数研出版 高1BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson6-2, 6-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section2 本文和訳
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section3 本文和訳
- BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1 本文と日本語訳
- BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1 重要事項の解説
- He talks to class about Japanese students’ feelings of happiness.
- My mother recently said to me, “In my high school days, I was happier than you are.”
- Are today’s students less happy than their parents were?
- I will introduce a survey about happiness among high school students in Japan.
- Look at Figure 1.
- In 1982, only 24% of high school students felt “very happy.”
- By 2012, however, the figure had increased to 42%.
- How did such a big change occur?
- There are several reasons.
- First, recent students have less stress at school.
- Second, many of them devote themselves to sports and music.
- Also, they can communicate with their friends anytime through social media.
- I conducted a survey in my school.
- The percentage is still high.
- How about the situation in other countries?
- BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1 まとめ
BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1 本文と日本語訳
What Is Happiness?
Kenta is studying in Finland.
He talks to class about Japanese students’ feelings of happiness.
My mother recently said to me, “In my high school days, I was happier than you are.”
Are today’s students less happy than their parents were?
I will introduce a survey about happiness among high school students in Japan.
Look at Figure 1.
In 1982, only 24% of high school students felt “very happy.”
By 2012, however, the figure had increased to 42%.
How did such a big change occur?
There are several reasons.
First, recent students have less stress at school.
Second, many of them devote themselves to sports and music.
Also, they can communicate with their friends anytime through social media.
I conducted a survey in my school.
Look at Figure 2.
The percentage is still high.
How about the situation in other countries?

BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1 重要事項の解説
He talks to class about Japanese students’ feelings of happiness.
“talk to~”は「~と話す」という表現ですね。“talk with~”でもOKです。
“feelings of happiness”は「幸福感」という意味になります。
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
My mother recently said to me, “In my high school days, I was happier than you are.”
“high school days”は「高校時代」という意味で、“happier”は「比較級」になっていますね。
“you are”の後ろには“happy”が省略されています。
Are today’s students less happy than their parents were?
この“less”は副詞で、“less 形容詞/副詞 than~”の形で「~より…ではない」という否定の意味になります。
“their”は“today’s students”を指していて、“parent”は「親」という名詞ですね。
“their parents were”の後ろには“happy”が省略されています。
I will introduce a survey about happiness among high school students in Japan.
「2つの間」を表現するときは“between A and B”を使いますよ。
Look at Figure 1.
In 1982, only 24% of high school students felt “very happy.”
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
By 2012, however, the figure had increased to 42%.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
How did such a big change occur?
“such”は「そのような」という形容詞で、“such a 形容詞 名詞”の形で「そのような~な名詞」という意味になります。
There are several reasons.
First, recent students have less stress at school.
Second, many of them devote themselves to sports and music.
“many of~”は「~の多くは」という意味で、“them”は“recent students”を指しています。
“devote”は「を捧げる、を打ち込ませる」という動詞で、“devote A to B”で「AをBに打ち込ませる」となります。
Also, they can communicate with their friends anytime through social media.
“they”は“recent students”を指していますね。
“communicate”は「コミュニケーションをとる、連絡をとる」という動詞で、“communicate with~“で「~と連絡をとる」という意味になります。
“anytime”は「いつでも」という副詞、“through”は「~を通じて」という前置詞、“social media”は「ソーシャルメディア」という名詞になります。
I conducted a survey in my school.
The percentage is still high.
How about the situation in other countries?
“how about 名詞?”は「~はどうですか?」という表現ですね。
BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1 まとめ
以上がBIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section1の日本語訳となります。
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section2 本文和訳
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson6 Section3 本文和訳