高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳

Element Lesson2

三省堂 高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Lesson2-1, 2-3, 2-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳

>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 本文和訳

>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section4 本文和訳

ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2 本文と日本語訳

The male lion was named Christian.


In just a few days, Christian came to like his new life with John and Ace.


The two men and Christian got on really well.


When one of the men was talking to the other, Christian would touch him gently to show that he wanted to play with them.


Christian also loved to go out.


John and Ace bought a special collar for him.


When they went out for a walk with him, he pulled on his lead like an excited little dog.


They also ran and played with a ball together in a field for hours.


“I can’t imagine life without him,” John said with a smile.


At first, people were surprised to see a lion in London.


However, they soon found that Christian was a lovely little friend.


Lots of people, including newspaper photographers and television reporters, came to see him.


However, Christian was growing up very fast.


John and Ace felt that their happy life wouldn’t last long.


ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2 重要事項の解説

The male lion was named Christian.



In just a few days, Christian came to like his new life with John and Ace.

“in just a few days”「ほんの数日で」という表現になります。“just”で強調されているわけですね。

“come to 動詞の原形”「~するようになる」という表現で、“life”「生活、人生、命」といった名詞です。


The two men and Christian got on really well.


“get on well”「仲良くやる、うまくやる」という表現になります。

When one of the men was talking to the other, Christian would touch him gently to show that he wanted to play with them.


“one of 名詞の複数形”「~のうちの1つ(1人)」という意味で、“the other”「もう1つ(1人)の」となります。

“talk to(with) 人”「人と話す」という意味です。




“want to 動詞の原形”「~したい」という重要表現です!「不定詞の名詞的用法」と一緒に確認しておきましょう。

“play”「遊ぶ」という動詞で、“them”“the men”を指しています。

Christian also loved to go out.


“go out”「外出する、外に出る」という意味で、ここでは「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。

John and Ace bought a special collar for him.



When they went out for a walk with him, he pulled on his lead like an excited little dog.


“they”“John and Ace”を指していて、“go out for a walk”「散歩する」という表現になります。

“pull on~”「~を引っ張る、手繰り寄せる」という意味で、“lead”「リード」ですね。


They also ran and played with a ball together in a field for hours.

“they”“John and Ace”を指していて、“ran”“run”の過去形です。


“for hours”「何時間も」という表現です。

“I can’t imagine life without him,” John said with a smile.


“with a smile”「笑顔で、微笑んで」といった表現になります。

At first, people were surprised to see a lion in London.

“at first”「最初は、はじめは」といった表現です。

“be surprised”「驚く」となり、“to see”は驚いた理由を表す「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっていますね。

また,“excited”, “surprised”, “intersted”のような“-ed”で終わる形容詞は,基本的に主語が「人」のときに使います。

一方で“exciting”, “surprising”, “interesting”のような“-ing”で終わる形容詞は,基本的に主語が「もの」のときに使います。

However, they soon found that Christian was a lovely little friend.


同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。

“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。


“found”“find(を見つける)”の過去形ですが、“find that~”という形のときは「~だとわかる、気づく」といった意味になります。


Lots of people, including newspaper photographers and television reporters, came to see him.

“lots of~”“a lot of~”と同じで「たくさんの~」という意味です。


However, Christian was growing up very fast.

“grow up”「成長する」という表現で、「過去進行形」になっています。


John and Ace felt that their happy life wouldn’t last long.




ELEMENT Lesson2 Section2 まとめ

以上がELEMENT Lesson2 Section2の日本語訳となります。


>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳

>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section3 本文和訳

>高1ELEMENT Lesson2 Section4 本文和訳


Element Lesson2高1 ELEMENT
