Are there any crybabies here?” they shout. “Any naughty boys and girls?”
- The namahage come every winter and scare young children.
- As the namahage approach them, the children cry out in fear.
- However, for the adults, the demons represent a practical tradition of keeping rowdy children well-behaved.
- They are respected because they are also believed to bring good fortune.
- As the namahage enter each home, they wish the family a happy new year.
- They are regarded as visiting gods by the people of the village.
- So they are welcomed with food and sake.
- Heartening Lesson8 Section1 まとめ
Heartening Lesson8 Section1 本文と日本語訳
You are reading a book about winter festivals.
As night falls on the final day of the year, strange beings appear in the Oga Peninsula on the Sea of Japan.
The scary masked visitors have horns and long hair and wear straw coats.
They even carry knives.
They go from house to house.
“Are there any crybabies here?” they shout. “Any naughty boys and girls?”
The namahage come every winter and scare young children.
As the namahage approach them, the children cry out in fear.
However, for the adults, the demons represent a practical tradition of keeping rowdy children well-behaved.
They are respected because they are also believed to bring good fortune.
As the namahage enter each home, they wish the family a happy new year.
They are regarded as visiting gods by the people of the village.
So they are welcomed with food and sake.
Heartening Lesson8 Section1 重要事項の解説
As night falls on the final day of the year, strange beings appear in the Oga Peninsula on the Sea of Japan.
“as night falls”は「夜が訪れると」、“the final day of the year”は「大みそか」という意味です。“the last day of the year”とも言いますね。
“strange”は「奇妙な、変な」という形容詞、“being”は「人間」、“Oga Peninsula”は「男鹿半島」、“the Sea of Japan”は「日本海」という名詞で、“appear”は「現れる」という動詞になります。
The scary masked visitors have horns and long hair and wear straw coats.
They even carry knives.
“They”は“The scary masked visitors”を指しています。
他にはlife→lives(生活), leaf→leaves(葉)などがあります。
They go from house to house.
“They”は“The scary masked visitors”を指しています。
“from house to house”は「一軒一軒、家から家へ」という意味になります。
“Are there any crybabies here?” they shout. “Any naughty boys and girls?”
“Are”there~?”は「there構文」で、“They”は“The scary masked visitors”を指していますね。
The namahage come every winter and scare young children.
“scare”は「を怖がらせる、驚かせる」という動詞で、“young children”は「幼い子どもたち」ですね。
As the namahage approach them, the children cry out in fear.
“approach”は「に近づく」という動詞で、“them”は“young children”を指しています。
“cry out”は「泣き叫ぶ」といった意味で、“in fear”は「怯えて」という表現ですね。
However, for the adults, the demons represent a practical tradition of keeping rowdy children well-behaved.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“keep 名詞 名詞/形容詞”は「名詞を~(の状態に)保つ」という重要表現で、“rowdy”は「騒がしい、乱暴な」、“well-behaved”は「行儀の良い」という形容詞にです、
They are respected because they are also believed to bring good fortune.
“They”はどちらも“the demons”を指しています。
“be believed to 動詞の原形”は「~すると考えられている」という「受動態」の表現で、“bring”は「をもたらす、持ってくる」という動詞ですね。
As the namahage enter each home, they wish the family a happy new year.
“they”は“the namahage“を指していて、“wish 人 もの”は「人にものを願う」といった意味になりますよ。
They are regarded as visiting gods by the people of the village.
“They”は“the namahage“を指していますね。
“be regarded as~”は「~と見なされる」という「受動態」の表現で、“visiting god”は「来訪神」という名詞です。
So they are welcomed with food and sake.
“they”は“the namahage“を指していますね。
Heartening Lesson8 Section1 まとめ
以上がHeartening Lesson8 Section1の日本語訳となります。
>高1Heartening Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳