三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson2-1, 2-2, 2-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section4 本文和訳
- ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 重要事項の解説
- One day, Christian found a belt in the house and picked it up in his teeth.
- Ace tried to take the belt away from him, but for the first time he angrily showed his sharp teeth.
- Ace was shocked, and that reminded him that Christian was a wild animal.
- Since the two men began to worry about Christian, one of their friends advised them to talk to George, an expert on lions in Kenya.
- George said that Christian should join other lions in the wild.
- John and Ace knew that a life in the wild was best for Christian, so they finally agreed with George.
- In 1970, the two men went to Kenya to set Christian free.
- They asked George to train Christian to live in the wild.
- Christian, then, met his new lion friends and learned their ways of living.
- Their last day arrived quickly.
- John and Ace spent one last fun day with Christian.
- The next morning they left early without saying goodbye.
- ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 まとめ
ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 本文と日本語訳
One day, Christian found a belt in the house and picked it up in his teeth.
Ace tried to take the belt away from him, but for the first time he angrily showed his sharp teeth.
Ace was shocked, and that reminded him that Christian was a wild animal.
Since the two men began to worry about Christian, one of their friends advised them to talk to George, an expert on lions in Kenya.
George said that Christian should join other lions in the wild.
John and Ace knew that a life in the wild was best for Christian, so they finally agreed with George.
In 1970, the two men went to Kenya to set Christian free.
They asked George to train Christian to live in the wild.
Christian, then, met his new lion friends and learned their ways of living.
Their last day arrived quickly.
John and Ace spent one last fun day with Christian.
The next morning they left early without saying goodbye.
ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 重要事項の解説
One day, Christian found a belt in the house and picked it up in his teeth.
“one day”は「ある日」という表現ですね。
“pick up~”は「~を取り上げる、拾い上げる」といった表現で、今回のように代名詞とセットの時は、”pick”と”up”の間に代名詞を入れてあげます。
Ace tried to take the belt away from him, but for the first time he angrily showed his sharp teeth.
“try to 動詞の原形”は「~しようとする」という意味で,これから挑戦するという未来の内容か,挑戦してみたけどダメだったというようなニュアンスで使われることが多いです。難しいといった意味合いが含まれるということですね。
“take A away from B”は「AをBから奪う」といった表現になります。
“for the first time”は「初めて」という表現で、“angrily”は「怒って」という副詞ですね。
Ace was shocked, and that reminded him that Christian was a wild animal.
“remind”は「(人)に思い出させる」という動詞で、“remind 人 that~”で「人にthat以下の内容を思い出させる」となります。
Since the two men began to worry about Christian, one of their friends advised them to talk to George, an expert on lions in Kenya.
“began”は“begin(を始める)”の過去形、“worry about~”は「~を心配する」という意味で、ここでは「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。
“one of 名詞の複数形”は「~のうちの1つ(1人)」という意味です。
“advise”は「に助言する、アドバイスする」という動詞で、“them”は“the two men”を指していますね。
“talk to(with) 人”で「人と話す」という意味です。
“expert”は「専門家」という名詞で、“expert on~”で「~についての専門家」となります。
また、“George”と“an expert on lions in Kenya”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
George said that Christian should join other lions in the wild.
“other”は「他の」という形容詞で、“in the wild”は「野生の」という表現になります。
John and Ace knew that a life in the wild was best for Christian, so they finally agreed with George.
“they”は“John and Ace”を指していて、“agree with~”は「~に同意する、賛成する」という重要表現です。
In 1970, the two men went to Kenya to set Christian free.
“set A free”は「Aを自由にする、解放する」という重要表現です。
They asked George to train Christian to live in the wild.
“They”は“John and Ace”を指していますね。
“ask 人 to 動詞の原形”で「人に~するよう頼む」という重要表現です。
“live”は「生きる」という動詞で、“to live”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていますね。
Christian, then, met his new lion friends and learned their ways of living.
“learn”は「を学ぶ、習得する」という動詞で、“their”は“his new lion friends”を指しています。
“way”は「方法、やりかた、道」といった名詞、“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
Their last day arrived quickly.
John and Ace spent one last fun day with Christian.
The next morning they left early without saying goodbye.
“without saying goodbye”は「別れも告げずに、さよならも言わずに」という表現になります。
ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 まとめ
以上がELEMENT Lesson2 Section3の日本語訳となります。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section4 本文和訳