高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section2 本文和訳

Crown Lesson8

三省堂 高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Section8-1, 8-3, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳

created by Rinker
¥1,100 (2024/12/05 09:10:44時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section2 本文と日本語訳

This photograph was taken by an American photojournalist, Joe O’Donnell, in Nagasaki in 1945.


He spoke to a Japanese interviewer about this picture:


“I saw a boy about 10 years old walking by.


He was carrying a baby on his back.


In those days in Japan, we often saw children playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs, but this boy was clearly different.


I could see that he had come to this place for a serious reason.


He was wearing no shoes. His face was hard.


The little head was tipped back as if the baby were fast asleep.


“The boy stood there for 5 or 10 minutes.


The men in white masks walked over to him and quietly began to take off the rope that was holding the baby.


That is when I saw that the baby was already dead.


The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire.


“The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames.


He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood.


The flame burned low like the sun going down.


The boy turned around and walked silently away.”


Years later, O’Donnell said:


“Children and their mothers did not deserve to die to win a war.”


CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section2 重要事項の解説

This photograph was taken by an American photojournalist, Joe O’Donnell, in Nagasaki in 1945.




an American photojournalistJoe O’Donnell「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!

He spoke to a Japanese interviewer about this picture:

“speak to 人”「に話しかける」という表現です。



“I saw a boy about 10 years old walking by.

“see”「知覚動詞」で、“see 名詞 動詞のing形”「名詞が~しているのを見る」となります。

“about”「約、およそ」といった副詞で、“walk by”「通りかかる」という表現です。

He was carrying a baby on his back.


“carry”「を運ぶ」という動詞で、“carry A on one’s back”「Aを背負う、おんぶする」という意味になります。


In those days in Japan, we often saw children playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs, but this boy was clearly different.

“in those days”「当時」という表現です。


“playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs”“children”を修飾しています。




I could see that he had come to this place for a serious reason.

“I can see that~”「~だと分かる」という意味になります。今回は“could”なので過去形ですね。

“had come”「過去完了」になっています。


He was wearing no shoes. His face was hard.




The little head was tipped back as if the baby were fast asleep.



“tip back~”「を後ろに傾ける」といった意味です。直訳すると「小さな頭は後ろに傾けられていた」となりますが、少し変な日本語になるので「小さな頭を後ろに傾けていた」と訳しています。

“as if 仮定法”「まるで~かのように」という重要表現になります。「仮定法」なので、“were”になっていますね。

“fast asleep”「ぐっすり眠って」といった表現です。

“The boy stood there for 5 or 10 minutes.


“there”「そこに」という副詞で、“for 時間”「~間」という意味になります。

The men in white masks walked over to him and quietly began to take off the rope that was holding the baby.



“walk over to~”「~のもとに歩いてくる」“began”“begin(を始める)”の過去形、“quietly”「静かに」という副詞ですね。

“take off~”「を外す、取り除く」という表現で、ここでは“to”があるので「不定詞の名詞的用法」になっています。


“that was holding the baby”が先行詞“the rope”を修飾していますね。“hold”「を掴む、支える」といった動詞になります。

That is when I saw that the baby was already dead.

“That is when~”「それが~の時だ」という意味です。“when”「関係副詞」ですね。


The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire.

“held”“hold”の過去形ですね。“hold A by B”「AのBを掴む」といった意味になります。


“it”“the body”を指していて、“fire”「火」という名詞ですね。

“The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames.





He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood.



また、この文は「so that構文」になっているので、「とても~なのでthat以下…」と訳してあげましょう。

“it”“his lower lip”を指していて、“shone”“shine(輝く、光る)”の過去形です。

“shine with~”「~で光る」という意味で、“blood”「血」という名詞ですね。

The flame burned low like the sun going down.


“like”「~のように」という前置詞で、“sun”「太陽」という名詞、“go down”「下りる、沈む」という意味ですね。

“going down”「動名詞」になっていて、“the sun”は「動名詞」の意味上の主語になっています。


The boy turned around and walked silently away.”

“turn around”「振り返る、向きを変える」“walk away”「立ち去る」といった意味になります。


Years later, O’Donnell said:


“years later”「数年後」ですね。

“Children and their mothers did not deserve to die to win a war.”

“deserve to~”「~に値する、ふさわしい」という意味です。



CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section2 まとめ

以上がCROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section2の日本語訳となります。


>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section1 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section3 本文和訳

>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson8 Section4 本文和訳




Crown Lesson8高1 CROWN
