増進堂 高1FLEX Lesson8 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson8-1, 8-2, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
- FLEX Lesson8 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- FLEX Lesson8 Section3 重要事項の解説
- Sankai was born and brought up in Okayama Prefecture.
- When he was nine years old, he happened to read a very popular work of science fiction.
- It was I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov, and it triggered his interest in robotics.
- Since then, he has always wanted to make new robots that can help people in need of assistance.
- He has devoted his entire life to difficult research.
- Sometimes he has had to conduct experiments hundreds of times.
- It has been a continuing process of trial and error, but each time he has learned from the results.
- It took Sankai almost 10 years to make the first HAL.
- During that time, he quit attending academic meetings and writing papers in order to spend more time on research.
- This meant he would lose opportunities to get recognition and receive more money for his research.
- FLEX Lesson8 Section3 まとめ
FLEX Lesson8 Section3 本文と日本語訳
Sankai was born and brought up in Okayama Prefecture.
When he was nine years old, he happened to read a very popular work of science fiction.
It was I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov, and it triggered his interest in robotics.
Since then, he has always wanted to make new robots that can help people in need of assistance.
He has devoted his entire life to difficult research.
Sometimes he has had to conduct experiments hundreds of times.
It has been a continuing process of trial and error, but each time he has learned from the results.
It took Sankai almost 10 years to make the first HAL.
During that time, he quit attending academic meetings and writing papers in order to spend more time on research.
This meant he would lose opportunities to get recognition and receive more money for his research.

FLEX Lesson8 Section3 重要事項の解説
Sankai was born and brought up in Okayama Prefecture.
“born“は“bear(を生む)”の過去分詞形、“brought up”は“bring up(を育てる)”の過去分詞形です。ここでは「受動態」になっていますね。
When he was nine years old, he happened to read a very popular work of science fiction.
“happen to 動詞の原形”は「偶然~する」という重要表現です。
“popular“は「人気の」という形容詞で、“work“は「作品」、“science fiction”は「SF(空想科学)」という名詞ですね。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
It was I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov, and it triggered his interest in robotics.
“It”と“it”は“a very popular work of science fiction”を指しています。
“trigger”は「を引き起こす、~のきっかけとなる」という動詞で、“interest”は「興味、関心」という名詞、“interest in~”で「~に対する興味・関心」となります。
Since then, he has always wanted to make new robots that can help people in need of assistance.
“since then”は「それ以来」という前置詞表現になります。
“has always wanted”は「現在完了形」になっていて、“that”は「主格の関係代名詞」ですね。
“that can help people in need of assistance”が先行詞“new robots”を修飾しています。
“in need of~”は「~を必要とする」という表現で、“assistance”は「助け、援助」といった名詞になります。
He has devoted his entire life to difficult research.
“has devoted”は「現在完了形」になっていて、“devote”は「を捧げる、専念させる」という動詞になります。“devote A to B”で「AをBに捧げる」ですね。
Sometimes he has had to conduct experiments hundreds of times.
“has had to”は「現在完了の経験用法」になっていて、“had to”は“have to(しなければならない)”の過去分詞形になります。
“hundreds of times”は「何百回も」という表現になります。
It has been a continuing process of trial and error, but each time he has learned from the results.
“has been”は「現在完了形」になっていて、“continuing process of~”は「~の連続」、“trial and error”は「試行錯誤」という表現になります。
“has learned”も「現在完了形」になっていて、“learn”は「学ぶ」という動詞、“result”は「結果」という名詞ですね。
It took Sankai almost 10 years to make the first HAL.
“It takes 人 時間 to 動詞の原形”は「人が~するのに…かかる」という重要表現です。
During that time, he quit attending academic meetings and writing papers in order to spend more time on research.
“attend”は「~に出席する」という動詞、“academic meeting”は「学会」、“paper”は“papers”の形で使うと「論文」という名詞です。
“in order to 動詞の原形”は「~するために」という重要表現で、“spend 時間 on~”は「~に時間を費やす」となります。
This meant he would lose opportunities to get recognition and receive more money for his research.
“to get”は「不定詞の形容詞的用法」で、“to get recognition and receive more money for his research”が“opportunities”を修飾していますね。
FLEX Lesson8 Section3 まとめ
以上がFLEX Lesson8 Section3の日本語訳となります。