高1APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section3 本文和訳


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>高1APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳

>高1APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2024/07/27 00:19:42時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section3 本文と日本語訳

In Japan, the Dutch brought a chocolate beverage to Dejima in Nagasaki in the late 18th century.


At that time, it was a rare drink from overseas.


After that, it spread gradually throughout Japan, and now it is one of the most popular sweets.


In addition to that, chocolate is getting popular as healthy food.


Scientific studies show that cacao polyphenol in chocolate is good for the health.


For example, it lowers blood pressure.


Look at the chart.


Dark chocolate has about four times as much polyphenol as an apple.


Chocolate is a really interesting food.


APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section3 重要事項の解説

In Japan, the Dutch brought a chocolate beverage to Dejima in Nagasaki in the late 18th century.




At that time, it was a rare drink from overseas.

“at that time”「そのとき,当時」という意味になります。“it”“a chocolate beverage”を指していますね。

“rare”「稀な,珍しい」という形容詞で,“from overseas”「外国から」という表現になります。

After that, it spread gradually throughout Japan, and now it is one of the most popular sweets.




“one of 最上級 複数名詞”「比較の応用表現」になります。

In addition to that, chocolate is getting popular as healthy food.

“in addition to~”「~に加えて」という重要表現です。“that”直前の文全体を指していますね。

“get 形容詞”「~になる」のという意味です。


Scientific studies show that cacao polyphenol in chocolate is good for the health.



“cacao polyphenol”「カカオポリフェノール」で,“health”「健康」という名詞になります。

For example, it lowers blood pressure.

“for example”「例えば」という表現になります。

“it”“cacao polyphenol”を指しています。

“lower”「を下げる」という動詞で,“blood pressure”「血圧」ですね。

Dark chocolate has about four times as much polyphenol as an apple.




ただし,”much”と”many”を”as”で挟む場合は,必ず”as many(much) 名詞 as”の形にしてあげます。



Chocolate is a really interesting food.


APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section3 まとめ

以上がAPPLAUSE Lesson2 Section3の日本語訳となります。


>高1APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section1 本文和訳

>高1APPLAUSE Lesson2 Section2 本文和訳


