開隆堂 高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson8-1, 8-2, 8-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳
- APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4 本文と日本語訳
- APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4 重要事項の解説
- We haven’t always heard bad news about endangered species.
- One species was excluded from the list in 2016 because the number of them was restored.
- It was the panda bear, which had been reduced to only about 1,000 by 1980.
- One of the reasons was that people destroyed its habitats by cutting down bamboo trees.
- They also hunted it for its fur.
- Later, people established some sanctuaries, where panda bears could live and be protected.
- All over the world, actions to protect them such as crossbreeding, or studying about them, also worked well.
- In these ways, humans threatened some animals with extinction in the past.
- But today they are saved from extinction by humans.
- What an irony it is!
- APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4 まとめ
APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4 本文と日本語訳
We haven’t always heard bad news about endangered species.
One species was excluded from the list in 2016 because the number of them was restored.
It was the panda bear, which had been reduced to only about 1,000 by 1980.
One of the reasons was that people destroyed its habitats by cutting down bamboo trees.
They also hunted it for its fur.
Later, people established some sanctuaries, where panda bears could live and be protected.
All over the world, actions to protect them such as crossbreeding, or studying about them, also worked well.
In these ways, humans threatened some animals with extinction in the past.
But today they are saved from extinction by humans.
What an irony it is!

APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4 重要事項の解説
We haven’t always heard bad news about endangered species.
“not always~”は「いつも~というわけではない」という「部分否定」になります。
One species was excluded from the list in 2016 because the number of them was restored.
また,「接続詞because」も使われていて,“the number of~”は「~の数」という表現になります。
It was the panda bear, which had been reduced to only about 1,000 by 1980.
“It”は“One species”を指しています。“panda bear”は「ジャイアントパンダ」です。
“which”は「主格の関係代名詞」で,“which had been reduced to only about 1,000 by 1980”が先行詞“the panda bear”を修飾しています。
One of the reasons was that people destroyed its habitats by cutting down bamboo trees.
“one of 複数名詞”は「名詞のうちの1つ」という表現になります。“reason”は「理由」という名詞ですね。
“that”は「接続詞」で,“that”以下の内容が”was”の補語(C)になっています。つまり”One of the reasons”=”that以下の内容”というイコール関係が成り立ちます。
“its”は“the panda bear”を指しています。
“by”は「~によって」という手段・方法を表していて,“cut down”は「を切り倒す,伐採する」,“bamboo”は「竹」という名詞です。
前置詞の後ろなので,“cutting down”と「動名詞」になっていますね。
They also hunted it for its fur.
“hunt”は「を狩る」という動詞で,“it”は“the panda bear”を指しています。
Later, people established some sanctuaries, where panda bears could live and be protected.
“where”は「関係副詞」で,“where panda bears could live and be protected”が先行詞“some sanctuaries”を修飾しています。
All over the world, actions to protect them such as crossbreeding, or studying about them, also worked well.
“all over the world”は「世界中で」という意味ですね。
“action”は「行動」,“crossbreeding”は「異種交配」という名詞で,“such as~”は「~のような」という重要表現です。
“to protect”は「不定詞の形容詞的用法」で,“actions”を修飾しています。“them”は“panda bears”のことですね。
“work well”は「功を奏する」という意味になります。
In these ways, humans threatened some animals with extinction in the past.
“in this(these) way(s)”で「このように」という重要表現ですね。
“threaten”は「を脅かす」という動詞で,“threaten A with B”で「BでAを脅かす」という意味になります。
“extinction”は「絶滅」という名詞で,“in the past”は「過去に,昔」という表現になります。
But today they are saved from extinction by humans.
“they”は“some animals”を指しています。
What an irony it is!
“What a(an) 名詞 (主語 動詞)!”で「なんて名詞なんだ」と感動や驚きを示す「感嘆文」になります。
APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4 まとめ
以上がAPPLAUSE Lesson8 Section4の日本語訳となります。
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳