東京書籍 中学3年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Unit2 Read & Think1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Unit2-1,2-2とRead & Think2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit2 Scene1 本文和訳
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit2 Scene2 本文和訳
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit2 Read & Think2 本文和訳
- Unit2 Read & Think1 本文と日本語訳
- Unit2 Read & Think1 重要事項の解説
- How long have Japanese people been writing haiku?
- You’ve been reading that since 10 a.m.
- It’s a little difficult, but it’s interesting. Look.
- Haiku have been an important part of Japanese culture since the Eido period.
- Japanese people have been writing haiku for centuries.
- Haiku are different from traditional English poems.
- First, they are not written in sentences.
- They use only a few words.
- Second, the lines do not have to rhyme.
- Third, a seasonal word must be included.
- On the other hand, like most English poems, rhythm is very important.
- Haiku use three lines ― five, seven, and five syllables long.
- Unit2 Read & Think1 まとめ
Unit2 Read & Think1 本文と日本語訳
How long have Japanese people been writing haiku?
Father: What are you reading, Meg?
You’ve been reading that since 10 a.m.
Meg: It’s a book about haiku.
It’s a little difficult, but it’s interesting. Look.
Haiku have been an important part of Japanese culture since the Eido period.
Japanese people have been writing haiku for centuries.
Haiku are different from traditional English poems.
First, they are not written in sentences.
They use only a few words.
Second, the lines do not have to rhyme.
Third, a seasonal word must be included.
On the other hand, like most English poems, rhythm is very important.
Haiku use three lines ― five, seven, and five syllables long.

Unit2 Read & Think1 重要事項の解説
How long have Japanese people been writing haiku?
“how long”は「どれくらいの間」という期間を尋ねる疑問詞ですね。必ず覚えましょう。
You’ve been reading that since 10 a.m.
It’s a little difficult, but it’s interesting. Look.
“a little bit”は「少し」という意味で,“a little”でも“a bit”でも同じ意味合いになります。
また,“exciting”, “surprising”, “interesting”のような“-ing”で終わる形容詞は,基本的に主語が「もの」のときに使います。
一方で,“excited”, “surprised”, “intersted”のような“-ed”で終わる形容詞は,基本的に主語が「人」のときに使います。
Haiku have been an important part of Japanese culture since the Eido period.
“part of~”で「~の一部」となります。“period”は「時代」という名詞です。
Japanese people have been writing haiku for centuries.
“century”は「世紀」という名詞で,“for centuries”で「数世紀もの間」となります。
Haiku are different from traditional English poems.
“be different from~”は「~と異なる」という重要表現です。
First, they are not written in sentences.
“in a sentence”で「1文で」という意味で,今回は複数形になっています。
They use only a few words.
“a few”は「少しの」という意味で,後ろには可算名詞(数えられる名詞)が来ます。
“a little”も「少しの」ですが,これは後ろに不可算名詞(数えられない名詞)が来ます。
Second, the lines do not have to rhyme.
韻を踏むとは言葉の母音を合わせることです。例えば「俳句」と「マイク」,「タイプ」はすべて母音が“a i u”になっていますね。
“do not have to~”は“have to”の否定形で,「~する必要はない」でしたね。
Third, a seasonal word must be included.
“seasonal word”は「季語」です。“include”は「を含む」という動詞になります。
On the other hand, like most English poems, rhythm is very important.
“on the other hand”は「一方で」という重要表現です。
Haiku use three lines ― five, seven, and five syllables long.
Unit2 Read & Think1 まとめ
以上がUnit2 Read & Think1の日本語訳となります。
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit2 Scene1 本文和訳
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit2 Scene2 本文和訳
>中3NEW HORIZON Unit2 Read & Think2 本文和訳