高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section3 本文和訳

Crown Lesson2

三省堂 高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Section2-1, 2-2, 2-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section4 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2024/09/14 07:05:02時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section3 本文と日本語訳

KonMari is not telling us to throw out stuff ruthlessly.


She treats her belongings like living things.


One day, while she was in high school, she bought a new cell phone.


Then she sent a message to her old phone:


“You have been helping me for many years. Thank you.”


Her old phone rang immediately, and she checked the text.


Of course, it was her message.


She said to her old phone, “Great. My message reached you.”


Then, she closed it.


When she opened her old phone a little later, she was surprised to find a blank screen.


Her old cell phone went dead after receiving her message.


Its job was done.


KonMari admits that this was probably just a coincidence.


But it illustrates her idea:


we should show respect to our belongings, even when we are throwing them away.


We have a very close relationship with our belongings.


CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section3 重要事項の解説

KonMari is not telling us to throw out stuff ruthlessly.


“tell 人 to 動詞の原形”「人に~するよう言う」という重要表現です。

“throw out”「を投げ捨てる,処分する」という意味で,“stuff”「物,材料」という名詞,“ruthlessly”「情け容赦なく」という副詞になります。

She treats her belongings like living things.


“like”「~のような」という前置詞で,“living things”「生き物」という名詞ですね。

One day, while she was in high school, she bought a new cell phone.

“one day”「ある日」という意味ですね。


“cell phone”「携帯電話」という名詞になります。

Then she sent a message to her old phone:


“send もの to 人”「人にものを送る」という重要表現で,“send 人 もの”にも書き換え可能です。

“You have been helping me for many years. Thank you.”


“for many years”「何年もの間」という意味になります。

Her old phone rang immediately, and she checked the text.



She said to her old phone, “Great. My message reached you.”

“say to 人”「人に言う」という意味ですね。


When she opened her old phone a little later, she was surprised to find a blank screen.


“a little”「少し」“later”「後に,その後」という副詞になります。

“be surprised”「驚く」という表現で,“to find”は驚いた理由を表す「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっています。


Her old cell phone went dead after receiving her message.

“go dead”「(機械が)故障する,切れる」といった意味になります。今回は「使えなくなった」と訳しました。



Its job was done.

“Its”“Her old cell phone”を指しています。


KonMari admits that this was probably just a coincidence.




But it illustrates her idea:



we should show respect to our belongings, even when we are throwing them away.


“show 人 もの”「人にものを示す,見せる」となって,“show もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。


“even when”「~なときでさえ」という「接続詞when」を強調した表現になります。

“throw A away”「Aを捨てる」という意味で,“them”“our belongings”を指していますね。

We have a very close relationship with our belongings.


“relationship with~”「~との関係」という意味になります。

CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section3 まとめ

以上がCROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section3の日本語訳となります。


>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson2 Section4 本文和訳




Crown Lesson2


  1. 向優希 より:

    三省堂のCrown English communication 1Lesson3の和訳・解説もお願いしたいです!
    (Hatching the Egg of Hope)