桐原書店 高1Heartening Reading2 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Reading2-1, 2-3, 2-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1Heartening Reading2 Section1 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Reading2 Section3 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Reading2 Section4 本文和訳
- Heartening Reading2 Section2 本文と日本語訳
- Heartening Reading2 Section2 重要事項の解説
- Tom slipped his new skates over his shoulder and started up the river bank for home.
- Walking down the street, he met a boy holding a large box.
- It was Harvey McGinnis, the son of a poor Irish widow.
- His father died in a railroad accident last winter, and he worked at Patton’s department store after school.
- “Have you been down to the river?” asked the boy, eagerly.
- “Oh, I see, you got some new skates for Christmas!”
- And he beamed on the Jolly Ramblers.
- “A pretty good little pair of skates,” said Tom, in Ralph’s ironic tone.
- He looked at the large box with interest and asked, “What have you been doing on Christmas Day?”
- “Well, I’ve been playing Santa Claus at Patton’s store,” said Harvey.
- “About a week ago, I found three broken dolls at the storeroom.
- There was nothing wrong with them — just a few broken parts.
- I thought, ‘If I fix the dolls, they will be Christmas presents for my three little sisters!’
- Then my boss said, ‘If you help me take down the decorations on Christmas Day, I’ll give you the dolls.’
- So I went to the store early this morning and fixed up the dolls.
- Would you like to see them now?”
- “Sure, I’d like to see them,” said Tom.
- Harvey opened the large box and showed a handsome doll with dark hair.
- “We’re going to give it to Kitty.
- Kitty’s hair is pretty and curly, but she hates it because it’s red.
- And she thinks black hair is the prettiest kind in the world.
- Why do all of us want things which we don’t have ourselves? Isn’t it funny?”
- Tom didn’t say anything, but he laid a hand on the Jolly Ramblers.
- It seemed that he knew he had treated them badly in his heart.
- Then he said, “That’s as handsome a doll as I have ever seen.”
- Harvey was pleased with this praise and showed other beautiful dolls for his sisters.
- “They’ll surely believe in Santa when they see those beauties,” said Tom.
- “If I had a Santa Claus suit, I’d dress up and hand them out myself,” said Harvey.
- Tom’s face lit up with a bright idea.
- “Say, let me dress up and play Santa for you.
- The girls would never guess who I was!”
- The two boys promised to meet at McGinnis’ at seven o’clock.
- Heartening Reading2 Section2 まとめ
Heartening Reading2 Section2 本文と日本語訳
Tom slipped his new skates over his shoulder and started up the river bank for home.
Walking down the street, he met a boy holding a large box.
It was Harvey McGinnis, the son of a poor Irish widow.
His father died in a railroad accident last winter, and he worked at Patton’s department store after school.
“Have you been down to the river?” asked the boy, eagerly.
“Oh, I see, you got some new skates for Christmas!”
And he beamed on the Jolly Ramblers.
“A pretty good little pair of skates,” said Tom, in Ralph’s ironic tone.
He looked at the large box with interest and asked, “What have you been doing on Christmas Day?”
“Well, I’ve been playing Santa Claus at Patton’s store,” said Harvey.
“About a week ago, I found three broken dolls at the storeroom.
There was nothing wrong with them — just a few broken parts.
I thought, ‘If I fix the dolls, they will be Christmas presents for my three little sisters!’
Then my boss said, ‘If you help me take down the decorations on Christmas Day, I’ll give you the dolls.’
So I went to the store early this morning and fixed up the dolls.
Would you like to see them now?”
“Sure, I’d like to see them,” said Tom.
Harvey opened the large box and showed a handsome doll with dark hair.
“We’re going to give it to Kitty.
Kitty’s hair is pretty and curly, but she hates it because it’s red.
And she thinks black hair is the prettiest kind in the world.
Why do all of us want things which we don’t have ourselves? Isn’t it funny?”
Tom didn’t say anything, but he laid a hand on the Jolly Ramblers.
It seemed that he knew he had treated them badly in his heart.
Then he said, “That’s as handsome a doll as I have ever seen.”
Harvey was pleased with this praise and showed other beautiful dolls for his sisters.
“They’ll surely believe in Santa when they see those beauties,” said Tom.
“If I had a Santa Claus suit, I’d dress up and hand them out myself,” said Harvey.
Tom’s face lit up with a bright idea.
“My brother Bob has a Santa Claus suit,” he said.
“Say, let me dress up and play Santa for you.
The girls would never guess who I was!”
The two boys promised to meet at McGinnis’ at seven o’clock.

Heartening Reading2 Section2 重要事項の解説
Tom slipped his new skates over his shoulder and started up the river bank for home.
“start up”は「を上る、始める」といった意味で、“river bank”は「土手」という名詞になります。
Walking down the street, he met a boy holding a large box.
“Walking down the street,”の部分は「分詞構文」になっていますね。
もともとは”When he was walking down the street, he met~.”という文ですが、接続詞”when”と主語”he”、be動詞”was”が省略されています。
“walk down”は「~を歩く」という表現で、“street”は「通り」という名詞です。
“hold”は「を抱える、掴む、開催する」という動詞で、ここでは「現在分詞」になっていて、“holding a large box”が“a boy”を修飾していますね。
It was Harvey McGinnis, the son of a poor Irish widow.
“It”は“a boy holding a large box”を指していますね。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
また、“Harvey McGinnis”と“the son of a poor Irish widow”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
His father died in a railroad accident last winter, and he worked at Patton’s department store after school.
“Have you been down to the river?” asked the boy, eagerly.
“go down”は「下に行く」といった意味ですが、現在完了の経験用法の文なので、“go”ではなく“been”になっています。
2人は土手で話しているので、下にある川に行ったことがあるかという意味で、“go down”が使われていると思います。
“Oh, I see, you got some new skates for Christmas!”
“I see.”は「そうなんだ,へえ,なるほど」といった相槌になります。
And he beamed on the Jolly Ramblers.
“beam”は「微笑む」という動詞で、“beam on~”で「~に向かって微笑む」となります。
“A pretty good little pair of skates,” said Tom, in Ralph’s ironic tone.
“a pair of~”は「~1組」といった意味ですね。
“ironic”は「皮肉の」という形容詞、“tone”は「口調、音色」という名詞で、“in tone”で「口調で」という意味になります。
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
He looked at the large box with interest and asked, “What have you been doing on Christmas Day?”
“What have you been doing~?”の部分は「現在完了進行形」になっていますね。
“Well, I’ve been playing Santa Claus at Patton’s store,” said Harvey.
“About a week ago, I found three broken dolls at the storeroom.
There was nothing wrong with them — just a few broken parts.
“There be nothing wrong with~”で「~には何の問題もない」という重要表現です。
“them”は“three broken dolls”を指していますね。
“just”は「ただ~だけ、ちょうど」といった副詞、“a few”は「少しの」という意味で,後ろには可算名詞(数えられる名詞)が来ます。
I thought, ‘If I fix the dolls, they will be Christmas presents for my three little sisters!’
“they”は“three broken dolls”を指していますね。
Then my boss said, ‘If you help me take down the decorations on Christmas Day, I’ll give you the dolls.’
“help 名詞 動詞の原形”は「名詞が~するのを手伝う」という重要表現です。
“take down”は「を下げる、取る」といった意味で、“decoration”は「飾り付け」という名詞になります。
“on 日にち”で「~の日に」ですね。使う前置詞を間違えないように注意しましょう。
“give 人 もの”で「人にものをあげる」となって,“give もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
So I went to the store early this morning and fixed up the dolls.
“fix up”は「を修理する、整える」といった意味になります。
Would you like to see them now?”
“would like”は“want”と同じ「が欲しい」という意味で,“would like to 動詞の原形”で「~したい」という重要表現になります。
“them”は“the dolls”を指していますね。
“Sure, I’d like to see them,” said Tom.
“them”は“the dolls”を指しています。
Harvey opened the large box and showed a handsome doll with dark hair.
“We’re going to give it to Kitty.
「もの」が代名詞のときは、“give もの to 人”で「人にものをあげる」で表現します。
“it”は“a handsome doll with dark hair”を指しています。
Kitty’s hair is pretty and curly, but she hates it because it’s red.
“hate”は「を嫌う、憎む」という動詞で、“it”は“Kitty’s hair”を指しています。
And she thinks black hair is the prettiest kind in the world.
“the prettiest”は「最上級」になっていて、“kind”は「種類」という名詞です。今回は特に訳していません。
Why do all of us want things which we don’t have ourselves? Isn’t it funny?”
“all of~”は「~すべて」という意味で、“thing”は「もの、こと」という名詞です。
“which”は「目的格の関係代名詞」で、“which we don’t have ourselves”が先行詞“things”を修飾していますね。
“myself”や“ourselves”などの“~self(selves)”という単語は再帰代名詞と言い,単語の直後や文頭,文末に置くことで強調する役割があります。今回は“all of us”が強調されて「私たち自身」ということです。
“Isn’t it funny?”は「否定疑問文」になっていて、「~ではないですか?」という意味になります。
Tom didn’t say anything, but he laid a hand on the Jolly Ramblers.
“laid”は“lay”の過去形で、“lay a hand on~”は「~に触れる」という意味です。
It seemed that he knew he had treated them badly in his heart.
“It seems that~”は「~そうだ、~に思われる」という重要表現です。“it”は形式主語で、真の主語は”that”以下ですね。
“treat”は「を扱う」という動詞、“them”は“the Jolly Ramblers”を指していて、“badly”は「ひどく」という副詞になります。
“had treated”は「過去完了」の大過去という用法で、「ひどく扱う」→「わかる」という時系列を明確にしていますね。
Then he said, “That’s as handsome a doll as I have ever seen.”
“That”は“a handsome doll with dark hair”を指しています。
“as ~ as 主語 heve ever 過去分詞”は「今まで~した中のすべてに匹敵するくらい…」という最上級の意味合いになります。
また、名詞を含むかたまりが”as ~ as”に挟まれるときは、”as 形容詞 a 名詞 as”の語順になるので要注意です!
Harvey was pleased with this praise and showed other beautiful dolls for his sisters.
“be pleased with~”は「~に喜ぶ」という表現になります。
“They’ll surely believe in Santa when they see those beauties,” said Tom.
“They”と“they”は“his sisters”を指していますね。
“surely”は「間違いなく、確かに」という副詞で、“believe in~”は「~を信じる」という意味です。
“If I had a Santa Claus suit, I’d dress up and hand them out myself,” said Harvey.
“dress up”は「仮装する、おしゃれする」、“hand out~”は「~を渡す、配る」という意味になります。
Tom’s face lit up with a bright idea.
“lit”は“light(明るくなる、を照らす)”の過去形で、“light up with~”で「~で明るくなる、パッと晴れる」という意味になります。
“bright”は「明るい、眩しい」という形容詞で、“bright idea”で「名案」という意味です。
“Say, let me dress up and play Santa for you.
“let 名詞 動詞の原形”は「名詞に~させてあげる、名詞が~するのを許す」といったニュアンスになります。
The girls would never guess who I was!”
“who I was”は「間接疑問文」で、“guess”の目的語になっています。
The two boys promised to meet at McGinnis’ at seven o’clock.
“promise”は「を約束する」という動詞で、“promise to 動詞の原形”で「~することを約束する」となります。
Heartening Reading2 Section2 まとめ
以上がHeartening Reading2 Section2の日本語訳となります。
>高1Heartening Reading2 Section1 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Reading2 Section3 本文和訳
>高1Heartening Reading2 Section4 本文和訳