三省堂 高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Section10-1, 10-2, 10-4, 10-5の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section1 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section2 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section4 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section5 本文和訳
- CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3 重要事項の解説
- In this cartoon, Linus is excited because the home team has won a football game.
- Charlie Brown listens quietly and then asks Linus one simple question:
- “How did the other team feel?”
- Because Charlie Brown has experienced failure himself, he finds it important to be sensitive to the feelings of other people who fail.
- He makes us think of other people.
- In many ways, Charlie Brown is a loser.
- He is not a very good student, and he is not good at sports.
- The pretty little girl in his class pays no attention to him.
- In a world where wealth and power are so important, Charlie Brown is a failure.
- But Charlie Brown never really loses.
- He never feels sorry for himself.
- He always hopes for a better day tomorrow and keeps on trying.
- Perhaps that’s what makes a real winner.
- CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3 まとめ
CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3 本文と日本語訳
In this cartoon, Linus is excited because the home team has won a football game.
Charlie Brown listens quietly and then asks Linus one simple question:
“How did the other team feel?”
Because Charlie Brown has experienced failure himself, he finds it important to be sensitive to the feelings of other people who fail.
He makes us think of other people.
In many ways, Charlie Brown is a loser.
He is not a very good student, and he is not good at sports.
The pretty little girl in his class pays no attention to him.
In a world where wealth and power are so important, Charlie Brown is a failure.
But Charlie Brown never really loses.
He never feels sorry for himself.
He always hopes for a better day tomorrow and keeps on trying.
Perhaps that’s what makes a real winner.

CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3 重要事項の解説
In this cartoon, Linus is excited because the home team has won a football game.
“cartoon”は「漫画」、“home team”は「地元のチーム」、“football”は「フットボール(サッカー)」という名詞になります。
また,“excited”, “surprised”, “intersted”のような“-ed”で終わる形容詞は,基本的に主語が「人」のときに使います。
一方で“exciting”, “surprising”, “interesting”のような“-ing”で終わる形容詞は,基本的に主語が「もの」のときに使います。
Charlie Brown listens quietly and then asks Linus one simple question:
“ask 人 もの”で「人にものをたずねる」となって,“ask もの of 人”でも同じ意味になります。
“How did the other team feel?”
Because Charlie Brown has experienced failure himself, he finds it important to be sensitive to the feelings of other people who fail.
“himself”などの“~self”という単語は再帰代名詞と言い,単語の直後や文頭,文末に置くことで強調する役割があります。今回は“Charlie Brown”が強調されて「彼自身」ということです。
“find it 形容詞 to 動詞の原形”は「to以下のことが~だとわかる」という重要表現です。“it”は形式主語で、真の主語は”to”以下の内容になります。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“who”は「主格の関係代名詞」で,“who fail”が先行詞“other people”を修飾しています。
He makes us think of other people.
“make 人・もの 動詞の原形”で「人・ものに~させる」という使役の意味になります。
“think of~”は「~について考える」という意味ですね。
In many ways, Charlie Brown is a loser.
“in many ways”は「多くの点で」という表現です。
He is not a very good student, and he is not good at sports.
“not very~”は「あまり~ではない」、“be good at~”は「~が得意だ」という表現ですね。
The pretty little girl in his class pays no attention to him.
“pay attention to~”は「~に注意する、注目する」という重要表現で、今回は“no”があるので「~に注目しない、気に留めない」という意味になります。
In a world where wealth and power are so important, Charlie Brown is a failure.
“where”は「関係副詞」で、“where wealth and power are so important”が先行詞“a world”を修飾しています。
But Charlie Brown never really loses.
He never feels sorry for himself.
“feel sorry for~”は「~に申し訳なく思う、~を哀れに思う」といった表現です。
He always hopes for a better day tomorrow and keeps on trying.
“hope”は「を望む、願う」という動詞で、“better”は“good”の「比較級」、“day tomorrow”は「明日」という意味になります。
“keep on -ing”は「を続ける」という重要表現で、“on”は無くてもOKです。
Perhaps that’s what makes a real winner.
“that’s what makes A B”は「そのことがAをBにする」という表現になります。この文ではAにあたる単語がないので、「そのことがBにする」でOKです。
この“what”は「関係代名詞」で,“what”1語で“the thing(s) that~(~ということ・もの)”という意味を持ちます。今回は「主格の関係代名詞」ですね。
CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3 まとめ
以上がCROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section3の日本語訳となります。
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section1 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section2 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section4 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson10 Section5 本文和訳