東京書籍 中学2年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Unit7 Scene2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Unit7-1とRead & Think1と2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>中2NEW HORIZON Unit7 Scene1 本文和訳
>中2NEW HORIZON Unit7 Read & Think1 本文和訳
>中2NEW HORIZON Unit7 Read & Think2 本文和訳
- Unit7 Scene2 本文と日本語訳
- Unit7 Scene2 重要事項の解説
- Why are the Blue Mountains listed as a World Heritage site?
- How was your vacation in Australia, Meg?
- It was great! I went to a World Heritage site, the Blue Mountains.
- Oh, are they listed as a natural heritage site?
- Why are they called “blue”?
- The mountains look blue because of an oily mist from the eucalyptus leaves.
- Eucalyptus leaves? The koalas’ favorite?
- Yes. There are great eucalyptus forests.
- The natural beauty is preserved there.
- Unit7 Scene2 まとめ
Unit7 Scene2 本文と日本語訳
Why are the Blue Mountains listed as a World Heritage site?
Kaito: How was your vacation in Australia, Meg?
Meg: It was great! I went to a World Heritage site, the Blue Mountains.
Kaito: Oh, are they listed as a natural heritage site?
Meg: Yes, they are.
Kaito: Why are they called “blue”?
Meg: The mountains look blue because of an oily mist from the eucalyptus leaves.
Kaito: Eucalyptus leaves? The koalas’ favorite?
Meg: Yes. There are great eucalyptus forests.
The natural beauty is preserved there.
Unit7 Scene2 重要事項の解説
Why are the Blue Mountains listed as a World Heritage site?
“World Heritage site“は「世界遺産」となります。
How was your vacation in Australia, Meg?
“How was(were)~?”は「~はどうだった?」という感想を聞く表現になりますね。
It was great! I went to a World Heritage site, the Blue Mountains.
“a World Heritage site”と“the Blue Mountains”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
Oh, are they listed as a natural heritage site?
“natural”は「自然の」という形容詞で,“natural heritage site”で「自然遺産」です。
Why are they called “blue”?
The mountains look blue because of an oily mist from the eucalyptus leaves.
“look 形容詞”は「~に見える」という重要表現です。
“because of~”は「~のため」という理由・原因を示す重要表現になります。
knife→knives(ナイフ), life→lives(生活,人生)などがあります。
Eucalyptus leaves? The koalas’ favorite?
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
Yes. There are great eucalyptus forests.
The natural beauty is preserved there.
Unit7 Scene2 まとめ
以上がUnit7 Scene2の日本語訳となります。
>中2NEW HORIZON Unit7 Scene1 本文和訳
>中2NEW HORIZON Unit7 Read & Think1 本文和訳
>中2NEW HORIZON Unit7 Read & Think2 本文和訳