中2NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Unit5 Read & Think1 本文和訳


東京書籍 中学2年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Unit5 Read & Think1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Unit5-1, 5-2とRead & Think2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>中2NEW HORIZON Unit5 Scene1 本文和訳

>中2NEW HORIZON Unit5 Scene2 本文和訳

>中2NEW HORIZON Unit5 Read & Think2 本文和訳

Unit5 Read & Think1 本文と日本語訳

What is Meg introducing?


Do you know about universal design?


“Universal” means “for all people.”


Look at this plastic bottle.


We can hold it easily because it has a special shape.


It’s a common example of universal design.


I’m glad that I could find other examples in our city.


Look at these pictures. Do you see the braille on the handrail?


People can read it with their fingers.


Do you see the ramp by the stairs?


If you’re in a wheelchair, or pulling heavy luggage, you can use the ramp.


It also helps the elderly and people with babies and small children.


I think these ideas are wonderful.


I’m sure that they help many people.


Unit5 Read & Think1 重要事項の解説

What is Meg introducing?



“Universal” means “for all people.”


Look at this plastic bottle.


“plastic bottle”「ペットボトル」という意味ですね。

We can hold it easily because it has a special shape.

“hold”「を掴む,開催する」という動詞です。“it”plastic bottleを指していますね。




It’s a common example of universal design.

この文の“it”plastic bottleを指していますね。



I’m glad that I could find other examples in our city.



Look at these pictures. Do you see the braille on the handrail?



People can read it with their fingers.

“it”the brailleを指していますね。




Do you see the ramp by the stairs?







If you’re in a wheelchair, or pulling heavy luggage, you can use the ramp.





It also helps the elderly and people with babies and small children.



I think these ideas are wonderful.



I’m sure that they help many people.


“be sure that~”「きっと~だと思う」という意味です。「接続詞that」は省略してもOKです。

“they”“these ideas”を指していますね。

Unit5 Read & Think1 まとめ

以上がUnit5 Read & Think1の日本語訳となります。


>中2NEW HORIZON Unit5 Scene1 本文和訳

>中2NEW HORIZON Unit5 Scene2 本文和訳

>中2NEW HORIZON Unit5 Read & Think2 本文和訳


Unit5中2NEW HORIZON 日本語訳
