東京書籍 中学1年生 NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン) Unit9 Part3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
>中1NEW HORIZON Unit9 Part1 本文和訳
>中1NEW HORIZON Unit9 Part2 本文和訳
- Unit9 Part3 本文と日本語訳
- Unit9 Part3 重要事項の解説
- Look at the children in this picture.
- They’re getting clean water from a well.
- They look happy.
- On the other hand, in some villages, children go to the river and collect water.
- They walk for a long time every day.
- They want to go to school, but they don’t have time.
- Our volunteer group builds wells in places like this.
- We’re collecting money.
- We need your help.
- Unit9 Part3 まとめ
Unit9 Part3 本文と日本語訳
Look at the children in this picture.
They’re getting clean water from a well.
They look happy.
On the other hand, in some villages, children go to the river and collect water.
They walk for a long time every day.
They want to go to school, but they don’t have time.
Our volunteer group builds wells in places like this.
We’re collecting money.
We need your help.

Unit9 Part3 重要事項の解説
Look at the children in this picture.
They’re getting clean water from a well.
“They”は“the children”を指しています。
They look happy.
“look 形容詞”で「~に見える」という重要表現です。
“They”は“the children”を指しています。
On the other hand, in some villages, children go to the river and collect water.
“on the other hand”で「一方で」という重要表現です。
They walk for a long time every day.
“for a long time”は「長い時間」という重要表現です。
They want to go to school, but they don’t have time.
“want to 動詞の原形”で「~したい」という重要表現です!「不定詞の名詞的用法」と一緒に確認しておきましょう。
Our volunteer group builds wells in places like this.
We’re collecting money.
We need your help.

Unit9 Part3 まとめ
以上がUnit9 Part3の日本語訳となります。
ここでは「look 形容詞」がポイントです。意味と使い方をしっかりと理解しておきましょう!
>中1NEW HORIZON Unit9 Part1 本文和訳
>中1NEW HORIZON Unit9 Part2 本文和訳