高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section2 本文和訳

Crown Lesson5

三省堂 高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Section5-1, 5-3, 5-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section1 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section3 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section4 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2025/02/09 11:01:53時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section2 本文と日本語訳

Ken: You did a lot of fieldwork, observing chimpanzees in the wild.


Are they in any way like humans?


Jane: Chimps and humans have a lot in common, sharing 98.6 percent of DNA.


Their brains are very much like ours and much of their behavior is like ours.


The members of a chimp family are very close, often helping one another.


They can feel sad, happy, afraid, and angry.


Ken: What about their character ― I mean, are they friendly? Are they cruel?


Jane: They are usually friendly, but they can be cruel, just like humans.


Ken: Really?


Jane: The males sometimes attack chimps from another community to protect their territories.


But they can be very kind and loving too.


Once, when he was about three years old, a chimp called Mel lost his mother and was left alone.


We all thought he’d die.


But, to our surprise, a 12-year-old male chimp called Spindle took care of him.


Ken: In what way?


Jane: Mel would ride on his back and share his nest at night.


He shared his food if Mel asked for it.


Chimps can indeed be loving and caring.


CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section2 重要事項の解説

You did a lot of fieldwork, observing chimpanzees in the wild.



もともとは“You did a lot of fieldwork and you observed chimpanzees in the wild. “となっていて,接続詞“and”と主語“you”が省略され,“observed”“observing”に変化していますね。


“in the wild”「野生で」といった意味になります。

Are they in any way like humans?




“in a way”「ある点で」といった意味なので,今回は「いくつかの点で」となります。


Chimps and humans have a lot in common, sharing 98.6 percent of DNA.


“have a lot in common”「共通点がたくさんある」という表現になります。


もともとは“Chimps and humans have a lot in common because they shared 98.6 percent of DNA. “となっていて,接続詞“because”と主語“they”が省略され,shared“sharing”に変化していますね。


“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。

Their brains are very much like ours and much of their behavior is like ours.



“ours”「私たちのもの」という所有代名詞で,1つ目は“our brain”を,2つ目は“our behavior”を意味しています。

“much of 不可算名詞”「たくさんの~」となります。

The members of a chimp family are very close, often helping one another.



もともとは“The members of a chimp family are very close and they often help one another. となっていて,接続詞“and”と主語“they”が省略され,help“helping”に変化していますね。


“one another”「お互い」という重要表現になります。

They can feel sad, happy, afraid, and angry.




What about their character ― I mean, are they friendly? Are they cruel?

“What aboout~?”「~はどうですか?」という重要表現です。



“I mean”「つまり,と言うのは」という表現で,“friendly”「友好的な,親しみやすい」“cruel”「残酷な,非情な」という形容詞です。

They are usually friendly, but they can be cruel, just like humans.



“just like~”「~と同様に」という意味です。この“like”は前置詞ですね。

The males sometimes attack chimps from another community to protect their territories.



“to protect”「不定詞の副詞的用法」になっています。


But they can be very kind and loving too.





Once, when he was about three years old, a chimp called Mel lost his mother and was left alone.



“he”“a chimp called Mel”を指していて,“called”「過去分詞」となり,“called Mel”が直前の“a chimp”を修飾しています。


“alone”「1人で」といった副詞で,“was left”「受動態」になっていますね。

We all thought he’d die.




But, to our surprise, a 12-year-old male chimp called Spindle took care of him.

“to one’s surprise”「驚いたことに」という表現です。

“数字-year-old”「~歳の」という形容詞で,“take care of~”「~の世話をする」という重要表現になります。

また,“called”「過去分詞」となり,“called Spindle”が直前の“a 12-year-old male chimp”を修飾しています。

In what way?

“In what way?”「どのように?どんな風に?」といった表現です。

Mel would ride on his back and share his nest at night.


“ride on~”「に乗る」という意味で,“ride on”“share”がどちらも“would”と繋がっていますね。


He shared his food if Mel asked for it.



“ask for~”「を求める」という意味で,“it”“his food”を指しています。



Chimps can indeed be loving and caring.



CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section2 まとめ

以上がCROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section2の日本語訳となります。


>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section1 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section3 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson5 Section4 本文和訳




Crown Lesson5
