開隆堂 高1APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3の本文の日本語訳と重要箇所の解説です。
Lesson4-1, 4-2の解説はこちらからご覧ください。
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section1 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section2 本文和訳
- APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3 本文と日本語訳
- APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3 重要事項の解説
- When we board an airplane, flight attendants welcome us with a smile.
- We sometimes see them in their functional or traditional uniforms.
- Their uniforms are also changing.
- They ensure our safety and comfort.
- The highlight of the flight for us is often the meal.
- Most airlines offer some sort of meal services during flights.
- They may be snacks and drinks or an actual meal.
- These are also changing.
- When passengers can’t eat certain foods because of their religion, health, or any other reason, other food options can be provided.
- The airplane seats are getting more comfortable because they are designed on the basis of human engineering studies.
- The airplane is constantly evolving.
- Would you like to travel abroad by airplane?
- APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3 まとめ
APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3 本文と日本語訳
When we board an airplane, flight attendants welcome us with a smile.
We sometimes see them in their functional or traditional uniforms.
Their uniforms are also changing.
They ensure our safety and comfort.
The highlight of the flight for us is often the meal.
Most airlines offer some sort of meal services during flights.
They may be snacks and drinks or an actual meal.
These are also changing.
When passengers can’t eat certain foods because of their religion, health, or any other reason, other food options can be provided.
The airplane seats are getting more comfortable because they are designed on the basis of human engineering studies.
The airplane is constantly evolving.
Would you like to travel abroad by airplane?

APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3 重要事項の解説
When we board an airplane, flight attendants welcome us with a smile.
“airplane”は「飛行機」,“flight attendant”は「客室乗務員」,“smile”は「笑顔」という名詞になります。
We sometimes see them in their functional or traditional uniforms.
“them”は“flight attendants”を指していますね。
“in 服”で「~を着ている」という状態を表す表現になります。
Their uniforms are also changing.
They ensure our safety and comfort.
“They”は“Their uniforms”を指していますね。
The highlight of the flight for us is often the meal.
“of”は前置詞で,”A of B”の形で「BのA」というように後ろから前に訳します。
Most airlines offer some sort of meal services during flights.
“airline”は「航空会社」,“service”は「サービス」という名詞で,“some sort of~”は「何らかの~」という意味になります。
They may be snacks and drinks or an actual meal.
“They”は“some sort of meal services”を指していますね。
These are also changing.
When passengers can’t eat certain foods because of their religion, health, or any other reason, other food options can be provided.
“certain”は「ある,を確信している」という形容詞で,“any other”は「その他の」といった意味になります。
“because of~”は「~が理由で,きっかけで」という理由や原因を表す重要表現ですね。
The airplane seats are getting more comfortable because they are designed on the basis of human engineering studies.
“get 形容詞”で「~になる」という重要表現です。“comfortable”は「快適な」という形容詞で,ここでは「比較級」になっていますね。
また「接続詞because」も使われていますね。“They”は“The airplane seats”を指しています。
“on the basis of~”は「~に基づいて」という表現で,“human engineering”は「人間工学」,“study”は「研究」という名詞です。
The airplane is constantly evolving.
Would you like to travel abroad by airplane?
“would like~”は「~が欲しい」という重要表現です。
“would you like to 動詞の原形”で”want to 動詞の原形”と同じ「~したい」という意味になりますよ。「不定詞の名詞的用法」ですね。
APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3 まとめ
以上がAPPLAUSE Lesson4 Section3の日本語訳となります。
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section1 本文和訳
>高1APPLAUSE Lesson4 Section2 本文和訳