三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson4-1, 4-2, 4-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section2 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section3 本文和訳
- ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4 本文と日本語訳
- ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4 重要事項の解説
- Yamaguchi survived two atomic bomb attacks, but he suffered physically and mentally from the two bombings.
- He lost his wife and son from the after-effects of the bombing.
- Eventually, he began to feel it was his destiny and duty to talk about his painful experiences in public.
- He appeared in a movie about survivors.
- At age 90, he even gave a speech at the United Nations in New York:
- “I experienced the bomb twice.
- I sincerely hope that there will be no third one.”
- He also wrote a letter to then US President Barack Obama after he gave a speech in Prague in 2009 and promised to work for peace, a world without nuclear arms.
- Yamaguchi’s letter said,
- “I was so moved by your speech in Prague.
- I’ll also spend the rest of my life telling the world to give up nuclear arms.”
- Yamaguchi was once asked if he felt any hope about the future.
- After a pause, he said,
- “I have hope for the future.
- I believe in love and in human beings.”
- In his last year, he also said, “Ive done my duty.”
- Yamaguchi passed away quietly in Nagasaki at the age of 93.
- His hope remains in us all.
- ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4 まとめ
ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4 本文と日本語訳
Yamaguchi survived two atomic bomb attacks, but he suffered physically and mentally from the two bombings.
He lost his wife and son from the after-effects of the bombing.
Eventually, he began to feel it was his destiny and duty to talk about his painful experiences in public.
He wrote books about his experiences.
He appeared in a movie about survivors.
At age 90, he even gave a speech at the United Nations in New York:
“I experienced the bomb twice.
I sincerely hope that there will be no third one.”
He also wrote a letter to then US President Barack Obama after he gave a speech in Prague in 2009 and promised to work for peace, a world without nuclear arms.
Yamaguchi’s letter said,
“I was so moved by your speech in Prague.
I’ll also spend the rest of my life telling the world to give up nuclear arms.”
Yamaguchi was once asked if he felt any hope about the future.
After a pause, he said,
“I have hope for the future.
I believe in love and in human beings.”
In his last year, he also said, “Ive done my duty.”
Yamaguchi passed away quietly in Nagasaki at the age of 93.
His hope remains in us all.

ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4 重要事項の解説
Yamaguchi survived two atomic bomb attacks, but he suffered physically and mentally from the two bombings.
“suffer”は「苦しむ」という動詞で、“suffer from~”で「~に苦しむ」という重要表現ですね。
He lost his wife and son from the after-effects of the bombing.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
Eventually, he began to feel it was his destiny and duty to talk about his painful experiences in public.
また、“to feel”は「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。
“it”は形式主語で、真の主語は“to talk about~”の部分ですね。
“destiny”は「運命」、“duty”は「義務、務め」、“experience”は「経験、体験」という名詞で、“painful”は「辛い、痛い」という形容詞、“in public”は「人前で、公衆の面前で」という表現になります。
He appeared in a movie about survivors.
At age 90, he even gave a speech at the United Nations in New York:
“at age 数字”は「~歳で」という表現ですね。
“even”は「~さえ」という強調を表す副詞で、“give a speech”は「スピーチ(演説)をする」という意味になります。
“the United Nations”は「国際連合」という名詞です。
“I experienced the bomb twice.
“the bomb”で「原子爆弾」という意味になります。
I sincerely hope that there will be no third one.”
また「there構文」も使われていて、“no 名詞”は「名詞がない」という否定の意味になります。
I lost my pen. Do you have it?
この”it”は私が失くした”my pen”そのものを指しています。
I lost my pen. Do you have one?
この”one”はペンすべてを指すので,”my pen”を指しているわけではありません。「ペンを失くしたので,代わりのペンは持っていますか(借りていいですか)」というニュアンスになるということです。
He also wrote a letter to then US President Barack Obama after he gave a speech in Prague in 2009 and promised to work for peace, a world without nuclear arms.
“then”は「当時の、その時の」という形容詞で、“US President”は「アメリカ大統領」になります。
“he”は“Barack Obama”を指していて、“Prague”はチェコの首都「プラハ」です。
“promise to 動詞の原形”は「~することを約束する」という意味で、“work”は「働く、取り組む」という動詞になります。
“peace”は「平和」、“nuclear arm”は「核兵器」という名詞で、“without”は「~なしで、~のない」といった前置詞ですね。
Yamaguchi’s letter said,
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
“I was so moved by your speech in Prague.
I’ll also spend the rest of my life telling the world to give up nuclear arms.”
“spend”は「を過ごす・費やす」という動詞で、“spend 時間 -ing”で「~して時間を過ごす」という意味になります。
“rest”は「残り」、“life”は「人生、生活、命」といった名詞ですね。“the rest of~”で「残りの~」という表現です。
“tell 名詞 to 動詞の原形”で「名詞に~するよう伝える、言う」という重要表現ですね。
“give up”は「を諦める、放棄する」といった意味になります。
Yamaguchi was once asked if he felt any hope about the future.
After a pause, he said,
“after a pause”は「一瞬間をおいて、一呼吸おいて」という表現になります。
“I have hope for the future.
I believe in love and in human beings.”
“believe”は「を信じる」という動詞で、“believe in~”も「~を信じる」となります。
違いとしては、“believe”だけだと単純に「信じる」というニュアンスで、“believe in”だと「(存在・能力・可能性などを)信じる」というニュアンスになります。
“love”は「愛、愛情」、“human beings”は「人類」という名詞です。“human beings”はふつう複数形で書きますよ。
In his last year, he also said, “Ive done my duty.”
“one’s last year”は「晩年」といった意味になります。
“have done~”は「~が終わった、完了した」といった意味で、会話でよく使う表現です。
Yamaguchi passed away quietly in Nagasaki at the age of 93.
“pass away”は「死ぬ、去る」といった意味です。
His hope remains in us all.
ELEMENT Lesson4 Section4 まとめ
以上がELEMENT Lesson4 Section4の日本語訳となります。
>高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section1 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section2 本文和訳
>高1ELEMENT Lesson4 Section3 本文和訳