高1APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section1 本文和訳


開隆堂 高1APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Lesson7-2, 7-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section2 本文和訳

>高1APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section3 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2024/07/27 00:19:42時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section1 本文と日本語訳

In 1632, one of the most popular artists was born in Delft, the Netherlands.


His name was Johannes Vermeer.


His famous works have been exhibited at museums in Japan many times.


Therefore, there are many Japanese who are big fans of his works.


While his name is well known all over the world, his paintings are full of mysteries.


Until he passed away at the age of 43, it is said that he had created only 50 to 60 paintings, and 35 pieces of them are left today.


In spite of the small number of his works, almost all of them are said to be masterpieces.


They have traveled all over the world for exhibition.


They have been stolen at least five times so far.


Why are people so fascinated with his works?


Let’s find some attractive points in his paintings.


APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section1 重要事項の解説

In 1632, one of the most popular artists was born in Delft, the Netherlands.

“one of 最上級 複数名詞”「最も~な名詞のうちの1つ」という「比較の応用表現」です。

“be born”「生まれる」という重要表現ですね。




His famous works have been exhibited at museums in Japan many times.




“many times”「何回も」という副詞です。

Therefore, there are many Japanese who are big fans of his works.



“who”「主格の関係代名詞」で,“who are big fans of his works”が先行詞“many Japanese”を修飾しています。

“big fan of~”「~の大ファン」という意味になります。

While his name is well known all over the world, his paintings are full of mysteries.


“be well known”「よく知られる」という「受動態」の表現ですね。

“all over the world”「世界中」という意味で,“painting”「絵」“mystery”「不思議さ,不可解なこと」といった名詞になります。

“be full of~”「~でいっぱいだ」という重要表現です。

Until he passed away at the age of 43, it is said that he had created only 50 to 60 paintings, and 35 pieces of them are left today.


“pass away”「亡くなる,時が過ぎる」“at the age of~”「~歳で」という表現になります。

“it is said that~”「受動態」のよくある表現で,“it”は形式主語で“that”以下の内容が真の主語です。



“only”「~しか,~だけ」といった副詞で,“A to B”「AからB」という意味になります。

“piece of~”「~のひとかけら,一点」といった意味で,“them”“50 to 60 paintings”を指しています。


In spite of the small number of his works, almost all of them are said to be masterpieces.

“in spite of~”「~にもかかわらず」という重要な前置詞です。

“number”「数,数字」という名詞で,“small number of~”「少数の~」となります。

“almost”「ほとんど」という副詞で,“them”“his works”を指しています。

“be said to be~”「~と言われる」という「受動態」の表現で,“masterpiece”「名作,傑作」という名詞になります。

They have traveled all over the world for exhibition.


“They”“his works”を指しています。


They have been stolen at least five times so far.


“They”“his works”を指しています。

“stolen”“steal(を盗む)”の過去分詞形で,“at least”「少なくとも」“so far”「これまで,今までのところ」というどれも重要な表現になります。

Why are people so fascinated with his works?


“be fascinated with~”「~に魅了される」となります。

Let’s find some attractive points in his paintings.

“Let’s 動詞の原形”「~しましょう」ですね。

同じ意味で“Shall we~?”“Why don’t we~?”もあるのでセットで覚えましょう!


APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section1 まとめ

以上がAPPLAUSE Lesson7 Section1の日本語訳となります。


>高1APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section2 本文和訳

>高1APPLAUSE Lesson7 Section3 本文和訳


