数研出版 高1BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson5-1, 5-3の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section1 本文和訳
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section3 本文和訳
- BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2 本文と日本語訳
- BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2 重要事項の解説
- Sakura also learns that Al is spreading into the arts.
- Al is opening new frontiers.
- It has even created novels and pictures.
- Japanese engineers created four short sci-fi novels.
- These were combinations of Al writing and human writing.
- In 2016, one of them passed the first round of a literary competition.
- Al has also produced a portrait from the data of previous artworks.
- In 2018, the portrait was sold at auction.
- People were surprised by the price.
- It was 432,500 dollars.
- People regarded the AI picture as a piece of art.
- Humans now have a new form of art – Al art.
- It is certain that Al art will develop further.
- However, some people say that Al art is not art at all.
- They argue that Al is just copying someone else’s art.
- It is not creation but just imitation.
- BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2 まとめ
BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2 本文と日本語訳
Sakura also learns that Al is spreading into the arts.
Al is opening new frontiers.
It has even created novels and pictures.
Japanese engineers created four short sci-fi novels.
These were combinations of Al writing and human writing.
In 2016, one of them passed the first round of a literary competition.
Al has also produced a portrait from the data of previous artworks.
In 2018, the portrait was sold at auction.
People were surprised by the price.
It was 432,500 dollars.
People regarded the AI picture as a piece of art.
Humans now have a new form of art – Al art.
It is certain that Al art will develop further.
However, some people say that Al art is not art at all.
They argue that Al is just copying someone else’s art.
It is not creation but just imitation.
BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2 重要事項の解説
Sakura also learns that Al is spreading into the arts.
“spread”は「広がる」という動詞で、“spread into~”で「~まで広がる」となります。また、ここでは「現在進行形」にもなっていますね。
Al is opening new frontiers.
It has even created novels and pictures.
Japanese engineers created four short sci-fi novels.
These were combinations of Al writing and human writing.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
In 2016, one of them passed the first round of a literary competition.
“one of 名詞の複数形”は「~のうちの1つ」という意味で、“them”は“four short sci-fi novels”を指していますね。
“pass”は「を通過する、に合格する、を手渡す」といった動詞で、“first round of~”は「~の1回目」といった意味、“literary”は「文学」、“competition”は「競争」という名詞です。
“the first round of a literary competition”でまとめて「文学賞の一次選考」と訳しました。
Al has also produced a portrait from the data of previous artworks.
In 2018, the portrait was sold at auction.
People were surprised by the price.
“be surprised by~”は「~に驚かされる」という表現になります。
It was 432,500 dollars.
“It”は“the price”を指していますね。
People regarded the AI picture as a piece of art.
“regard”は「と見なす、をじっと見る」という動詞で、“regard A as B”で「AをBと見なす」という重要表現になります。
“a piece of~”は「1つの~、1個の~」といった意味です。
Humans now have a new form of art – Al art.
It is certain that Al art will develop further.
“It is certain that~”は「~ということは確かだ、間違いない」という重要表現になります。
However, some people say that Al art is not art at all.
同じ意味で“but”がありますが,こちらは接続詞なので品詞が異なります。“but”は“文A,but 文B”というように,2つの文を繋ぐ際に使います。
“文A. But 文B.”というように,“but”を文の先頭に置いて1文だけで完結させるのは原則NGとなります。
“not~at all”は「全く~ではない」という重要表現です。
They argue that Al is just copying someone else’s art.
“They”は“some people”を指していますね。
“someone”は「誰か」という代名詞、“else”は「他の」という形容詞で、“someone else”で「他の誰か」という意味です。
直前の名詞が複数形のときは” teachers‘ “のようにアポストロフィーだけを最後に付けます。
It is not creation but just imitation.
“not A but (just) B”は「Aではなく(ただの)B」という重要表現になります。
BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2 まとめ
以上がBIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section2の日本語訳となります。
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section1 本文和訳
>高1BIG DIPPER Lesson5 Section3 本文和訳