高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『Catching Wild Animals』 和訳

Element Lesson2

三省堂 高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『Catching Wild Animalsの本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。

Speed Reading 『A Symbol of Friendship』の解説はこちらからご覧ください。

>高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『A Symbol of Friendship』 本文和訳

ELEMENT 『Catching Wild Animals』 本文と日本語訳

Catching Wild Animals


In the late 1960s, it wasn’t unusual to buy a wild animal.


People could buy a baby lion or a baby bear.


There were rules to stop them from buying and selling such animals, but thousands of animals in the world were caught and sold to circuses, zoos, and safari parks.


What is life like for animals there?


Wild animals are used in circuses all around the world.


A lot of people are against these shows.


However, one circus director says that all their animals live in very good cages and eat a lot, so they are very happy.


Safari parks were first built in Africa.


In these parks, animals and people change places: the animals walk around freely, and people stay in their cars and watch the animals from there.


These days, living areas and food for zoo animals have come to be much better: they are given good food, and they often live longer than animals in the wild.


Scientists can study them, too.


Lions and tigers, however, can’t walk freely or catch other animals as they would in the wild.


They often become unhappy.


Unfortunately, they are the animals that people want to see the most.


Answer T (true) or F (false).

Lions are often happy in zoos because many people want to see them.


― False

About 50 years ago, people caught wild animals because the animals were in danger.


― False

Some directors of circuses don’t like to use wild animals in their shows.


― False

In safari parks, humans and animals change positions.


― True

One good point of keeping animals in zoos is that scientists can study them.


― True

ELEMENT 『Catching Wild Animals』 重要事項の解説

Catching Wild Animals


“wild”「野生の」という形容詞で、“wild animal”「野生動物」です。

In the late 1960s, it wasn’t unusual to buy a wild animal.

“They”“3,000 cherry trees”を指していますね。


People could buy a baby lion or a baby bear.



There were rules to stop them from buying and selling such animals, but thousands of animals in the world were caught and sold to circuses, zoos, and safari parks.


“rule”「ルール、規則」という名詞で、“stop A from B”「AがBするのを止める、防ぐ」という重要表現になります。




“thousands of~”「何千もの~」という表現、“caught”“catch”の、“sold”


“circus”「サーカス」“zoo”「動物園」“safari park”「サファリパーク」という名詞です。

What is life like for animals there?

“What is 名詞 like?”「主語はどんなものですか?」という重要表現になります。

“life”「生活、人生、命」といった名詞で、“there”“circuses, zoos, and safari parks”を指しています。

Wild animals are used in circuses all around the world.


“all around the world”「世界中」という表現です。

A lot of people are against these shows.




However, one circus director says that all their animals live in very good cages and eat a lot, so they are very happy.


同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。

“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。


“their”“these shows”を、“they”“all their animals”を指しています。

“cage”「檻」という名詞、“a lot”「たくさん」という副詞、“so”「~だから」という接続詞です。

Safari parks were first built in Africa.



In these parks, animals and people change places: the animals walk around freely, and people stay in their cars and watch the animals from there.



“walk around”「歩き回る」という表現、“freely”「自由に」という副詞、“stay”「いる、滞在する」という動詞です。

“from there”「そこから」という意味ですね。

These days, living areas and food for zoo animals have come to be much better: they are given good food, and they often live longer than animals in the wild.

“these days”「最近」という重要表現になります。

“living area”「住む場所」という意味で、“come to 動詞の原形”「~するようになる」という重要表現です。ここでは「現在完了」も使われていますね。


“they”“zoo animals”を指していますね。

“are given”「受動態」になっていて、“often”「よく、しばしば」という副詞です。

“longer”「比較級」で、“in the wild”「野生で」という表現になります。

Scientists can study them, too.

“scientist”「科学者」という名詞で、“them”“zoo animals”を指していますね。


Lions and tigers, however, can’t walk freely or catch other animals as they would in the wild.




2.「~だから」=”because”, “since”



5. 「~するのと比べて」=「同級比較」

“they”“Lions and tigers”を指していますね。


They often become unhappy.

“They”“Lions and tigers”を指していますね。


Unfortunately, they are the animals that people want to see the most.


“they”“Lions and tigers”を指していますね。

“that”「目的格の関係代名詞」で、“that people want to see the most”が先行詞“the animals”を修飾しています。

“the most”「最も」という副詞になります。

ELEMENT 『Catching Wild Animals』 まとめ

以上がELEMENT Speed Reading 『Catching Wild Animals』の日本語訳となります。

>高1ELEMENT Speed Reading 『A Symbol of Friendship』 本文和訳




Element Lesson2高1 ELEMENT
