三省堂 高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Section3-1, 3-2, 3-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section1 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section2 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section3 本文和訳
- CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4 本文と日本語訳
- CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4 重要事項の解説
- Mariupol was not a safe place for an art project.
- But to my surprise, when I started painting, children came out of nowhere to join me.
- The idea is based on a popular Ukrainian story, The Magic Mitten.
- In the story, one snowy night, an old man drops his mitten.
- A mouse, a frog, a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, and many other animals climb into the mitten to stay warm.
- In our painting, you see people from all over the world sharing the warmth of a huge mitten.
- It is decorated with Easter eggs which represent life and hope.
- Our painting shows that people’s warm hearts can hatch the egg of hope and bring a peaceful life to us all.
- I still do not have a clear answer to the question: Who am I as a person and as an artist?
- But one thing has become clear my art has the power to make people “super happy.”
- CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4 まとめ
CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4 本文と日本語訳
Mariupol was not a safe place for an art project.
But to my surprise, when I started painting, children came out of nowhere to join me.
We painted a big mitten.
The idea is based on a popular Ukrainian story, The Magic Mitten.
In the story, one snowy night, an old man drops his mitten.
A mouse, a frog, a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, and many other animals climb into the mitten to stay warm.
In our painting, you see people from all over the world sharing the warmth of a huge mitten.
It is decorated with Easter eggs which represent life and hope.
Our painting shows that people’s warm hearts can hatch the egg of hope and bring a peaceful life to us all.
I still do not have a clear answer to the question: Who am I as a person and as an artist?
But one thing has become clear my art has the power to make people “super happy.”

CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4 重要事項の解説
Mariupol was not a safe place for an art project.
But to my surprise, when I started painting, children came out of nowhere to join me.
“to one’s surprise”は「(~にとって)驚いたことに」といった表現になります。
“come out of nowhere”は「突然やって来る,どこからともなくやって来る」という意味です。
“join”は「に参加する」という動詞で,“to join”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」となっています。
The idea is based on a popular Ukrainian story, The Magic Mitten.
“be based on~”は「~に基づく」という重要表現です。
In the story, one snowy night, an old man drops his mitten.
A mouse, a frog, a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, and many other animals climb into the mitten to stay warm.
“climb into~”は「~に乗り込む,急いで~を着る」といった意味ですが,この物語は動物たちが手袋の中に潜り込んで雪の中を過ごすという内容なので,「潜り込む」と訳しました。
“stay 形容詞”は「~の状態のままでいる」という意味になり,“warm”は「暖かい」という形容詞です。
“to stay”は「不定詞の副詞的用法」となっています。
In our painting, you see people from all over the world sharing the warmth of a huge mitten.
“see”は「知覚動詞」の1つで,“see 名詞 動詞の原形”で「名詞が~するのを見る」という意味になります。
“see 名詞 現在分詞”にすると「名詞が~しているのを見る」という意味になりますよ。
“all over the world”は「世界中」という意味で,“share”は「を共有する」という動詞です。
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
It is decorated with Easter eggs which represent life and hope.
“It”は“our painting”を指しています。
“that”は「主格の関係代名詞」で,“which represent life and hope”が先行詞“Easter eggs”を修飾しています。
Our painting shows that people’s warm hearts can hatch the egg of hope and bring a peaceful life to us all.
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
I still do not have a clear answer to the question: Who am I as a person and as an artist?
But one thing has become clear my art has the power to make people “super happy.”
“power”は「力,権力」という名詞で,“make 名詞 形容詞/名詞”は「名詞を~の状態にさせる・する」という重要表現になります。
“to make”は「不定詞の形容詞的用法」で,“the power”を修飾しています。
CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4 まとめ
以上がCROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section4の日本語訳となります。
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section1 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section2 本文和訳
>高1CROWN English Communication1 Lesson3 Section3 本文和訳