増進堂 高1FLEX Lesson9 Section1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson9-2, 9-3, 9-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
- FLEX Lesson9 Section1 本文と日本語訳
- FLEX Lesson9 Section1 重要事項の解説
- Biomimicry – Inspired by Nature
- Important new ideas have come from biomimicry (bio, meaning “life,” and mimicry, meaning “copying”).
- This new science copies things found in nature.
- Biomimicry uses them to develop new technologies that provide solutions to human problems.
- It has become important in all of our lives.
- Here is a good example of the use of biomimicry.
- One day when a Swiss engineer was climbing a mountain, he found that a number of burdock burrs stuck to his dog.
- He looked at them closely and discovered how they worked.
- The ends of the burr needles were tightly hooked on the dog’s fur.
- This gave him an idea for Velcro, which is a fastener known in Japan as “magic tape.”
- When one surface with hooks and an opposing one with loops are pressed together, they are attached to one another.
- Also, it is easy to pull the surfaces apart.
- Today such hook-and-loop fasteners are used in all sorts of products.
- FLEX Lesson9 Section1 まとめ
FLEX Lesson9 Section1 本文と日本語訳
Biomimicry – Inspired by Nature
「バイオミミクリー – 自然から発想を得る」
Important new ideas have come from biomimicry (bio, meaning “life,” and mimicry, meaning “copying”).
This new science copies things found in nature.
Biomimicry uses them to develop new technologies that provide solutions to human problems.
It has become important in all of our lives.
Here is a good example of the use of biomimicry.
One day when a Swiss engineer was climbing a mountain, he found that a number of burdock burrs stuck to his dog.
He looked at them closely and discovered how they worked.
The ends of the burr needles were tightly hooked on the dog’s fur.
This gave him an idea for Velcro, which is a fastener known in Japan as “magic tape.”
When one surface with hooks and an opposing one with loops are pressed together, they are attached to one another.
Also, it is easy to pull the surfaces apart.
Today such hook-and-loop fasteners are used in all sorts of products.

FLEX Lesson9 Section1 重要事項の解説
Biomimicry – Inspired by Nature
Important new ideas have come from biomimicry (bio, meaning “life,” and mimicry, meaning “copying”).
“come from~”は「から生まれる、~出身だ」といった意味で、ここでは「現在完了形」になっています。今もバイオミミクリーから新しいアイディアが生まれているというニュアンスになっています。
This new science copies things found in nature.
この“found”は「過去分詞」で、“found in nature”が直前の“things”を修飾していますね。
Biomimicry uses them to develop new technologies that provide solutions to human problems.
“them”は“things found in nature”を指していますね。
“to develop”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」です。
また、“that”は「主格の関係代名詞」で、“that provide solutions to human problems”が先行詞“new technologies”を修飾していますね。
It has become important in all of our lives.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
knife→knives(ナイフ), leaf→leaves(葉)などがあります。
Here is a good example of the use of biomimicry.
“Here is~”は「これが~だ、ここに~がある」といった表現で、“example”は「例」、“use”は「使用、活用」という名詞になります。
One day when a Swiss engineer was climbing a mountain, he found that a number of burdock burrs stuck to his dog.
“one day”は「ある日」という意味ですね。
“that”は「接続詞」で、“a number of~”は「たくさんの~」という重要表現です。

“stuck”は“stick(くっつく)”の過去形で、“stick to~”で「~にくっつく」という意味です。
He looked at them closely and discovered how they worked.
“them”と“they”は“burdock burrs”を指しています。
また、“how they worked”は「間接疑問文」になっています。
The ends of the burr needles were tightly hooked on the dog’s fur.
直前の名詞が複数形など“s”で終わるときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
This gave him an idea for Velcro, which is a fastener known in Japan as “magic tape.”
“give 人 もの”で「人にものを与える」となって,“give もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
“which”は「主格の関係代名詞」ですが、カンマが付いているので「非制限用法」で、“which is a fastener known in Japan as “magic tape”が先行詞である“Velcro”を修飾しています。
When one surface with hooks and an opposing one with loops are pressed together, they are attached to one another.
またこの文も「受動態」になっていて、“press”は「を押す」という動詞で、“press together”で「押し付ける」となります。

“they”は“one surface with hooks and an opposing one with loops”を指しています。
“attach”は「をくっつける」という動詞で、“be attached to~”で「~にくっつく、付着する」といった意味ですね。
“one another”は「お互い」という重要表現になります。
Also, it is easy to pull the surfaces apart.
また、この文は「it to構文」になっていて、“to pull the surfaces apart”が真の主語になります。
“pull”は「を引く」という動詞、“apart”は「離れて」といった副詞で、“pull ~ apart”は「を引き離す」という意味です。
Today such hook-and-loop fasteners are used in all sorts of products.
“such”は「そのような」という形容詞で、“hook-and-loop fastener”は「面ファスナー」といいます。
またこの文も「受動態」になっていて、“all sorts of~”は「あらゆる種類の~」という表現、“product”は「製品、生産物」という名詞ですね。
FLEX Lesson9 Section1 まとめ
以上がFLEX Lesson9 Section1の日本語訳となります。