三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson6-1, 6-3, 6-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section3 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section4 本文和訳
- ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2 本文と日本語訳
- ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2 重要事項の解説
- In Japan, different people use different onomatopoeia for the peach floating down the river when they tell the story.
- Eiko’s father used donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh, which has a pleasant rhythm, and she liked listening to it.
- Even now, those words come back to her.
- When her work is not going well, she says donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh unconsciously.
- When she does so, she can keep writing her story.
- The words are her magic spell.
- In everyday life, people hear the songs of birds and the sounds of wind, rain, and human life such as walking around, opening doors, and cooking.
- In Japan, hearing these sounds, people have used their imaginations and created many onomatopoeic phrases.
- Eiko’s father was really good at creating his own onomatopoeia, which made the stories ever so delightful.
- Thanks to her father, Eiko came to love stories.
- ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2 まとめ
ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2 本文と日本語訳
In Japan, different people use different onomatopoeia for the peach floating down the river when they tell the story.
Eiko’s father used donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh, which has a pleasant rhythm, and she liked listening to it.
Even now, those words come back to her.
When her work is not going well, she says donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh unconsciously.
When she does so, she can keep writing her story.
The words are her magic spell.
In everyday life, people hear the songs of birds and the sounds of wind, rain, and human life such as walking around, opening doors, and cooking.
In Japan, hearing these sounds, people have used their imaginations and created many onomatopoeic phrases.
Eiko’s father was really good at creating his own onomatopoeia, which made the stories ever so delightful.
Thanks to her father, Eiko came to love stories.
ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2 重要事項の解説
In Japan, different people use different onomatopoeia for the peach floating down the river when they tell the story.
“use A for B”で「AをBに使う」となります。
“float down the river”は「川を下る、川に流される」という意味で、ここでは「現在分詞」として直前の”the peach“を修飾しています。
“they”は“different people”を指していて、“story”は「物語、話」という名詞です。
Eiko’s father used donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh, which has a pleasant rhythm, and she liked listening to it.
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
“donburakok-ko-oh“は「どんぶらこっこ」、“suk, kok-ko-oh“は「すっこっこ」でOKです。
“which”は「主格の関係代名詞」ですが、カンマが付いているので「非制限用法」で、“which has a pleasant rhythm”が先行詞“donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh“を修飾しています。
“listening”は「動名詞」になっていて、“it”は“donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh“を指しています。
Even now, those words come back to her.
“even now”は「今でさえ、いまだに」という副詞表現です。
“word”は「言葉、単語」という名詞で、“come back”は「戻る、帰る、思い出される」という表現ですね。
When her work is not going well, she says donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh unconsciously.
“work”は「仕事、取り組み」という名詞で、“go well”は「うまくいく、順調に進む」という表現です。今回は「現在進行形」になっています。
When she does so, she can keep writing her story.
“does”は「代動詞」で、“does so”は“says donburakok-ko-oh, suk, kok-ko-oh“を指しています。
“keep -ing”は「~し続ける」という重要表現になります。“keep on -ing”でも同じ意味になりますよ。
The words are her magic spell.
In everyday life, people hear the songs of birds and the sounds of wind, rain, and human life such as walking around, opening doors, and cooking.
“of”は前置詞で、”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“such as~”は「~のような、~など」という重要表現ですね。
“walk around”は「歩き回る」という意味で、“walking”、“opening”、“cooking”はすべて「動名詞」になっています。
例えばA, B, C, Dの4つを並べるときは,“A, B, C and D”としてあげます。“and”の前にカンマを入れてもOKです。
In Japan, hearing these sounds, people have used their imaginations and created many onomatopoeic phrases.
“hearing these sounds”は「分詞構文」の「付帯状況」という用法になっていて、「~しながら」と訳してあげます。
“have used”は「現在完了形」になっていますね。
Eiko’s father was really good at creating his own onomatopoeia, which made the stories ever so delightful.
“be good at~”は「~が得意だ」という重要表現で、前置詞“at”の後ろなので、“creating”と「動名詞」になっていますね。
この“which”もカンマが付いているので「主格の関係代名詞」の「非制限用法」で、“which made the stories ever so delightful”が先行詞“his own onomatopoeia”を修飾しています。
“make 名詞 形容詞/名詞”で、「名詞を~(の状態)にする、させる」という重要表現で、“ever so”は「非常に」という副詞表現、“delightful”は「楽しい、愉快な」という形容詞になります。
Thanks to her father, Eiko came to love stories.
“thanks to~”は「~のおかげで」という重要表現になります。
“come to 動詞の原形”は「~するようになる」という意味ですね。
ELEMENT Lesson6 Section2 まとめ
以上がELEMENT Lesson6 Section2の日本語訳となります。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section3 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson6 Section4 本文和訳