増進堂 高1FLEX Lesson8 Section1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson8-2, 8-3, 8-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
- FLEX Lesson8 Section1 本文と日本語訳
- FLEX Lesson8 Section1 重要事項の解説
- Wearable Robots May change Our Life
- Many people have developed important new products.
- Sankai Yoshiyuki, a professor of robotics at the University of Tsukuba, is one of them.
- He created a new field of study, “cybernics”: the fusion of human, machine, and information systems.
- Most robots were originally used as machines in factories, but Sankai invented a new kind of robot.
- His invention, HAL, is a robot you wear.
- For your body to move, your brain first sends bio-electrical signals that go through your nerves and reach your muscles.
- When your muscles receive them, your body moves.
- But if your brain or nerves are damaged, it may be impossible to send or receive the signals in the right way.
- HAL can feel signals on the surface of your skin, even if they are very weak.
- Then it assists your motions.
- HAL can even give your body extra strength.
- For example, if you lift a 50-kilogram object wearing HAL, it will feel like only a few kilograms.
- FLEX Lesson8 Section1 まとめ
FLEX Lesson8 Section1 本文と日本語訳
Wearable Robots May change Our Life
Many people have developed important new products.
Sankai Yoshiyuki, a professor of robotics at the University of Tsukuba, is one of them.
He created a new field of study, “cybernics”: the fusion of human, machine, and information systems.
Most robots were originally used as machines in factories, but Sankai invented a new kind of robot.
His invention, HAL, is a robot you wear.
For your body to move, your brain first sends bio-electrical signals that go through your nerves and reach your muscles.
When your muscles receive them, your body moves.
But if your brain or nerves are damaged, it may be impossible to send or receive the signals in the right way.
HAL can feel signals on the surface of your skin, even if they are very weak.
Then it assists your motions.
HAL can even give your body extra strength.
For example, if you lift a 50-kilogram object wearing HAL, it will feel like only a few kilograms.
FLEX Lesson8 Section1 重要事項の解説
Wearable Robots May change Our Life
Many people have developed important new products.
Sankai Yoshiyuki, a professor of robotics at the University of Tsukuba, is one of them.
“Sankai Yoshiyuki”と“a professor of robotics at the University of Tsukuba”は「同格語」になります。“名詞,名詞”の並びは「同格語」の可能性が高いですよ!
“professor”は「教授」、“robotics”は「ロボット工学」、“university”は「大学」という名詞で、“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“one of 名詞の複数形”は「のうちの1つ」という重要表現ですね。
“them”は“Many people”を指しています。
He created a new field of study, “cybernics”: the fusion of human, machine, and information systems.
Most robots were originally used as machines in factories, but Sankai invented a new kind of robot.
“invent”は「を発明する」という動詞で、“kind”は「種類」という名詞、“a kind of~”で「~の一種」といった意味です。
His invention, HAL, is a robot you wear.
“invention”は「発明」という名詞で、“His invention”と“HAL”は「同格語」になります。
“you wear”の前には「目的格の関係代名詞that/which」が省略されていて、先行詞“a robot”を修飾していますね。
For your body to move, your brain first sends bio-electrical signals that go through your nerves and reach your muscles.
“for 名詞 to 動詞の原形”は「名詞が~するには」という表現です。“body”は「体」という名詞で、“move”は「を動かす、動く」という動詞ですね。
“brain”は「脳」、“bio-electrical signal”は「生体電位信号」という名詞で、“first”は「最初に、初めに」という副詞、“send”は「を送る」という動詞になります。
“that”は「目的格の関係代名詞」で、“that go through your nerves”が先行詞“bio-electrical signals”を修飾していますね。
“go through”は「を通る」という意味で、“nerve”は「神経」、“muscle”は「筋肉」という名詞で、“reach”は「に届く、到達する」という動詞になります。
When your muscles receive them, your body moves.
“receive”は「を受け取る」という動詞で、“them”は“bio-electrical signals”を指しています。
But if your brain or nerves are damaged, it may be impossible to send or receive the signals in the right way.
後ろの文は「it to 構文」になっていて、“it”は形式主語で、“to send or receive the signals in the right way”が真の主語になります。
“in the right way”は「正しく、正しい方法・やり方で」という表現になります。
HAL can feel signals on the surface of your skin, even if they are very weak.
“even if”は「たとえもし~」という接続詞表現で、“weak”は「弱い」という形容詞になります。
Then it assists your motions.
HAL can even give your body extra strength.
“even”は「~さえ」という副で、“give 人 もの”で「人にものを与える」となって,“give もの to 人”でも同じ意味になります。
For example, if you lift a 50-kilogram object wearing HAL, it will feel like only a few kilograms.
“for example”は「例えば」という表現ですね。
“it”は“a 50-kilogram object”を指していて、“feel like~”は「~のように感じる」という表現になります。
“only”は「わずか、~しか」といった副詞で、“a few”は可算名詞の前に置いて「少しの、2,3の」という意味です。
FLEX Lesson8 Section1 まとめ
以上がFLEX Lesson8 Section1の日本語訳となります。