開隆堂 高1APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson3-1, 3-2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section1 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section2 本文和訳
- APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3 重要事項の解説
- Many top athletes in the world are good at multiple sports.
- So are some Japanese athletes.
- Kiyomiya Kotaro, a professional baseball player, had been a swimmer and a rugby player before he played baseball.
- So he didn’t quit them because of baseball.
- And Shibuno Hinako, a popular professional golfer, had been a softball player before she played golf.
- Thanks to her experiences in playing softball, she has improved at golf.
- In 2019, she won the Women’s British Open Golf Tournament.
- Some top athletes have trained themselves through various experiences.
- Not only top athletes but also any of us can improve ourselves when we try various things.
- APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3 まとめ
APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3 本文と日本語訳
Many top athletes in the world are good at multiple sports.
So are some Japanese athletes.
Kiyomiya Kotaro, a professional baseball player, had been a swimmer and a rugby player before he played baseball.
He says, “I loved swimming and rugby when I was a small child.”
So he didn’t quit them because of baseball.
And Shibuno Hinako, a popular professional golfer, had been a softball player before she played golf.
Thanks to her experiences in playing softball, she has improved at golf.
In 2019, she won the Women’s British Open Golf Tournament.
Some top athletes have trained themselves through various experiences.
Not only top athletes but also any of us can improve ourselves when we try various things.

APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3 重要事項の解説
Many top athletes in the world are good at multiple sports.
“be good at~”は「~が得意だ」という重要表現になります。
So are some Japanese athletes.
“So (助)動詞 主語.”で直前の文に対して「主語も同じだ」といった意味になります。
Kiyomiya Kotaro, a professional baseball player, had been a swimmer and a rugby player before he played baseball.
“Kiyomiya Kotaro”と“a professional baseball player”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
So he didn’t quit them because of baseball.
“quit”は「を辞める」という動詞で,“them”は“a swimmer and a rugby player”を指しています。
“because of~”は「~が理由で,~のせいで」という重要表現です。
And Shibuno Hinako, a popular professional golfer, had been a softball player before she played golf.
“Shibuno Hinako”と“a popular professional golfer”は「同格語」になります。
Thanks to her experiences in playing softball, she has improved at golf.
“thanks tof~”は「~のおかげで」という重要表現です。
In 2019, she won the Women’s British Open Golf Tournament.
“the Women’s British Open Golf Tournament”は「全英オープン」という女子ゴルフの大会になります。
Some top athletes have trained themselves through various experiences.
この文は元は”Some top athletes have trained some top athletes”という形ということです。
Not only top athletes but also any of us can improve ourselves when we try various things.
“not only A but also B”は「AだけでなくBも」という重要表現です。
“any”は代名詞で「誰でも,どれでも」という意味で,“any of~”は「~の誰でも,どれでも」という表現になります。
APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3 まとめ
以上がAPPLAUSE Lesson3 Section3の日本語訳となります。
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section1 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson3 Section2 本文和訳