増進堂 高1FLEX Lesson6 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson6-1, 6-2, 6-4の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
- FLEX Lesson6 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- FLEX Lesson6 Section3 重要事項の解説
- Here are examples of how three of the goals were brought into the world of Thomas:
- Thomas talked about living in cities.
- He said, “Cities need good transport networks to help people get from their homes to school and work.”
- Thomas also said that more people should use public transport, instead of private cars, to help clean the air.
- Thomas talked about reusing and recycling.
- He gave the example of his friend Reg.
- Reg works at a scrap yard and knows if waste can be reused or recycled.
- Thomas said, “When something is broken and can’t be repaired, Reg recycles it!
- Once, he even made a Christmas tree from scrap!”
- Thomas said that it is especially forests that we should take care of.
- “Nearly all the insects, plants, and animals on Earth live in forests,” he said.
- “When I visited China, I traveled through a bamboo forest, and I was really lucky to see a panda in the wild!
- When I went to India, I saw monkeys in the coconut trees.”
- FLEX Lesson6 Section3 まとめ
FLEX Lesson6 Section3 本文と日本語訳
Here are examples of how three of the goals were brought into the world of Thomas:
Goal 11:
Thomas talked about living in cities.
He said, “Cities need good transport networks to help people get from their homes to school and work.”
Thomas also said that more people should use public transport, instead of private cars, to help clean the air.
Goal 12:
Thomas talked about reusing and recycling.
He gave the example of his friend Reg.
Reg works at a scrap yard and knows if waste can be reused or recycled.
Thomas said, “When something is broken and can’t be repaired, Reg recycles it!
Once, he even made a Christmas tree from scrap!”
Goal 15:
Thomas said that it is especially forests that we should take care of.
“Nearly all the insects, plants, and animals on Earth live in forests,” he said.
“When I visited China, I traveled through a bamboo forest, and I was really lucky to see a panda in the wild!
When I went to India, I saw monkeys in the coconut trees.”

FLEX Lesson6 Section3 重要事項の解説
Here are examples of how three of the goals were brought into the world of Thomas:
“Here is(are)~.”は「これが~だ、~がある」といった意味です。
“example”は「例」、“goal”は「目標」という名詞、“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
“bring A into B”は「AをBに持ち込む、参加させる」といった意味で、今回は「受動態」になっていますね。
Thomas talked about living in cities.
He said, “Cities need good transport networks to help people get from their homes to school and work.”
“need”は「を必要とする」という動詞、“transport”は「輸送、交通機関」、“network”は「網、ネットワーク」という名詞で、“transport network”で「交通網」ですね。
“help 名詞 動詞の原形”は「名詞が~するのを助ける、~するのに役立つ」という重要表現で、“to”が付いているので「不定詞の副詞的用法」にもなっていますね。
“get from A to B”は「AからBに移動する」といった意味で、“work”には「職場、勤務先」という意味もありますよ。
Thomas also said that more people should use public transport, instead of private cars, to help clean the air.
“instead of~”は「~の代わりに」という重要表現で、“private”は「私用の、個人的な」といった形容詞です。
“help 動詞の原形”は「~するのを助ける、~するのに役立つ」という重要表現で、“to”が付いているので「不定詞の副詞的用法」にもなっていますね。
Thomas talked about reusing and recycling.
He gave the example of his friend Reg.
“give the example of~”は「~の例を挙げる」という表現です。
Reg works at a scrap yard and knows if waste can be reused or recycled.
Thomas said, “When something is broken and can’t be repaired, Reg recycles it!
Once, he even made a Christmas tree from scrap!”
“make A from B”は「(原料)から~を作る」という意味ですね。
Thomas said that it is especially forests that we should take care of.
また、ここでは「強調構文」が使われています。“it is”と“that“で挟まれた箇所が強調されます。
“especially”は「特に」という副詞、“forest”は「森」という名詞で、“take care of~”は「~を保護する、~の世話をする」という重要表現になります。
本来は“we should take care of especially forests”ですが、強調したい“especially forests”が“it is”と“that”に挟まれて前に来ているということですね。
“Nearly all the insects, plants, and animals on Earth live in forests,” he said.
“nearly all~”は「~のほぼすべて」という意味で、“insect”は「昆虫」、“plant”は「植物」、“Earth”は「地球」という名詞です。
“When I visited China, I traveled through a bamboo forest, and I was really lucky to see a panda in the wild!
“travel”は「旅する、旅行する」という動詞、“through”は「~中、~を通じて」といった前置詞で、“bamboo”は「竹」、“bamboo forest”は「竹林」という名詞です。
“lucky”は「幸運な、運が良い」という形容詞で、後ろの“to see”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」ですね。
“in the wild”は「野生で」という表現になります。
When I went to India, I saw monkeys in the coconut trees.”
FLEX Lesson6 Section3 まとめ
以上がFLEX Lesson6 Section3の日本語訳となります。